January 29, 1926 WILMETTE branch is the largest agency on the north shore. The shops are equipped to handle 75 cars a day. Eighty men arc employed. ~1r. Stube sa id, in the light of present condition!'_,, that by summer Packard \\'uuld be from 90 to 120 days behind in delivery. It is impossible to o htain immediate tlelivery on certain model s now and thi!'_, is considered the s lack time of the vcar. Mr. Stube added that the la ·t -quarter, ho,vever, had b~cn the greatc~t quarter in the history of the Packard ~[otor car company, cn:n greater than April. ~fay and June. LIFE 23 NEW CHRYSLER HERE W . D . R e agan,. Local Sales Mana ger, Tells of Wonders of T h is N ew Car I tire space put into the door. The car New Dodge Model is equipped with a one-piece windshield and cowl ventilator. T h e entire Is Business Coupe line is finished in buco. The upholstery With a Wide Door is in tan pigskin. Dodge Broth~rs have adde~ a new model to the lm~ of cars whtch they haye made espectally !O meet the reqtllrements of the busmess world. C. ~f . . :McDonald, dealer for the Dodge, featuring this new busines s man's 1 is coupe. The unique feature on the new car is the unusual width of the door opening. The small "·indo\v to the side has been done a\\'ay with and the en1 "\\'alter P. Chrysler ha ~ pn; duc ·d a nc\\· definition oi a very fa~l automobile in the 1m perial "80", as hi ~ late st -car is to In: knO\\·n,' ' :--aid \\' D. Reagan, manager of the Ev<ubton ~lotor Sales company, 18-W Ridge avenue, this \\'eek. "Yet it is more than a high -spee d car. ~lore properly it may he de !->cr ihed, as it \\·ill be used, a:-, a highly refined product adapted to the everyday u ~c~ oi . l ar owner, I)Ut pu ~:-.e:--. ~ . I tiH· parttcu 111g a very remarkable high- :, pced range, I \\·hich is available for occa:--ional t'lll- ~ ploymtnt. The added range, and the case with which i~ may be brought into ' tt::-e, makes thi a remarkable car. "The Chrysler Imperial which i" a :--ix, i:- being manufactured in phaeton, I roacb t c r, five and ~e\·en - pa s~e ng e r ~ cdan, sedan limousine and coupe :-. tyle -,. 'fhi:- make:-- the new line cOlllpktc in it !:ll' l i . .. The "Ill a lie r :- ix, 11 c'\\ t () ], t· k 11 (I,, 11 ~t-- :\lodcl "70", naturally i-, being con tinued in eight type:-. . while :\lodd ":iH" - the four-cylinder - i:-. produced in fiH· t ype~. including a brand nn\· n,ad-,tn. " ·hich like the nn,· tnodcl i:-. an c ,j_ 1 iering cd the :--how !'lca"c'JL Chn·-.Jn <kalers are tilth able \() It lainta.in a · cutnplcte line oi 11) type-. c1n thrvv dii icrent cha:-.:-i-.. "The Chry-.lcr Imperial '\'()" tic ... in \\ ith recent adYerti . . ing nl\·,teri()ush· iva turing "HO ~~ ile-, an llo11t:.'· and "!J}. llor-.l'J>(I\HT... This pr(Jrla illl:-. at onu· : it-. ultimate and :--pn:tacular periorm.ttlt·t· and the rca...,on therefor . But it t.!in·s no hint of the far more '>ignifi - 1 cu lt fact that it is an ta:--ih· handled . r\'lllarkahl.'· :-mooth riding,· comiortah k a 11 d :-; t ~· I i ' h t tt r n ott t , 1> u t on e 1h at 1 i-. ra dical nnl .\· in )l!lint (li pt·riorm I The Standard B sedan is being furnished now in two colors; grey green or blue. Natural \\·ood finish or disc wheels may be had at the same price. Mrs. ] ohn P. Booth of 504 Fifth 's treet entertained Tuesday afternoon in honor of Mrs. R. R. Colway, and Mrs. Pollard Brown of Boston, who is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ward ] ones, of the Linden Crest. I I a your neighbor 1 why she 1 illlC l'.·· I North Sh,ore Gets 42,000 Feet of Packard Serv ice Fr ·rt) -1 wn t hou:--and square feet oi I -.cn·ice ior north shore Packard-. i:-. ofint d l)\ the J-:,·an . . ton branch of the Packard :\1 otor company oi Chicago. : C )r ii -.<.·n·ice can nnt he llH'~hurc.:d in tll!hl' h'rn~:-.. the E\·athtnn branch offn~ : -+2.000 :-quare feet oi floor spare de \.· ·t e d t u caring for t h t' need" n i t he 11 or: t h .:-. h ~> n· . I . 1.. . 1·.. ~tuhe. gc.:tH:ral manager oi the 1·.' arhtotl branch. said that thl· inrrva . . t· c.i tht · number oi Packard.; on 1he north :--lw.n:. required three change:-- in tlw plant 111 the la~t IR month-. . The Ja,t rno,·e being the addition ni an entire "l'l'()Jld floor to the Ill'\\. P~1ckard agencY 1 ·n Railroad avenu<.~. · The present home of the E,·an . . ton · I Save money; use a 25-ride or 10- ride ticket. Do you know that you can own a H A R T 0 IL BURNER as low as $50.00 down and about $25.00 pet month? Every half hour, day and evening, there's an express train to downtown Chicago; and the saine halfhourly express service returning In addition there are 47 ChicagoMilwaukee trains daily. HART OIL BURNER CO. 15 I 4 Sherman Ave. Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Company The High-Speed Electrified Railroad Wilmette Passenger Station Telephone Wilmette 2514 EVANSTON Greenleaf I 752 742 Elm St. WINNETKA Winn. 1146