January 29, 192J WILMETTE LIFE ' INCO~O~TED FINAL A Sale That Win · i I t. ffiVNTAIN JQVARL · LVAN5TON Girls' and Misses' Coats Half Price Our entire stock uf \\'inter Coats i s in c1 u de d in the II n a 1 c1 e a ran c e. The sizes range 2 to () years and 8 to 16 year.. The list helen\· indicates the a~c;sortment a\·ailahle and the general range of prices. 'I 2-Forn1erly 5-Fonnerly 3-Fonnerly 3-Formerly $27.50. $29.50. $35.00. $39.50. Now ... $13.75 Now ... $14.75 Now ... $17.50 Now ... $19.75 5-Fonnerh· 4-Fonnerl\· 4-Fornlerl), 9-Fornlerl\, 8--Formerl\, 5-F.ornlerl), 2-Fornlerl\· .l2-Forn1 erl\r 4-Formerl\: 3-Formerl\· 7-Fonnerl)· $5.<)5. $<).95. :0; 0 \\' . . . $2.97 $11.95 .. $12.95. $ 13.50. $14.50. $16.50. $18.50. $ 19.95. $22.50. $25.00. N' 0 \\' . . . $4.97 Now ... $5.97 Now ... $6.47 Now ... $6.75 Now ... $7.25 Now . . . $8.25 No\\' ... $9.25 X ow ... $9.97 ~ 0 \\" . . $11.25 ~ 0\\' .. $12.50 Apparel Second Floor ~isses' l)resses Boys' Coats Sharply Reduced Final Clearance $9.50 to $37.50 Smart dre ses in no\'elty woolens and jersey are marked at decided reduction s for this sale. Other size ranges for girls 2 to 6 and 8 to 14 years offer equal sa\'ings ranging from $3.95 to $14.95. $9.95 to $16.50 2 to K year~ are shO\\·n in novel~,. Women's Hats $1.95 Felt . port bats and velvet modeb are included in thi-.. f1 1lal clearance. surely \\"arm, ~cr\· iccaldc cuats ior boy~ coatings and chinchilla. The stvlt.:s are double or ~ingle hrea~ted, '~ith or without hclh. All popular color..; art.' '-hc'\\"11 and earl~· ~elerti . ln i:-. acl ,j ... v,J. Early sdcction i~ advised a~ thi:-. ~ale price \\i ll of them immediately. dispo~e Secoud Floor A Few Iten1s fron1 the 'I Broadcloth Shirts $1.69 Fin c qua 1it y , , , e 11 tn ad e E 11 .~· I i ~ I: broadcloth shirt-.. in ncckhand ,, !. popular attached ~.- (lll;tr ~t~ lc l·'c Jr two day~ onh· !.'rida' and ~at nr day. ~en's Departtnent Wo111e1; Fancy Shirts $1.59 C<llbr atta c ht·d ~hirb \\'ith ianry cutr-.. in -.,11lid and C<Jtllllinati()n r <dCir :-- tripe-.. a11d clH·ck ;-; . F ~ lllt'_\' j. ! Lisle Spor{os $1.7: :F lannelette Pajan1as Athletic Union Suits $1.69 At h 1e t i c un i u n s t: it s of i mported Et~g}i...;h broadcloth and fane\· madras in self check~ an-d ~tripes.-Fonne r $2.00 and $2.50 values. Munsing Underwear $3.95 Medi11m and hca,·y \\'tight ~ilk and wool lon g steen:, ankle length ~[unsing- underwear reduced for tina! clearance from $4.50, $5.00 and $5.~0. Another group of ~6.00 and $7.00 broken lots in vo.-hite and gray is being- sold for $4.50. ~ 2.75 £ nd ~3.00 ~3.50 Values and $3.75 Values l~q~ular S3 ~ol u c ia hion~:d Ii~k 'l obo ~ rhcck~ \\'ith co Jqrove The\' are gra~ ~ 1 d \\· itl~ black and \\' to $2.45 $2.95 4 Women'sik [ iuht h rha:--c. \\Tio·ht :-., lleaY\' flannelette pajamas in :tripes uf varions color cotnhinations: Tans, blues, pinks. Silk frog and braid trin11ned. .50 J·ey orc hid , peach an<esh