January 29, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE ' 17 shows, the improvement of automobiles has been accelerated and the entire R. E. Olda Explains How Motor Expo- indu stry has benefitted. a.itiona Have Aided in Popularity and The first Reo car to be exhibited at Perfection of Automo.bile a national show made its debut in New York in 1905. The motor was a two By R . E. OLDS, Chairman cy linder affair with 16 H. P. double-op(Board of Directors Reo :Motor Car Co.) poset1 type, mounted horizontally anud· Thc value of the National Automo- ~hips. In those day s, an automobile bile shows to the indi\'idual manuiac- with two carburetors' was con idered turer i prohahl.\' greater than many quite unu s ual hut that was one of the people realize . To the an·rage vi ~ itor. feature of thi s pioneer model. · 1 1 r a sho\\· IS mere Y a mge ~ 1:-.play of 1\co's beginning " ·as moclc ~ t enough, nc,,· car modd s a!Hl arcessorH:s offered to be sure:, hut plenty of credit must for ~ale. He, ot cour:-.c:, knm\·. that g-o to the in . titution of automobile complete cars and motorists' acces- ~ ~ bow s both Kational and local for :-cries arc for r etail ale to vi itors. · ih :-.t<.:ady and con stant growth. ' IIowe\·er, the original <,bject oi the \\.he n its debut \\·a : made at the :\ational Sho\\< wa> not primarily to :\ational Show in J\ew York in 1905, . ell car:. Actual sa le s in quanitiy were on!~· sc\'<:n Reo cars \\'ere sold, but the intended to be an indirect result of follo\\·ing year many more sa les \Yere the c ::q>o:-.ition~ and thi~ is (:xactly \Yhat recorded. Approximattly the . amc happened . . ~3y the co-OJH.:r_ation and j number \Yas sold at the Chicago <~isexchange 01 Hlta:-. made pos~1hlc hy the play tht· "-!lllH' :-.ca"'on. From that pC'nnd TELLS USE OF SHOWS on, of course, s~les ran into the thousands. , Dur:ing the early years of shows, a majority of people attended as one might go to view a pageant. Curiosity in a great number of cases was the onlv inducement. B"ut most visitors to- the annual Automobile shows of the 1nesent cla\.· have a definite object in mind. ~lany of them have decided to buy a c-ar of a certain type. 'l'htir minds previou sly have been made up a~ to the price they can afford to pay and the particular make or makes of cars best suited to their needs. The ~how afford.;; them an opportunity of in!'pccting the car-; without obligation or committmcnt. TAYLOR'S Red Ticket Sale Leather Goods Reduced in price from 20%to33lfa% Discontinued numbers and pieces that were . used for display purposes. ------Katrina S. Grif(g,, :.7 Crescent ~ place, will lean' the first of next week 4 for a month's Yisit with her sister, Mrs. · G. L. Simond., of \Yintcr Haven. Fla. I 28 E. ~DOI.PH ST. )._fr. and ~fr;": Simonds iormerly reNEW voRK . .:sT.' 1e59 ·~·r· r.,.., 1 ~1ded at 21() S1xth . . trect. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~[i,< For the coming season REO offers a new Sedan embodying many refinements in both body and chassis including a newly designed Safety Control, and other advanced features warREO MOTOR CAR ranting your inspection. Beauty and · refinement are combined with traditional reliability in this newest model to a degree which places REO in the leadership of truly fine motor cars. Lans,ne. Mic:ltiaa" COMPANY. REO EVANSTON CO. 1101 Chicago Ave., Univ .6194 11 Buy Where se·rvice Is Handy" HOW HE