Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jan 1926, p. 12

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12 WILMETTE LIFE J an ua ry 29, · 1926 JAMES G ·. BARBER AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEER 1508 Elmwood Ave., Evanston Repairing- Rebuilding All Makts of Cars M achine Shop- Welding- Painting- Electrical [Local Men Return From . Fraternity Conference Cbleago Motor .Ciub Official ( 24 Hr. ) Servic e Station Velie Sales and Service Wholesale and Retail Parts for Paige-Jewett J ordan- Marmon- Y ell ow Cab-Chevrolet NEW MARMON SALES AND SERVICE STATION 6017 Broadway, Chicago Phone Long Beach 6428-0pen Evenings Marmon North Shore 1008 Davis Street Evanston Greenleaf 1038 Charle,s J. EastlJlan, 984 Cherry street, \Yintctka, ha" returned from \\'ashingt0n where he attended a meeting of Th.e Illinois League of \Vomcn the officers and directors of the Phi I Voters is putting on a ~ort of subGamma Delta fraternit\' of \\·hich Pres- limated vaudeville, wnlch tT1cy call idcnt Coolidge and hi~ son John \n~re "Sauce aux Pommes." It is to take place Monday evening, February 1, at both members at Amherst collegt·. ~~ r. 8 :30 o'clock, at the Goodman theater. Eastman is the graduate secretary of The opening number is a one-act the fraternity. As a Greek letter so- play by Kenneth Goodman. called "The cicty, Phi Gamma Delta is one of the Green Scarf," and then arc to come oldc~t and best known in the colleg-e dances. alternately hy Ruth Page ( ~f r!-1 . world, having chapter~ at most of the Tom ·Fisher) and Ronny Johannson oi leading institutions in the country. It Eurppean fame, with singing and other is represented at nine of the colleges stunts in hetween the dance number:- . in the Big Ten, I\ortll\n.':o;tern being The entire performance will take lcs . . the exception. ~lore than t\\"CI\'e than two hours. north shore men arc member:- oi the Among the patronesses arc :\f rs . fraternity. Arthur R\'erson. Mrs. Rockefeller :\f c Cormick. -~1 rs. C lvde Carr, :\1 rs. Brttcl' :\frs. Harry \~. ~Ions of IS7 \\'t!od Borland. and :\Irs. 'M orris Ros r nw~ld . 1 :-.tock avenue. J,emlworth, entert;uned 1 Tt is hoped enough moneY will ht· the members oi the fifth and :-crond rai . . ed to rt~:thle the League t.o conduct divisions of the \Yilmettl' :\I t'thocJi-.t -.chnol . . oi ritizcn-.hip throu~hnut tl~t· Episcopal church at an all-da,· n!L'ct -.tate. ing and luncheon Thttr='day. . \I t·mhc r-. oi the hoard oi the \\'il 111vt tt' kagttt' are 't·llin~ tickets. and :tllllllll! thl· h·a~ttt· memh{'r o; and thri r hu-.h:tnd- \\'h() \\ill at tvnd the pvrfc;rrn t 11 c (. \\ i I I 1 It. \ I r. ; lll d "\ r r . . . ('. p . 1 ·: \ :l 11 ' . \I r ;It!( l "\ r1' -.. 1~ f I h t. r t n. T; l \ II I r' \ I t ·111d \1 r .... Fn·tkrirk nn,, l ' ' . . Dr and \I, . . I ]II\ d Cbrk _ \,·r t·..,, :tnrl \1 · \lr- . fr :l l~v\lHlld-. . State Voters' League Puts on as Benefit, "Sauce aux Pommesu 6017 Broadway, Chicago FOR. ~ 5() ttHI YEARS THE . f3TANUAJ.ID OF QyAUT CIRCLE MEETING MONDAY Tlt·· 1:.:1, 1·: nd l·i rc ],· 1 ,j ht· I ·nn ·' J l' :.._:: Jl i I J: tl (' h J1 r \·h i 11 11: (\ \' :! !) :t 11 d " llH··tiiJ:..,: "\f',,n.Ja :tt the hnmc of \f··..,. (: :t r · t · t 1· . Jt ·llt; . . 1·11 11i ~,211 \1 qd,· aYvntH' c1 mak\' ],;tJ,, ,-] .. tlJ, . . j., .. l 11' t'h, ·.t~ ·" ~· J1 11 1ll<·l ". \lr -. _r~, :1 \- .111 \\ ' , , tt·r,;l l ;1111! .\1:\1\1'<1 \\·~ - · \\11 ;·-,-·- ! tilt' 1Jn . . tt -.-. . I I II, 11 Beauty Lies in \ (1· ir1ll11 , i tt· ; t 11 c.1 ~ 1r.... I ~... I .. l ~; t t ·1 11;, n 1· ; 3.~ Healthy EYES It's not so much the size or color of the EYES that makes them beautiful. R ather, it's the glow which radiatf!s from them. Un~ less kept always clean and healthy, EYES lack tthis alluring lustre. Millions o f women t hrou ghout t he world promote EYE health and beau ty wi th Murine. It cleanses EYES of irritating par, tides and k eeps t hem clear and bright. Co ntain s no b ellad onn a. Our illustrated book! on 14 E·ie Care" or " E:-e Beauty" are f RE E on req u est. \Jj,·lJj "; tll :t\'t'll\H', l't'fllrtlt·d :-:-1111CJ.l 1 \\'ht'l'l' t:ty in \fl'I11Jdli"'. Tt 'llll. iound thv \\·l·;ttlkr ('1 dd :t lld I" ,Jicl'lllt'll \\'t·arinc:- C':tr lllttff~ . :1 --h1lrt tiH·y -0- \lr . :t1:d \lr-.. 1-'.d\\:trd l.ilivntil·ld h.t\'1· :· l' t 11 r n e rl t ' t h t · i r h 11!lll · : t t I r 1 \ I ic h it!:-111 :t\'!'lllll' ;titl'r .t h"rt IIJI ·I :\n· 1 I York. Winter Warmth Mr s. McK ay! l1 ·si r···s to ··xpr··ss appn·l'i:ttion of tht· spl··tlflicl l'a.tr 1 , 11 a I.! 1 · a<· 1·or 11t ·d h, · r· I 1'· an ··\·,·r- i 11('1 '··:1 sing ('} i<~tt t ,.J, ..' ll<·r shop in tlw ('ox lJIIilding, \\~ilnwtt· · :tnd (·t·ntr·al a\·l· n u t · s. is r· q u i p pH I t 11 g- i n· s<·rvicc in d ····s snw king to llt< ·t.: t the· most diseriminating <h·mands; also smocking- <UHl n·mocl··l i ng . Slw is pr ·pn.r d '" ai<l in s(JJ\'illg- the <·-.· ·r\ t· ,rng probll'm a.tt(>nflant upo11 the· tniss<·s· and chil.Jr·~·tt's dnth··s. Just call \ \ 'il1 and the Glow of Health Don't be a " stay-at-home" when others are out in all the fun . Take your rightful place in t he rollicking athletic life ab out you. Bowman's Milk ts a s ure w ay to the sturdy, robust health that s uch a life demands. It builds vou up-gives you boundless energy to carrv through the busv day. Start using this great health food today. Drink it every meal and see how much better you will feel. T h e improvement will amaze you. Truly 1 , · The Murine Company D ept. 33, Chicago 1,.lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll" ! ~~---"1_'._'_'_ . _~_)·l-!-I0__:_"_H_I__ t:_tl_k__i_t__ o_..-_'._'_·---' ~ ~----------------------- ----------------------------~ 1 VALENTINE SPECIAL Three 7xll Portraits Buff Etching ,/ $ DAIR.V COMPANY BERN IE ST U D10 1623 Orrington Ave. rf Regular $10.00 Value Until Feb. 14th only Evanston Univ. 8998 :Mill\.' '------------------------------------------------·---~

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