Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jan 1926, p. 8

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WILMETTE LIFE J an uary 29, 19Lu CLOSES LONG SERVICE Country Club Plays J . F. Kletzing, Local Resident, May End 45 Years Service as School Principal Chicago on Saturda·y Will Be Accessible to A It The winter programs of the Guilmette Cottntry club arc so rcpl.ctc with enjoyable functions that mtght b e classed as a common place, s uch as formal dances, :M onday bridge. bo:\:ling. and the many other events. that tt hecomes an especial plea s ure to announc~: a program arranged .for _Saturday cn· ning. Januar~· 30, \\·htch ts open to the public. and cot.:sisb. oi t\\'0 plays. a .,. d (l u h ll' he a c1 e r. a~ t t w c r e. ( )nc oi tht: pl<q:~ is a farce comc.dy. and the other a comedy also. Judg111g from the impo:--ing cast which has been announced. it is twt too much to say that thi:-. promi~e:-- to he one of tho~t: rare occasions " ·hen e\·cry9ne a~tend : ing will rccein· more than the pncc n1 admission. The plan. " ·l;ich arc being ~o ahl ~ d ected hi)\· ~r rs. ~~ax Zabel and Dud leY Le~ter,- arc billed as follows: ·.. :\re Yott a Cuckoo": a iarcc rom ech·. \\·ith ~1 r~. \\. allae<.~ ~tiller, 11r:- . Rc;,. Be~t. ~1 r-. . A. D. \Yinslow, Dudk: Lc .- H: r. :\. D. \\"in~·dm\·, and Elmer \\"illiatll~. 1 o. you requu re material- Forty- fi \'C years of scrnce as principal of one chool \Yill be the record of Jo~iah F. Klctzing. 522 \\'ashi ngton a venue. if he retires Fe hruary 1 as principal of the I~ a \'CllS\vood school, 4332 Xorth Paulina street, Chicago, in accordance \Yith Supt. \Villiam :\1 c.'\ndrew's nc,,· emeritus servic~ rule. recently pa . sed. The ruling ~s ·, t·ing conte s t<,>d in court at the present time by . en·ral Chicago teacher s \Yh ::> :tre scheduled for retirement . :\1 r. h :Ietzing has been prominent in educational circles for man,· Years. Ilc \\·as horn ncar Philadelphi~. Penn ., on ~eptcmhcr 1. 1R53. His early cd.ucaion was received at Belle Plaine. Iowa, and he rcceiYcd his :\f. A . degree from :'\ ort lnYcstern college at :'\ apien·il!c. Ill.. in 1R79. Forty - Five Y e ars a Prin cipal He wa~ elected principal at the Ravenswood school in Augu~t. 1R81, a ftcr he had scn·cd two vcar~ as the 11ri nripal of the school Pia in field. 111. He ha~ remained at thl· Ra \·ens\\'Ood ~chool n ·er "itH.' e, and ha~ e:--tah lished the record of never ha,·ing- hcc:1 :--irk or on leave nf absence during that time. He ha..; been offered larg-er ~chool..; upon ~cveral different occasion~ but preferred to ~tay in the community itt which his interest lay. During the time ·· has been principal of the school he 1a~ been associated with l(d teachers at.Hl 3,449 pupils haYe graduated from his school. He is now a ,,·aiting the deci~ion of the court in rq.rard t(l the :·uling-. He is not am8n .~· tho-..e \\·ho contested it. ..,. ;t "Other 1\·opk\ I fu~hand-. ... a \Oll le<h· " ·it h ~I r~. \ \'. \ \·. De Berard, ~r r -.. \\ ..il.liatn 1\,· an~. ~1 rs. Edwin \\· . H_ indn. ~~ r~ . Ed,,·in C . Fi-;her. ~f rs. ~ - J: Cal.laglll'r. ~lr:--. -:\eal -:\cwman. l'.d\\'111 _ \\ . H.indcr. F<hnn (~. Fi~ht.·r. :\ . F. Ht-.cl. and (.'harte~ C. TTender:--on . The time i..; R :15 o'clock Saturda: evening. the place is the Cnuntr~ clul) and the admi~~ion is nominal. :\f i~s At1nic Dingee of 926 Lake a' l 'nuc was hostt:--s at luncheon and hridl! t' Saturdav. January 23. in honor of ht·l: house guest. :\fr..;. S. F. Din~ec ( · ~ \ Yausau, \Vi~ .. and ~{iss Rogers ot San Diego, a!.. who is Yi~iting \fr~ H. :\f. Dibble. D~rothy Hazd u k. 13 years o ld, living BREAKS ARM IN FALL SALE S PEOPLE at The Silk Shops will show real in t erest in assisting you to make the right selection. · They realize th e importance of care f u 1 m a tching when choosing silks to trim or remodel a dress. It is the purpose of The Silk Shops to render the utmost in service and this ideal of service is based upon a genuine regard for our patrons, irrespective of the amount thev purchase. on Greeley aven u e ncar \ Yi lmette avenue. fell and broke her arm ncar St. Joseph's schoo l, at Lake and Ridge aven u es, last ~f onda\· noon . She was taken to the office Dr. P . ] . Koerpcr, 1728 Lake avenue, In· ~ I otorcvclc Policeman George Schaeffer. \\·here -her injury was t r ea t e d . of ).J r: . S. F. Dingee of \\'au~att. \\' i ..... \\·ho has been \·isiting at the hnme o i 1[ rs. S. 1\.L Dingee. 926 Lake a \'l't1\tt · . is now in Geneva, Ill. -0- -0- Mrs. R. Thompson. 811 Ashland ave nue , is givin g a musicale Saturday en:· n ing, J a nuary 30. ~at SPECIAL TODAY: A Splendid Quality of Crepe de Chine in all shades, $1.95 PRICES ALWAYS REASON ABLE FISH JtfzJ!! SCALLOPS 69c pt. deliveries daily leaving TELEPHONE WILMETTE 64 9 NO TOLL We will have this delicious sea food on special sale Saturday at EDGAR A 19 ST~ENS. INC. mEEaSt SILK SHOPS Madison Street 6J~ Two at 9 :00 A . M. and 2 :30 P. M. Street at Woodlawn Ave. and inlilxmllonatl6.}801TingtonAve. Booth Fisheries Cotnpany 15 57 SHERMAN A VENUE T 1 h j University 2655 -2656 e ep ones .tWilmette 649 EVANSTON

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