Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jan 1926, Back cover

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WILMETTE LI 'FE January 22, 192t I That Well · Dressed · Appeafanc.e can onl·y he ohtained h\· CO>lstant C(n·e 1 of the clothing · fc~"'ional tnan. \\'caring a neat. good-looking suit. a tnan hirnsclf assu n1cs 1not·c con fidcncc in hi n1 ,'e If and a Iso 111akc~ a n1uch bet t cr i In p ·. c s s i () ll 0 n () t h c r p e () r I e. \\ 'e · can keep yout· clothes spot lcssl~ ~Jean. cnt it·cl~ ft·cc frotll gt·casc spots and stain...,. ( )ut· pr 'r ce~~ t·cn\o\ c~ c\ cr~ hlt:n1ish. no 111 at t c r h o 'Y Ia r ge or "c t· i o u s . . I t a I ~ c a d d s t o t h e I i f c of t h c c Io t h c ~. . \sk us to call reguhu·l~ for the g~u-nlcnts ~ ou ,,·ish to h~1Yc cared for. \\ 'c "ill call at an\ tirnc to suit yout· con\ cnicncc. \\ .c'll deli \ 'Cr t hern to \ ·ou r~pa ired. ~len ned. l1nd pressed I ook in~ a . ~ood as llc\\. <:lean~ \\·ldl-pt·csscd clothes at·c an asset to an~ business ot· pro· , . ( lc£tll ili{.!·-Pre.'\s ill~l!·-Rct>(t il· i11 ~~ CHULTZ & NORD Tl1ree I)l)it1ts E£tCI1 S the~ ~RVlCE. 1·~11~1t llllJ><)rt£lllt, MakL Gt)()li l_.atlt1Llerir1g l3ztt )y(JI{ v\ ({llt ~· ll of lll'lll! 1 FAC1~ION~ CLEANLINESS. SA Anv f\\·o ot ar ncccss~lrY f.1ctors. hut incon1plctc " ithout th\· third Service first. bec.1use in pr.1cticc it i~ n1uch n1on' rh.1n 41 tinh' \\ orn \\'ord in .1 sene it is included in '\crv other f..1ctor . It nh'.lO) g'-·t · ring things done .1s vou \\.'Jnt then1 Jnd \\'hen ,·ou \\'.lOt thctn. Tel ·~t> hone \\l iln1cHe 1HOO Clothes dc.1n hl'C.luse the\' .1r,· \\'Jshed right gallons of pure. soft \\'.1tcr: \\'hit'. fo.1n1v suds: expert h.1ndling .1nd supervision: drying bv Jir in n1otion. S.1tisf action. The .1dded rncastue of c .1n' in e\'erv dct.1il thal rn.1kcs )'our laundering \Vork as done here thoroughlv plc .1sing Clr .1nlincss. l ni1·cr.'iicy -t22 Glencoe 100 in every \\'.1 v! Highland l )Hrl~ J')l)P 20 o/o discount on work brought in and calle:l ior E 1210 C;ntral Ave. \\'ilmctt ~

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