Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jan 1926, p. 31

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January 22, 1926 6 J<"Oit lll<lNT-GARAGI<J WILMETTE 15 SI'I'U.\.'l'IO~S \\' .\:\"I'I·~D-FJ<~11ALE 20 LIFE AUTO~IOBILES 31 a4 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR HENT-GAllAGE ADJACENT TO ~th str·e ..:t between Forest and Elmwood avenues. Phone \Vii. 67. 6L17-ltc 7 \\0:.\~'I'J..;D '1'0 ltE~'I'-llOI:SES \VANTED TO HE~T lJNFl HNished- Four house!-; in \Vilm1·tt · or Kenilworth. \Vill pay $1 iJO to $2.00 month rent. 1 or 2 year lea~ ·s. HTUDE~T~ OF THt·; XATIOXAL KI~ FOR SALE-l\IODEL 50,· 5 PASS. OPEN dl:rg·artl'n an~l El<~nH·nUtry College Haynes, extras, $150. Phone Wil. ~1sh homes 1n \Vtlm ette or North 23G7 evenings. 20LTN15-tfc hva_n~ton, aftt ·J· Februat·y 1, wht·rt' ~h.'?. !nay f·:u ·n room and board by WA~TED- LD AUT S AND ELE"C,l!-;.~1!-;tl ng- w 1 th <"~\!'( · of children or tt·ics; any condition. Univ. 1986 or Wtth howwwork . Appl\· 2944 ::\1ichil'niY. 4125. 20LTN10-tfc g·an Ave· ., 'hi<-ag-o. Tel. ·calumet 1331. HiLI17 -2tc :!I lJ t c; fl C'LA~s. EXPEH.lE~CED FOR SALE SEWING MACHINE Agency and Repair Shop; also hemstitching. Well equipped; good cash business. Best North Shore location. Living rooms. Sacrifice ' for immediate sale. Illness reason. Phone Wil. 2354. 34LTN17-1tc 51 -G26 Davis ~t. University 6 60-8240 Evanston dn·ssmak<·r d<"!-;in·s more customers IJ~· tilt· day. :-, IIJ iith strf'et, \Villlldlt·. Tel. \\'ilmett · 3412. HiLTN17-ltp \\~AXTEJ> FOH. ' 7L17-2tc \V.A~TEU T() I{E:\'T- A WlL::\lETTE family wishes to rt>nt a 7 o1· 8 room hou~e on cast side from April 1 to Oct. 1927. Not over $200 per month. Address "\Vil. Life A-7G9. 7L17-ltc ~V\:-:,-::A-:::-.;~ -~T~~':"'~D~-:'l~'O~-::l~{":":E:-:N~T=---:-G~O-O~D-~6:...!;!.!..T!.:0:.!.!~ wom house; Wilmette to Glencoe. Addn~ss \\ril. Life A-762. 7L17-ltc \VAN'J'EU TU lO~!';T- };:\!ALL MODhoUSI'. Addn·ss \Vil. Life A-764. 7LT17-ltc 8 ,.,.11 U W .\ VI' EU TO ICE:\' '1'-.\P .\Il'I'JIE:\"J'S \\'A~TEI> TO HE:\'"T - HESI ·'E<"TABLE 1nan an·l wift· want furnishc·d rooms suitable for housckt·cping; rt' asonablf· ,.,.11t. H. ~mith. Tl'l. \\ilrn ette 1:1:!0. 91...17-ltp W .\VI'EU '1'0 HE~'l'-ICOOJIS 10 \\'.\XTEI I Tt I l~EXT --- ~Elt VAXT'S IJ u;u·t ··rs; (·:~Ion·d 11 .:·-t~l.. <'all < 'h~trl1·s \\'illiatns, \\ tlntdt·· ·····'"· 1111...1,-ltp ·· · ,. · , · I I ll 111.1.1 \\ .\'\IJ·. B -:\1 .\LI·. l'LAIX !--·'i.:\\'1:\G AND menrling-; also cat·1· for children by th' hour. T<·l. \\'il. 1723. .FOH. HALE-HADIO, PHILCO SOCKET 15L17-ltc l'ow<.~r·; battery and charger combitwd in walnut case. List $42.50. ~ITl:ATIOX \VTl>. HOXEST COL. I 'rice $30; used only three weeks. girl ; g ·n. h)-; w k · ; rt· fs. C n i v. 1 0 2 5 i. Phone Kenil. 2446. 21LT17-ltp l:JLT:·H 7 -ltp Fl) I{ ~ALE l\IAHOGANY PLAYER ~ITCATI<>X \\'Tl > . COL. LAU~Piano, SIH~ cial mahogany cabinet, and dress. $3.~0 a clay. Tel. Univ. 94%. 1 :~;:; rolls all in perfect condition, 1GLT17-ltp ~ 1Go.oo. Phone \Vinn. 1836. 2ILT~I7 -Itc SITl'.\Tl<IX \\.TJ>. -- 3 I>AY~ \VOH.K, :\lulL, Tuc ·s., \\'···1. Call l.'niv. 3043-R. Fl >1{ ~ALE-eg::;T OFFER TAKES L:iLTXl i-ltc I ~u ud Instantaneous Heater, perfect condition. all \Vilmettc 265. ·srrCATIOX \VTD. 21L17-ltp VAY \VORK; any kiJlll. Call L'ni\'. :!lh6. I liiLT:\17-ltp Ft >I{ SA LI..:- CHAIN STITCH, AUTO· malic st·wing- mat:hhw; $10, in very gtHHl condition. T 1. \\'inn. ' 39. SlTl'.\Tl<>X ".AXTED - C'ULOHED 21LT17-ltc t :irl , g· ·Jt· ·ral houst· \\·urk; JliJ laundry. l'hon· · <:lt ·ll. :t\1. l::iLTN"li-ltJ) F< >H. ~.\LE - :\L\X·~ \\'lXTEH. UL1 S L'lT AT I():'\' \\' AXT ElJ- YUC XU (HilL il stl·r·, sizP ~s. likt: r.ew. :!)~11. Tel. \Vilwisllt · ~ tu t:ar · fur chilrlrt·ll during; tlll'tlt· 1~11. 21Lli-Itc t h· · da.\· and in tht· ·\·(.!ning-!-;. J'h. \\"iltll.vttt · :.!t;:!l. LiLTXli-ltc .... lt"'J ~ .\.:\' LOT OF CYCLA· usual $2.00 and ~3.00 IJOW $1.00 anu $1.50 c·ach. Larg·<.· stock of other flowering- plants, ft ·rns and cut flowers. E(l wanls' Flori!-;t, 917 Willow Road, \Villn...tka. 21LTN17-2tc men vlants, \"aiUt·, the ~ALE- FIX J·; , .II.LA.GE OF KE~IL,VORTH NOTICE OF PUBI.IC LETTISG eonnected Syst«"nt of Electric Street Lighting In Certain Streets In Kenilworth, Illinois. Public notice is hereby given, pursuant to law, that the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Kenilworth, Cook County, Illinois, will receive sealed bids or propqsals for the constr·uction and installation of a connected svstem of electric street lighting in certain streets and places in said Villag-e as specified in and by an ordinance describing, locating and defining the same, and authorizing a special assessment to pay the cost thereof which special assessment has be ·n ievied and confirmed in the Cou·nty Court of Cook County, Illinois, and is there known as Special Assessment number 19, and that such sealed bitls or proposals shall be in the hands of the President of said Board of Local Improvements, Mr. James C. ::\1urray, Kenilworth, Illinois, or the ~-cretan· of said Board of Local Improv<·merlts, ::\Ir. Clive J. Taylor, Kenilworth, Illinois, before 8 o'clock P. M. on Tuesday, the 2nd day of February, A. 1 >. 1 !1:!6. Said Board of Local Imprnn·mt·nts ,,.;.11 thereupon open said hid~ at th·· l-~t · nilworth As:;embly Hall, at th~· S(JUtlHn·st cornt'l· o( Kenihvorth .\v··nu1· and 'umnol· Hoa<l, Kenilworth, lllinot~ . at ~ o'clock P. l\I. on Tut ·~da~·. the 2nd day of February, .\. JJ. Ul:!fi. Said bi<ls or proposals must be made out upon blanks furnished by Randolph-!' ·rkins Co., Engineers, which art' on lilt- with ::\Ir. C1ive J. Taylor, :-lt't.·retan· of the said Board of Local I.mprovL·invn ts, Kenilworth, Illinois, and at the ottice of Randolph-Perkins < 'o., Bng-inc.:·ers, 3S South Dearborn Stred, Chicago, Illinois, and at the ollict· of the \'illag·e ::\Ianager, Kenilworth, Illinois, whet·e said blanks may IH· obtained. Sai<l improvemc>nt must be const l·ucU·d in aecor<lance with plans and ~pecifieations for Hame, on file with <'live J. Taylor, Yill~g e C1erk of Kenil wo1·th, Illinois, a11d the ordinance spt·eifying the.:· nature, locality and description of said imtH·ovement, togdhPr with the detailed drawings, profilt·s. plans and specifications, are on fil e with said Village Clerk at Kenilworth, Illinois, and may be inspected t ht·) t'. t'l .\ L \\'.\XTI-:11 1~1·:.\L I+ST.\TI·: S.\LI·::-;lll<tll. c·an tll:ll\t · a ~plt·ndid pr 11 positi11tt '" a t..;·ortel tnall f:uniliar with Xorth Sh .. rt · prnJwrt~·. J\: roll & Stnith . -11!· lth :-;t. J'hon·· \\.il. ij(Jtl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __:_l..:.l..:.;L:..'l:..':.:X~I:...:.I~ -.!.l.:.:..t l" \\' .\ XT I·: I' :-;_\ L 1·::-;.\J.\X I·'( I 1{. LC BH(t·:Lting· 011~. gr. · as· · ~ and paints; ex····.ll··.llt ··PJ.~<·rlllttit\· :.:--alar.\· or c.:otnlllt~SIUn. 'l h Jed Oil antl Paint Co., ( '1· ·\.- ··land. 11 11LT17-Itp 1:.! I I :--tl l .\l'li·X \Y.\XTEII--.\1.\Lll IX ~llOl' I ' 1 ~' ltr~tt.l; · : r· ·ltabk; llt:at eol. Pulltna ll · lili ·l. l;}L'l'~l7-ltc .... ' LI·:U..:~1 ~. 1 I :-;ITl'ATlt IX 1 \\'.\XTEl>~.\:-; TYl'l."f or d· ·rl\. . J 'hottt· <; kn. I~~. LiLT.:\1 1-ltv MTt .\'J'IO-' I t 1 I IH .\ '\J) \\ .\ VJ'ED-.:U .\J,B FE-'1.\LE J. KI.JBlX & CU:\1 1'.\:'\Y, IUl. 1ii::i Clark St., Tel. lh·ar. 3!JOii. Xorth .'hun· loans a. spt.·cialty. lJuy, tnakt.! and Juan :.!tul mtg·s. \\'t· make I:; c,~ ()[ all s<·,·ond Ill tgs. 011 the Xul"lh Short· . You might I>· sati~tit·d ··ls~:wht·n· , you art.· sur·e t() 1, · with u:-:. I·~v(.!rything t:ontidential. :!:!LT:'\lti-Hp \\ \ '\'I' I·: U- ... E.\1.\LE IIEJ.P ·II ;-o;L'LT.\Tlt 1."· ·" 1 l·· rr: ; ttc tc .. o. WANTED _ \VHITh :-\UHSI.: :\lAID LIISI' A I:L.\<'K l'EI~::-;L\X ( ".\T, ()X for 2 w:tlldng· rhildr··n: mu~t lw ltiLTX17-Itp ! .\londay nig·ht, .JauucH\' It~. l'huuc willing; IH'l"lllaJH·Ht po:--itiun n.ud ~ . \\'ilml'lt·· :.!.Jt;o. Guc)(l. r··wartl. guod hont· · for lll·at, n·till~_· d ~trl. li J.'OU ~ . \LE-IIOl . ~I·:JHH.U (;OODS ~iLll-ltc l'h!lllt· (; l··llt"lr· " I" I :·. I l:!f,TXli-lte ! l·' 11 it S.\LE 'J_fEAI'-VIXIX<.~. 1~00.\l Lt>ST- T.\X LK.\THEI!. \VALLET -------------------tablt· and vhatrs; good cundttliJll. 3113 ··ontai11ingtickl't~ antl money. \\'.\XTI ·:I> \\' IIITI·: 1 ;II:L Fill~ 1 ;~-:X- ~ Fain·it·\\. ·\\' \.' . \\.inn(.!tka ~:!. l'lea:->e phuue \\'ilmt:tte 11~3. ··raJ II.,U:-'· · " " rl, ; 111 ust Jik· · childr··n; liLTXll-ltc ! 2-1Ll7-ltc 11o wa~ht11~ : t..;u·11l h··lllt ' . l'hunc · _,. ( ;)t ·Jlt ""' " }II l!t . I 1·'( Jl~ S.\Ll·~ - SL\1 I 'LEX :\lAX(.iLE 1 ·" -· IIOl SEJI()J,D SEll \ ' ICE 1:!LTX1i-ltc JH· rft.!t:t condition; al~o oak upri;..;ht w riling tk~k. l'hone \\'ilmdt e 67. .\XT u~ L' E l·"'l' 1 ~X tTUHE HEPAIH.I~G \\'.\:'\TI·:I> Ytll"X·:. <'.\1'.\I:LI·: t;IH.L 17LT~17-lct and retinishing-, upholstl'ring, mata~ tllut ht·r·s l~t · IJH·r: on, · who lil-i:v~ J.'( llt S.-\Ll-:- U..\~ IL\Xt;.E \VITH LOHtrt·s~~·~ rt·newt·d, cabinet work. Fred t'ltildn ·n. (':til \\'ilmdt·· :.!O:.!:L . . t , \V. Xitto, 1:!~ Central..\.\'(~. l'hone \Vil. 1 1. 1lOilt' 1:!L11-1tc 1 · talll· r·guaur. lnn. 163 . ··-t311 . ·)-L21-tft: -------------------17 LT~17 -Itt- ' . ... I \\'.\XTI·:J) - Yc H'Xt ~ \YHITE CTHL FOR : F()J' ~..\LE- PIECF' \" · \ I "'U'l" DI"-~ t:.\HVEXIXU, F 'C H. X ACES A:-.:D t..;· · t~t-ral hou~t · \\"1 ·J,; rt·ft·n·nrc l'l'. · · ·- "'· ' · .. _.... · . ·" hou~t·wt'rk. E. J. D ·ck, T 'lephone quir.·d . l'hollP \1 ilnH·tte 2fifiS. mg- room Ht·t; \\ t"lll'r UJH'lg·ht IH<tno. \\'ilm ·tt1· ~1-·t 21Llti-ltp <:lt·neoe 3~·:!. lii...TXl-,-lt·· -~~~~~~~~·~~~·~·~~~~~~~~~~~ L 1_7_-1_t_c I --------------------------------__________________________ 1_2__ ~ \VAXTEI>- EXl'I·:lc \\'IIITE MAID Ft lit SALE lli·:AVY, BH.A~~. :.:s f··r t..;· ·llt·t·al hous· ·,,·orlc must ha,·e douhk lH·<l; t·xedlent conditiou. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - good 1 Phont· \\'ilmdte l'hollP \\'inn. f'O:'\. 1 'i'LTX 17 -lte 11.\ \ ·1;_:: YOl'lt l'[r\ :"IO T(.X I.:; J) Fl 1{ ·1· f,.,.,.ll·(···~. ti\ . l:!I./l'Xll-ltc the New Y ~ ar. Prievs rt·<lun·d for ' ·"" \\".\VI ' EU-HOI - ~I·~IIOLD GOODS .January. L. \V. Fostt·l·. t!~G Pa1·k .\ Ye., \\'ilm tte. Phone \Yil. !\0~-:\l. \\'.\XTI·:J) \\'IITTI·: (;JHL FOR r.E~- 1 . .., ·' ) ' . · . . '. 2 ' LTX13-tfc ··r:tl ht~u~··worl.;: :--mall lHlURP; small \\ .~ :'\J _LI 10 I.l 't S1·.<.o.:-..:n HA~D famil\: g 11 otl \\ag··~. Call <;},>h. 1235. IUt'llltUn· a_nd ~:tht·r hou~~·.hold goocl~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~ · lltglH ·st. Jll"lvt· tor san1··. ,cro~t Furru- , :.:H l" .\l~ 'l' J~« · .\-'1> DE( ' OH .\ '1'1-'(· 12 LTXl 7 -ltc -------------------- ' t u rt· Stun·. 1 004 -fl l·.mt>rson !::il., ~ -------------------\\~ .\XTEJ) - E:\I'I·:IUEX<'EJ) \"\'lllTE 1-:v<llt~ton, Ill. I ·hon. l'ni\·. ~;:~. . \ HJJ lllaid for t..;··ll··ral work: mn~t iH' n(·at l"Ll:\11-tk ~ 1' · · ~ and g·~t·d plain co·dc I'li··llt' \\'inn. I"T'R"L \ PATXTEH. .AXl> DE "OHAT()I~ 1 · .,,, ll:!l. 1:!LTX17-Itc X. Fl·:LL - XI·:\\' .\ XI> L!::i.c. 0 'L ·"Estilll:tt·s gin:n UfiPil application tur,· bought :tntl ~old. 16:~3 ~lapl e l H~:! \\'ilnH.'ttl· An·. Td. \Vil. :!71 \\~\:'\TEl> -- (;lftL F<ll~ (;E~J·:H.AT. A\·v .. I·:vanston. l'hont· l.'niv. 10:L I :!:tLl:~-tfc hnll~l · \\"t>rk. ~mall famil\·: must lilte l~LTN3-tfc I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ('hildt't"ll. l'lwn· · \\·inn. it~ll. - i ;, I 1:!LTX17-ltc lH " ' .\X'I'EO-'IIS('.EJ.L .\XEOt:S I ----------------------------J)r. Elmt-r E. Lam)H'rt \\'A:'\TEII \YIITTE ::\TATD FOR TYPfRT \YILT~ J)O TYI ·'T~G AXD OJlTltODOXTI."f gt·n··ral houst·wllrk: no laun<ln·; hl'St eop~·ing- nt hom<'. \Vilmett0 32fll. ( 'hicngo Olliet·-Fieltl Annex l~uil<li.lg T··l. \\'iltndtt' :~13. l!"!LT!I-tf( , \\'inndka Ollice l:!LT~li-ltc · 1 \\.inn etka. Trust & Savings Hank q)dg. :.:o .\ r'I'O\IOUILES · l'hOIH' \Vin n. 1:! 11 \YA:'\TEP GIHL Fon c~E:'\I;;H.·\T~ :nLT~14-tfc hoUSt ·\\'Ol"k and ~01111' can· of ehiltlI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r··tJ. Tt ·l. \\'inn..tka 2fl:i'i. 1:!LT~17-1 ·~· lii·: ,XEI.S TH::\InX~TH.ATlOX r.L.-\DLY GTYEX \\'.\:'\TEl> - \\'liiTE C:JHL: r:non Xo oblig-ation to h--. uy. ~atiRfaction honH·: no t·xpt·l"it·tH'<' n·quir<'t1. Phone ~~:uarant('etl. \\'inn . :>.:~~:i . 1~LT17-1tr I I!K.-\l.TTFl'L H.ED; 3 :\fO~THS OLD; hnmt· raist·d; g-rand sire Ch. Vic14 torious. Tel. Hig·hland Park 2201. 32LTN16-tfc RT1T"ATTOX \YTP. _ EXP., yorX<r :.62 Lmcoln Avt· . T .. l. \\'inn. ·, I Kon·an, eoll.,g·p gTa<luatP; a!' cook, ~ --------------------hutlPr, hou~('nwn or g-en. houseDrive . I')edigreecl lH'l' Jlt·t· . ('all \\' ilmdt<' 1 70~. \\"1'1>. l"clion·tl <'OUJ!It:; l>ouglas -111:i. ll<.ll. ~£. ..._.L~\VORI·· · , ~ A-1 reL l'hon·· 1 I -------------------- :.!-l I I . 9 T · I I p LS For Sale--Used Cars I ~l'l'F.\'I'IOV "·.\~'1'1-~Jl-".\J,E 1 I YJI®lf'~lt®cdl M©lt©lf' C©, I Rent-A-Car. U G6~ Lincoln Ave. I_··------------------I Lho\Y-Cho\v Puppies Tlw contradors must bid with the lltHier~tan cling- that a eontract, in the form g-('nt·r·ally used hy the Villag-e of K f:'ni lworth, must he entered into immediately after the expiration of ten <l~ws' time from the date of the award of· the contract, pursuant to law, and a hond shall be given in accordance with the provisions of Section 76-A men ts of said speeial assessment, purnf th Local Improvement Act of 1897 and amendments thereto. Tlw SJH<dal assessment so levied and <·nnfit'nH'd to provide for the cost of said inlprovt·m..:nt has been divided into fin· installments and will bear interest at the rate of six per centum pt·r allnum. pursuant to law, and the \'Olttt·al'tor is to ht> paid for such labor and matt·rinl in honds and time warrants pa~·ahh· only out of th1' install~uant to law, !'ai<l bonds to draw in·t,·n·st at the rate of six per eentum IH' r annum. Each hi<l must ht' accompanied by ea:--h or lH' a c-Prtified check certified hy a n·putahh' bank for an amount that shall h1.· not less than ten per l"t·n tum of tht' aggTt>gatt· of the bid or Jll'OJ>O~al, and no bill or proposal shall be considered unless accompanied by such cash or check. The Board of Local Improvements rt.·!-;ervt·~ the ri!{ht to n·jt·ct any and all bids or proposals . natc.:>d, KPnilworth, Illinois, January 22, l!l2tl. TIOAH.D OF LOCAL DI I'IHH~E?\1 I<;XTS, Hy James C. l\Iurray, Pn·sident. Attest: Clive J. Taylor, Secretary. L17-ltc rs: fc mn nnx nr hou!';t·man . n<'Rt of n·f. Phone H. H. F.lli!.:;, Doug-las 3538. 14LT1i-ltJt wAxmn-C"t r~~1~t~~t~~ W ®lf'~lt®cdl JMl©~(Q)It' CC© c ! l·":':\~~~·~·~0t~~~t~hi;R7P~:~~~~~~! TPl. "rjnn. 165. 20LTN17-ltc J ~Ir. and ~[rs. Emil Gilberg of 23J \\' ood court announce the engag-ement of their daughter, 1-Iargaret, to Morris Gustavson. son of 1-lr. and ~Irs. G. l'llnsi(1NN1 rather than price. Phone Gustavson of \Vilm cttc.' \\'inn. 263. 32LTN17-ltc Boston Puppies

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