WILMETTE 1 LIFE January 22, 1926 K. of C. Journey to Highwood for Banquet NEW TRIER LIBRARY SEEKS "LOST' BOOKS Next Tuesday evening, January 26, Imembers of the Ouilmette Council, K. They Cotne Clanking In! They Go Zipping Out! , SIR, it' s Auto that puts the " Zip" Y ES in cars when they re not behavtng. No matter what your motor problem- we can solve it. Our highly expert attention is the most moderate in town . Try us today and be convinced. You' ll find our prices very reasonable. Mille~ Servic~ MILLER & MILLER WiLnette Motor Sales. Repair Dept. Epuipment Equals Maintenance Towing Service Day and Night General Auto Repairing 515 4th Street THEe goodies. OKY JAR We have the " knack" that of C., will meet at the f. 0. 0 . F. hall Librarian at High School Ad~pts at 6:30 o'clock and journ ey to High- · "Barrel Day" Scheme to Get wood where they will attend a "Dinty Back Stray Volumes Moo~e" dinner-in other \YOrch., a feast of corned beef and cabbage . Tlwy will be the guests of Rev. Franc.is By MARY S. KING Magner, former chaplain of the counctl, Every year the Ne,v Trier lii g ir and now tationcd at St. James church Sch ool library lose s many boo k " at Highwood. Following the dinner through the carcl s ne ss of its patro n c., there will be a business meeting of They a re " horro\\' c.: d" without IH·in g r· the council, said to be the fir t regular corded and lll'H' r r<:turned, or carr ie ; meeting ever held outside the local hall. Ia\\·ay unintentionally, with the sam l · re sult . , it is explained. This means :t 1-Ir. and Urs. Arthur B. Coilm :' of loss to the library and to the school. 655 Garland avenue. \ Vinnetka, arC' re - \Vhere arc these books now ?-in th e reiving the congratu lation s of tneir home f New Trier students and ex friends u pon the birth of a son St.:1 - student s all over the town s hip. Som l day, J a n u a r y 17, ~ t the F.\' a 11 ;, ' c !l h ~.s - o f t h e m o r c c a r d ul ia 11! iIic ~ t i 11 d t h l. ' pital. The baby ha s been named \\II · and return them -sometunes after sevliam Franci. Coll in s. II. eral years-but this is not generally the ca se. The- librarian ha tried many plan ~ to get back the hook s, hut the se ha\·l been only partially successful. Th e other day she heard of the fo lJ owin g scheme which has been tried cJs ·where. A barre l was place d out. ide the library door and the fact \\·as ad vertised tha t on a certain dav all book-. might be returned free of charge- no line" and no qm·..,tion~ a-.ked . Set "Barrel Daya" New Trier is going to put this ide a into practice, a nd has des ignated :Mon da\· and Tue~da,· , Fl'hruan· 1 and 2. Clean Teeth Mean Betttr Health as - "Barre l Dav.;, I n onler to mak ( You can keep yours clean with it more C(Hn ·cni"ent. a drug store in each Ny-Denta Tooth Paste town in t h e township ha . agreed t n It contains: he lp receive the books. Thr~· arc J fiJI ( r) Finely ground precipitated man's in G lencoe. Hubbard \\.ood Phar Calcium Carbonate for its cleans· macy 111 H ubhard \\. oods. Adam' s ing proper t ie~. Docs no t scra tch. Pharmacv in \ Vinnetka, Kenilworth (1) Potassium Chlorate whitens Pharmac\· in Kenih\·11rth. Renneckar' c: the teeth. in \Vihnctte, and Kroli and Smith r<"al (3) Lime W ater and precipitated estate office, 419 Fourth street, \ \.il Calcium Carbonate for n~utrah:: mette. Of cou rse ~cw Trier student c; ing acid conditions of the mouth. mav return their book. to the barre! at the. high school. (4) Flavon ng otis for their coolTo 111ake this a -.ucre -. -. the lihra ri;1n ing, soothing and slightly anti· septic effect . i ~ hoping for the cooper at inn of all the hou~ekC'cpers in the town ship. "Pleas e F1[ty Cents Jor a Large T ubc go through your book-case . and your attic.., j,,r tht· mi.., ._ i n ~ IHH1k-.." . . !Jt· -. u!!gests. "They all have the X ew Trirr bookr late on the in side of the front con'!', and most of them ha\·e a libran· nt11nher on the hack. Hem{'m · C. C. Renn c ckar brr, . taxpayrr s, you arc saving your Opposite St. Jo seph's Church o\\·n money!" Ridge Ave. Pharmacy KEEP it stacked with a suppl y of our PHONE 3 16 ~fr-. . C<'llr~t' J. Phillips of 111<) For 'i !H.' makes delicious home made cookies. Always freshly baked and much better than the factory kinds. ~=-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~§it an operation rec<"ntl~· under.L:nnc at e-.t av<'ntH' i:-. ~b\\'h· reronTin~ iro1 ~1 1~ nreshytrrian ho spita l. A delicious , new . dainty cooky is ready fo r you~ approval--The peanut butter bar. You can now order your fish and oysters by telephone- No toll call. Wilmette 649 ---- Special Sale The ·Wilson Bakery Home of Everything Good That's Baked Sat~rday of Wall Eyed Pike Fillets BOOTH FISHERIES CO. 15 57 Sherman Ave. Evanston, lll. Phone Wilmette 414 1162 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette