4 WILMETTE LIFE January 15, 1926 S. Van Deusea Seller of Good Food Central Ave. and 12th Street Phone Grocery 510-511-512-513 Meat 514 Two Are Injured in Triple Crash of Cars Two persons were slightly injured and three automobiles partially demolished in a triple collision which occurred at Central and Park avenues last Saturday afternoon. Those injured were Mrs. A. R. Wyler, 1748 Granville avenue, Chicago, and her small son. Mrs. Wyler was cut on the knees and the boy was slightly injured. They were treated by Dr. H. 0. Weishaar. The crash occurred when a truck driven by D. Bowman, of the Family Laundry, Wilmette, collided with a car driven by Arthur Bess, 1458 Lake a\'enue. Bowman was said to have been going east on Central avenue, and B~ss south on Park avenue. Wyler, w1th his wife and son, was going north on Park avenue. When he saw the crash of the other two cars he stopped l~is machine, it was said, but it was hit hy the other cars. Later Wyler signed complaintc; charging both Bess and Bowman with reckless driving. Bess also signe(l a complaint charging Bowman with reckless driving, and the cases witt he heard before Police Magistrate D. M. Mickey this afternoon. Presbyterians to Conduct Week of Special Services The First Presbyterian church of Wilmette has for some weeks past been working out plans preparatory to the coming of Dr. F. H. Divine of Brooklyn, N. Y. Dr. 'Divine has been invited to conduct special services for one week beginning Sunday morning, ] anuary 17; and continuing through Sunday, January 24. Special attention is being given to the music for next Sunday morning and evening. For the morning there will be soprar:to and tenor solos and duets. While it is not customary for the churches in Wilmette to hold regular evening services, it has been deemed advisable under the circumstances, to have a s~rvice next Sunday evening, at 7 :45 o'clock. This arrangement has made it possible to secure the quartet choir of the Glencoe Union church for a special musical program. This offers a splendid opportunity for lovers. of fine music to hear one of the leachng quartets of all the .north sl~ore. M r~. Dwight C. Orcutt 1s orgamst and director. The choir personnel is Mrs. Guv Stuart Bailey, soprano: Mrs. John \V.- Hansel, contralto; Dr. Da,·ies Lavear, tenor, and Charles E. Lutten. bass. The program announced is as fol Io\\·:-.: "The Woods and Every S\\·eet Smelling Tree." \Vest: "Blessed R~ clecmer." Denza: "He Shall Feed II 1s Flock," from the 1fcssiah: Group of K egro Spirituals . A cordial invitatidn is extended to all. The Prc shvterian church is located at the corner of Greenleaf avenue CLIHI Kinth street. The hours for the services are 11 and 7 :-l3 o'clock. ~fr. and ~fr:-.. Harn· G. Clark of 1.~17 Greenw-ood avenue n:turnecl last week irom a short trip t Oklahoma City, where :\fr. Clark \\Tnt on husines-.. -0- SPECIAL SALE JAN. 15th to 23rd · On paid order of $1.01 or } NOT Delivered Cash Discounts more, not inc:ludinc Supr . S% · -and Flour Deb..-ered 2% GRANULATED SUGAR. '"fhis is not Beet Sugar. It is the finest quality of Cane Sugar; 10 lbs for ............................ . FLORIDA ORANGES. Fancy. Good Size. Jan. 15, 16, & 18 only, 2~ doz., $1.00; doz. BUTTER. Superior quality, for the table. Guaranteed first grade and S\veet; per lb ... EGGS. Guaranteed, doz. . ................................ . RICHELIEU ROLLED OATS. When Sprague Warner & Co. put the Richelieu Brand on an article, you can be sure it is the finest quality tnade in the \vorld. 3 lb. 7 oz., pkg., 24c; " . 1 lb. 4 oz. pgk. . ...................... . COFFEE. . Roast Santos. If you think coffee is high, 67c 42c 52c 46c IOc January Clearance Sale of EXCLUSIVE GIFTS Gihs on our popular S 1 table. 7 sc this month only. Gifts on our famous soc table. 3 sc this month only. All· the gifts of charm and distinction for which this shop 1s known. may now be had at prices radically reduced. ~~: ~~~~ ~~1~. ~~s.c~.".e~. i.t~ ·s·p·I~~~~~ .~~~~~: .... ANTONINI OLIVE OIL. You kno'v it is one of the best. ~ gal. can . . . . . . . . . . . RI~~~~!~~.:~~!~~;~~ .~~~~~ .. ~~~~ .~z_SUNBEAM FANCY SWEET CORN. First quality. 39c Cl' 1.49 cD · Doz. $2.15; per can ...... . 24c ISC 19C 19C 40C FLEUR-DE-LIS GIFT SHOP 426 Linden A venue Wilmette 3320 B~~liT~~~~i~~~;? c~~~~.~. ~~~~. . . PLYMOUTH ROCK TOMATOES. Larg-e No. 3 can, doz. $2.25; per can .......... . IMPCO LOBSTER. Just recei\·ecl. \·ery fine. very reasonable. ~o. 0 can . . . . . . . . . . . . . T Perc\· l....'utkr of 101() .\-.hlancl a\'enue will he ho-.te-.-. at the next all , day nw e tin .~· o i the \\' i I111 d t e In fan t _ 1 \\'c liarP society Thur-.day. January 21. 1 ~fr:-.. OLEWINE 732 Park Avenue co., Inc. R~~~~.~:~~~!~~~~~·...~~) . ~- ~·~~~·..... 22c REDWOOD ALASKA SALMON. 1lighest grade. No. 1 tall can. 1~uy 110\V. Second Mortgages Made on New and Old Property Tel. Wilmette 2517 All Saln1on has raised in ~~;~e. ~~.1~1. i~. ~-~~~~~ .I~i~·h·e·r: ..~~~·. ~~:~~: . . . . 4Jc 30 SWEETHEART HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE. Sliced. First quality at a very lo\v price. I~arge No. 20 can. Doz. $3.50; per can . . . . . . . . . C SUNBEAM FRUIT SALAD. I"arge i\o. 2};j can, ~~~~· ~~:~;. ~~~1.~~~·... ~.o.. ~ .c~~1.' .c~~~·.~~·~.: 30c MEAT DEPARTMENT NO CASH DISCOUNT Consolidation On January tlftecnth our beauty shop at 4-19 Fourth Street will he discontinued and the business consolidated \\·ith our shop at 1123 Central .\venue, \\·hich has been enlarged t() accommodate the arl, ditional patronage. H~~~: .. ~~i·ll·e~. ~. ~~r.t:~· .:~~~~~ ~~ .~~1~~~~~£: 33c N~~~~~. ~.~~. ~~~~~. ~~ .~~.~~: ......... "~~~ .~~~~ .~~~~ .~~~~~~~. ~~~~- .. F~~~~. ~.~~ ~~.~~~~·................. 25c 35c 38c The Powder Puff E~IILY Ir.u. Proprietor Phone Wilmette 1120 1123 Central Avenue