Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jan 1926, p. 3

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.. ·. = l926 January 15, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE . 3 GROSS POINT SCHOOL ~~W~ ~ ____ F_ou_r_G_e_n_e_ro_h_~_m_a_t_J_u_h·_~_e_ _~ il'. I} LEGIONNAIRES liAR . . 159th Machine Gun Squadron, Addresses J..Aocal Post MD~ ·~ .S ixty-three Pupils Score .Highest Per Capita Average in 1925 Campaign Maj. C. A. EDia, Commander of The Wilmette avenue public school, The change of meeting night of Wilcommonly termed the Gross Point mette Post, American Legion to the school, was again a warded the local second Tuesday o·i the month apparHealth Center silver cup in the annual . ently meets with popular favor, judging Christmas Seal campaign among the from the attendance January ·12. More than 30 of the 50 paid-up 1926 members school children of the community. The were present and the meeting was school also won the cup in 1924 as a most enthusiastic and pepful, it is anreward for securing the largest per nounced. After a short routiQe buscapita sale of seals. j iness session, Major C. A. Ellis, ·comCompetition for the cup was most manding the 159th Machine Gun enthusiastic this year, according to Squadron, U. S. R., gave a short, pracMrs. John Hoffman, chairman of the tica}. exposition of the way in which Christmas Seal campaign in New Trier the National Defense Act is being to\\·nship, and the winning school, diworked out . rected hy ).f iss Engels. is recei,·ing In these times of peace, said he, congratulations not only from the how many citizen:-; of the United h.ealth authorities but hum it s compeStates appreciate that in the last 150 tttors as well. The average sale at the vears the government has participated school was $1.32 per pupil, with onlv in 100 wars and that of these, seven 63 pupils listed. were with foreign nations? With this The St. Franci s Xavier school at precedent it would not seem improb!\in<'th str<'et and Linden avenue was able that war may again occur, and a close seco nd in the race with an when that time cemes we must be a vcragc of $1.26. prepared. Sales in the campaign with sc hool Explains Defense Act chairmen noted, wrrc as follows: In the great wars · in which this Show School Totals I country has . participated in . the past, Gro~s Point school, $97.06, with l\1iss the outstanding feature has mvanably Fng-rls as chairman; St. Francis Xabeen gross and disgraceful unpreYi·:r, $384.64, :M rs. \V. P. Seng, chairparedne ss. To render t.his impossible man ; IIo,\·ard sc hool, $125.70: l\1 rs. in the future the National Defense Ed. Hoffman, chairman; Logan school Act has been' enacted. This provides $95.32; Mr.. John Boylston, chairman; for three lines of defense. I :~ture I sc hool, $57.59, Mr s. Joseph 1. The Regular Army. 1\:chl, chairman; District 37, with 2. The National Guard. $31.32, l\1rs. A. L. Grinnell chairman· 3. The Organized Reserves. St. Jo . ep I1' s sc hool, $84.07. ' l\fr . John' . In the event of war, the Regular Hoffman, chairman: Central school arnw alreadv far undermanned, will $2SS. ).f rs \ \ .i lliam Ba I hate hct, chair~ he ti1e first - line of defense and its man. 1 personnel must be materially deple.ted, as .it must furnish many commasstOn\\.ilmcttc 's . total contribution in the ed officers and noncommissioned offiChri:-tmas Seal sa le s was $1,130.50. The cers as instructors for the great body rC'port on KC'nilworth ~ales hacl not I lleen rt:rtiH·d by th e comm itte e this Left to right-Mr. Peter Steffens, Mrs. Steffens, Mrs. Daniel Feltman, their of embrvo soldiers. ,, .c('k. .. daughter, Mrs. Raymond Monquist, their granddaughter and Marilyn The National Guard, which forms the second line of defense, will follo:v r11 \ \ lllllCt ka. \\'here 1! r s. hahe 1 1' Monquist, their great-granddaughter (in center.) the Regular army and its strength wtll Lange was chairman, the total sale .. . . · :\11H.' ch1ldren. 20 grandchtldrcn and two great-grandchtldrcn attended the again he materially diminished by the \\·tre $920, proportioned as follows. NewT· A tiiticth annin·rsary celebration oi ).lr. and ~lr. Peter Steffens, 1515 vVilmette n ecessitY for instructors for the Or1 ~ T . . r·er ss·s s an·nue. held ).lon~dav of this week at their home. Tn addition to these, the ganized- Reserves. . · fw . ner. Htgh school:.- $51.91; Huh - guests included ).fr;. Steffens' aunt and ).fr. Steffens' godmother. Mr. and The latter body, with its nucleus o,f 1 trc \\ oocls schoo l. $2b.60; Country ~Irs . ~~effen~ arc 72 and iO vear. old. respectivelv. and have lived in vVilmette partiallv-trained men of the S. A. 'I. ay sc hool, $57.19: Horace Mann I all their li,·es. :Mrs. Steffens was horn in a log i10use which stood on wh:1t is C.. for~ns the skeleton on which. is ~c;~JO;,t. $l73.80; F;ecl_ey sch.ool, $159.69; · now the site of their present home, and ).lr. 'steff ens was born only two or built the tructure of the selecttve :_ :,0 ~chool, $-28.J7; M1scellaneom, three blocks away. ).[any of their children and grandchildren live in \Vilmette, servicr . 1 . . '~'r~ ... J · · ·· where the old couple i~ well known to all residents. Cnder the \Var Department pro.. 1e tota 1 sa 1c. m \\ tlmettc and . gram. it \Yill take from five mon~h., \\ 1!1netka ne~ted $2.050.50. I · !' to nl'arlv 10 months before the th1rd I· und s rrceJved from the Seal sale· Emil Nord to Attend line of dd ense will he equipped and h<:lp ~n the work of wiping out tubert· I trained so that it may be effective. culos1. from this vicinity and contri- I ai oring onven 10~ ay Recruitment m Progreas !lttte tow~nl the expense of maintain- I Emil. Kord ~of the firm of Sc~mltz 1ng- the clmics at the Health Center on and ~ord. Centr~l ~venue tatlors. Recruitment is now going forward, Ridge avenue which are held every leaves Saturday ot th1s. week to ~t- j The spt·cial a<~visory c~~.n~nitt.ee on under vVar Department orders, for \Yedne sday ·afternoon under the direc- tend t.h<' ann.ual convent1on ?f the 11 ~- ~ p~ay and rec:eattOnal faclltt.tes m th.e noncommissioned officers of the 59th t10n of expert physician s and 11 urses. 1 ten.1at.10nal ~utters and Dcs1g\1ers as- vtllage met \\ _ednesday evemng of .thts Machine Gun Squadron, and for the ~frs . \V. P. Seng, memher of the board soc1at10n whtch convenes at .New Or- ~ \H'e k at tht· nllage hall and authonzed following specialists : cooks, buglers, of the Health Center is ahvays present Jeans, J~nuary .18-22. . . the constrtlc,ti~m of a s.lide ~t \Vashilig- saddlers, horseshoers, farriers and at these clinics. . ~fr . ~ord w11l comhme husmcss and ton park. 1 hts comnuttee IS composed clerks . Vacancies also exist in other plea urc. since he anticipatrs a trip of the following members: J. C. Gapen, branches of the service, both combat M H W L Q to Cuba at the close of the com·cn- chairman. representing the playground and supply. Applications f!lay be subyron . est ays ut tion, and his return north will be hy C0111111i~~ion: Enoch Steen, secretary, mitted to Maj. C. A. Eilts, 347 Oak New Florida Community wav of Florida. repre!'>enting the school hoard: John ).[. Circle. Anyone between the ages of 11r. and 1frs. l\fyron H. \Ve st, and Interesting fach regarding the ne\Y -1 Steffens. trcasur~· r .. representing the 18 and 45 are eligible. The work of their son of 916 G 1 f est ~h· lt·s in men·~ clothing for the next ' playgrom~d commlsston: Henry Fo\\'ler, the reserve does not neces arily take ha,·r returned from F~~~~:awh:;eeM~' seasoi1 \\·ill he forthcoming from ~1 r. 1 r;pn::-entmg the P.ark hoard; I. L. a man awav from his business. Fif'l T.-.st a not d l d 1. h . 1\ord ttt)Oll his return I lc will he rrone , h.<:ynolds. reprcscnt111g the plan com- teen davs o.f training annually are opv' ~ . enrra c e in an 1scape arc 11tect · · :-.. I111b:-I011: ·' · ·J . R . J-1aryc~, supcr!ntcn · d cnt tional-iwt compulsory. heen cd . D L· as ' about two \\·eeks. . ~ g . aymg out e. eon . . . . of schoob and D. (. ~tone, dtrector of Following MJajor Ellis' address, C1ty. an ent1rely ne\v commumty . t 1( t1 · . ,1 ool ·. 'J't·1 t', })ttrt)OS, · · · 1 .1 1(:--111 ?000 . of 1 Dunng 1 ~fr . 1\ord s . ahscncc I 1 . the tatl.II .l 1 H 'S( 1 c of ... , acres. . orn~g < epartment. 01 t H' >ttSllH's-. WI 1 the committee is to make a survev of which was well received, the inimita l\f r .. \:Vest has also JUSt c~mpleted he m charge of \ · Percccn. rerreational f acilit it's, develop a ·play able Bill Lum did his famous stunts new City Pl.an f.or St. Au,g?stme, Fla., and recreation program. and to secure with the Hawaiian guitar and the banthe ol<lest ctty m the Untted States. GIVES LECTURE TONIGHT co-operation of the various village jo. The usual cigars. sandwiches, c?ffe,e H.e spent the ~reater. part of the month An illustrated lecture will he gin.'H hodie~ to pro\·ide further recreational OJ Dece~her 111 Flonda and Mrs. West hy r\. D. Cash in the \\.iltnette English iacilitics. It \vas suggested at the and cookies concluded the ~ventng s and t.he1r ~on Howard went South to Lutheran church. Grcenlcai aYClltt<.' and mn·ting ' that donations \vould be ac- entertainment. The best wishes of the post were exbe w1th h1m over the holiday season. St·n·nth street. this e,·ening. The ceptahle. ~toney obtained in this manmeeting \\ill he in charge of the Luther 1 ncr will he used to huy material for tended at the meeting to L. ]. Mitten, Miss Ruth Tolhurst of the Howard league and the freewill offering \\·ill go skating rinks. toboggan slides and who is at an Army hospital in the school has just returned from Kal- to tlw young people's organization. The other playground apparatus. Contrihu- \V t·st recovering from his anny breakamazoo. Mich., where she has been lecturc will brg-in at 8 o'clock. The tions can he sent to l\fr. Steffens, 1611 down, and to Frank Psenicka, who is ill at his home. visiting her parents. public is cordially invited. \Vashington avenue. :t .. 0 ? Je T ·1 · C Committee Plans to p rovi J e M Ore Pl i Fact.lt.tt.es at Once I.

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