WILMET~E LIFE January 15, 1926 ....,-... University 123 FOUNTAIN SQUARE-EVANSTON · rs s"' '· University 123 Appropriate Suggestions for the Winter Sportsman W armster Jackets All wool: knitted bottom : convertible co li.H. in p Ll ids . E .1ch eaters Ul1 Hc .1vv wool <i\\'l'.lters . Tru e comp.1ntorH fot thl' outdoor portsm .ln . R.1ngr from $8.75 Leather $12.00 Skis Jerki11s Of finest quJlity selected skinc; , knitted bottom : lined .1nd unlined . Price For JUmping. r.1cing .1nd touring . ~1 .uk of \crv ftncst hid,orv .1nd .1sh . Per p.1ir $12.50 to $21.50 Skates Sp .1lding tee sk .ltes for men .1 nd women . 0 u t firs co n sis t of t u b u 1.1 r sk .lt r s \\' 1t h shoes .Ht.1cbrd. Per p.1ir $2.50 to 4. 7 5 hecplined Coats C.1nv .1\ .1nd c.ordurov sheeplinrd ~o .lts: he .n · v bl'cp · s wool con vert i hl e ( o ll.u . .Hi 1us t.1 b Ie be It . E .1 c h J p t" I ' I I $10.00 at1d $11.00 $12.50 up t I ays to Manage Your \ 'ash Da ', Which Plclll .,I tits \ (Jttr l~<)llt'£!}1 ll'llCC J3ettei? 7 Two H ERE. S the o I d pro g r.1 tn for \\' .1 s h d .1 \ ' : Get tin? the pieces g ..1 t h e r c d .1 n d sorted S u n d .1 v n i g l1 t : up eJ r I i c r t n ,1 n us u ,11 Nl on d ..1 v 111 or n in g t o fin ish b r e...1 k f..1 s t before t he 1..1 u n d r cs s co 111 cs to i n t c r r up t : J hurried trip to the store bec .1 us . . the laundress savs there isn't c no ugh so .1 p : stay in g .1 round the hot' s e b cc a use of e 111 erg en ci cs t h ..H tnay arise: prepari~g the lunch for the launrlress: t.1l ing do\vn the washing frotn the line after she has gone. Ton1orro ,, she cotncs b.1ck to iron repeat progratn as before. And the new way! Drop the clothes into the lJundry b.1g c.1l! us up or leave the bundle at the office as you drive by. Find it ready for vou. bright and clean as sunlight. .1 short time larer. lsn' t tbJt casv? It's economical too! 20 % disl!ount on work brought in and called 2or N 121.0 Central Ave. u Wiltnette