Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jan 1926, p. 35

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= 1926 January 15, 1926 1:: HELP \VA~TED WILMETTE FEJIALE LIFE 27 ::o -. 3~ I;IO. 'f8E~OL~ . ·; ... . '8~~V~~~ ·. . .\I 'I'U\I()flii.ES :!I RACaths. ssion \\~ANTED A' ~fOTHER'S HELPEH; t ehildren agt.>s 7 and !J; pr ·fer high 6-ltc ~ Phon· \Vii. 3011 8 ·hool student. .. arly in tht· mc·rnings or t·\'t·nings for appoilltmeut. 21C (;o)f t1·l'l·a ·(·. l:!LTlG-ltc \\'..\~Tl·~D n!H SAL!·;- ~EW, LATEST MODEL tn :~-tulw Day Fan receiving set, built~ loucl SJH·aker, $145.00 value, $95. !"1 ·t AJr-;,, Jli(J<Id 10 Atwater-Kent 5-tube fur $-!.'i. ANTIQUE.. F.URN1TURE REPAIRING and retlni~hing, upholstering, mattresses , renewed, cabinet work. Fred Nitto, 1228 Central Ave. Phone Wil. 2430. , .· ,· : · 27L21-tfc GARDE~I~G, . ~PTS. ON ST. AC- '0.:\li'I·:TEXT SEA:\1stl't·l's with n·ft>l't' lll't: tu do }1lai11 lltl·tlllillg of siH·<·ts, cl11thing. t·ll'. l'hollt ' \\'il. .' -11-\\'. l:!LlfJ-lt<· Ftlf~ Dcyrcr Elec.tric Shop T· ·l. \\"it ! II, J .;~ :!nLT.'\Jt:-ltrIL l\ II·~. '-II ~:: ~.-;- , , , .,,·;·, , ;..: ~~-- . ·~ , .· I I::~~ t '· ·111 t·;tl ...\ , . , .. l'hone Wil. 81 21LT~16-ltc F . U R · N .t\. C E S AND hou::>ework. E. 1J. Beck, Telephone \Vilmette 3479. . .. 27.L16-~tp extra ; 1lh \L\..'\T.·,p - A \\' : 1.\J:\.'\ '\ol'l.; :~ IH1Urs a da,·. ndka lti!tlt . \\ ~. \.'\Tt ·: ll 1flll'SEl'hnllt · \\'illl:!LT:"'Jt;-lt(' Ftlf~ ~~~-----------------1 -----------------------~-" 1 1: :'.\1.1: :\Jt>f,I·:J. .·,,, .· 1'.\!-'S. <li'EX 1 · 11 1: :'.·\I.E XEW DRESS OVER"'· HOUSE down oms; apts. r on 9. 0-tfc - ~l·I~SE:\1:\llJ .-\F- t· ·rnut,n:--. \\".\~TEU T· · l. - K··11il\\·oJ tit :.!~' ;";· ~-:-:-::---------------',. ·\-"'~'I·: 1 I · ' 1· 1 ' · \ t .. r, 1:-: A-" 1' E LEt· l'11i\· . ·11~:-. . !:I FHIC :.!ttLTXt:i-tf(' l'hoJtt · \\'il. · v~·at, dinllt·t· s uit and business suit, sJzt · .Jit. l·kll at sacriticf>. Call '\ViltJJI·tlt· :~:!0. 21LTN16-ltc AND . WINDOW CLEANING; tl<;>ar-w~xing; .furniture polishing Phone \V.i lm ette '3 428. ; . 27LT9-tfc l:.!LT~tt;-Jtc IIIJl'SEKJ-:1-:I'EI~ Fld~ 111 ' '!-- . ; 111 '- ,.,,,,oJitltllt. l'11i\·. 1!1 li :!ttLT;\;liJ-tt· 4· ,,,. 1·'· 11: :->ALE- TO BIO: TAKEN A\VAY .- ·> · - 1:r····ll 1 wus··. b.·X"-4, with hot water rtt·ll· ·r . at;~ \\'ashiugton Ave. Glen('( 11 ' -H. _-,-,-.E--,... ,->-.,.1-,..---P .. I-A.......o.......__T_U_N_E...;D~-F-0-R -~ ::s PI:A~O ~t.i~ING · L. gt·IH·raJ hi>USI · \\'OI'J<. t · · r, \\'ido\\'1·1' \\ · i 11 11. <tlld ~ti:~. 21LTN16-ltp the Xt.·w Year. Prices reduced for January. L: W. Ftfster, 625 Park Ave., 'Vilmett e. 'Phone W ·il. 908-M 28LTN13-tfc u . ~ ..,. - Sl.J;..; onth. lOGf- , " 1, · d a u g h ,.,·,·nin~s. 1 :-, . I 'h ' 1 11· · 2~ l ~~ l:?LT.'\JC-ltc :'T··I!l·: · '. \1:1.\'J·:T \\"!Ttr :\lii~H<H~ J<' J~A~<..'I.~\.L \\'.\;\;TEll - \\'lliTE \\'tl:\1.\.' FIJI{ ;tlJd ·· ~l;t:-: :- G-ltc E:'\T orta- \\."\.'\TEU ;1~~ist ------------------------------ -Y·ll.:"'t; \\' ITITI·: t;II:L T11 with :~:~;{ gt·fl(·laJ )lt>ll~t ' \\'(l l ' k; \'IH!h:, il'f>lt illld 1'Hl'1· of l'hildr··ll. Td . ,\.ilttll'ltl· ;!;,;,G . 12L1G-ltp 'I ··pn ·<I 11··1 J·· ' liiJJI · "Jill tiii!J!-- . t·ontpl··tt·, and :- 1· r· I>JilJt ·t·tl ;llt:ll'hll!< ·ltl!" for slid··s. ll;tJ.; , tlilllll:.!-l'IJII)JI l:th}f· II ·Cl \'t·S. l'l lf·ll' ·;J, IIO't>t · )1111\ , :.!1LTX16-ltp ]·'I IJ~ :-;lio·h··~; ft · \\ ··t<·hings II!-- l . lll<·\·i ~~~ pictun· JHa- LE· '-" 'I:-.. 6-ltp r~~e ~ fa111ily. E:-.:T; \\'.\.'\TJ-:11 :-- i ~ t w i t h h·nls··\\·o rl.; : I adults itt !-'UIJS··t rd. \\.i1111t ·tk:t 111;17. l:.!LT:"'l6-ltc \\'IIITI·: :->.\ 1.1·: Tl:· 1:\ll:tl.'\ E I.' YEH.Y t;II:L T11 .\:-;- :'"'" l' lofltlit iloJJ, l't ·<tH111<lil]l·, SUitalJJt· 1 <·r li:O.· 111 high ~..JH>Itl h:tnd. Tt-l. \\ 'i ltll 1 tt· · 7t;::-:\J. 21LTX16-ltp :'.\1.1·:!-=.\J..\.'\ I-'ll!~ 11."!-: <W THE !!EST ··II l.unt· ·r:- 1111 tht· lllal'kt·! is intt>r, · "I · "0:\lPANY, RM. Tt.·l. Dt:ar·. 3905. .'\o1·t h !-'hon· loans a sp cialty. Buy, makt· and l11:1n 2ntl mtgs. \V ~:: make 7:-1r;. 1of all St·con<l mtgs, on the North :->ho!·,.. You might be satisfied else\\ ht·n·. you an~ sure to lie with us. E\·t·l'ything <.'tJnfidential. LTN _4tp 22 16 .J. & 1 ;,:; KLEI~ < 'Ia r){ St., A. P~ HII LS PAIXTER AND DECORATOR Estimatt:>s ~dv n up~n applicat-ion 1422 "\Vi1mette Ave. Tel. Wil. 2718 · 29L13-tfc ~ - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :n 6-ltc 1ST sc lt· how· G-lt!J .. h t 1 u s 1 · \\ <II' k : I a 11 1 1 I ;· 1 , f 0 ; good homt· . l'h!JII·· \\'il111t ·lt· :!!HI' . -;- :ll 1 1 t h st. 1:.! I .T.'\ 1 1; -lt, · EXI'Eltli':;\;<'I·:JJ :..: 1 r I f o 1· g , . !It · 1· a 1 11 11 us 1 · w" r h:. T~·rrav1·. t 'all \\'illtJt · tl-.a ~·:o-!1. :::t F<IH ----------------------------------1>1'. Elmer E. Lampert Chicago ORTHODONTIST ( ltlice- Field Annex Building \Vinnetka Office Winnetka Trust & Savings Bank Bldg Phone Winn. 1211 31LTN14.-tfc Dl-SINESS SERVICE d Ill I I 01 d i I q.:, II 11 () i l h U r ll t· r f 0 I' \\ '.\ ~TI-:11 bT at· ·<l; ~~ j- t(·. \\. lllTJ·:I ;, -;- 1 II JIJ l:.!LT:'\lt;-It<: \ \'. \ :" T E () ·.:\I A I I I ; t a:~ . I I:-; \\ ·1..;:. ; \\ h 1 t ·· ; g ·11 · d <' o o k : .. :.! tl-:!:.! : 11" 1a und I ,\ . 1' l'i \'. !'Ill. a II d It a 1 h ; 1· r ·Ill) I f ' t t· IH ; · :-. 11. : r ,. f . ; I 'r o t. I ·h · ·11, · \\ · i 11 , 1. tl':.!. 1:.!LT~' lt·· U!--··d t·ar. 1·1' \\'!1 Uld ('onsi<lt:l' nt·\\' o·;tt' Tll1:- is a bon:t tid,. :td\·t·rtist·lll · 111 t' .. r t h· · Jltll'JHIS·· ,,f rna king a t rad·· . \<ld1 · · · !--~ \\'i1111. Talk A-i52 . 21L16-ltp F<~l: SALE- LDUTBD Nt::\lBER OF IJH·mh(·l'l'hips in old established !-:··mi-publi c gol 'f club on nearby north shor··. J>ric to desirable parth·s for immediate sale, $100 ; duf's $:!~.. .\<ldr ·ss \\.il. Life A-744. 23LT~15-2tc a:: KENNELS ----------------- !-=.\LE · ~ 1':\11! ()F <HIU;~ FA:'\CY t· !--. Lad:· <'harlott(· modt-1, :-1' 1 " · :-iz~· ·1: ~.-.. :io. T(·l. " 'i lm ettt:> ~ ·::-:\r. :! 1 LTXlf.-1 tp 11···-~h:a !:4 1.0!1"1' .-\.~D FOL"~D Chow-Chow Pupp~s LOST - . 14 Sl'l'l .\'1'10:\' \\·.\ VI'EU--'1.\ I.E :-;ITI'~\T Jo~ "'TU. -- t'lf..\l.FFEt·H '" IH,us .. rnan. l:.·st .. r ,.·. f. l'h1111<· J!. II J:.:llis, J1ougla~ :.!:13' . liLT.'\ I 1:-ltp '\. T F··l: :':\LE - Fl ' H <'OAT, GOOD COXD., !--JJW II :--iz··: als<· .-\m('r. h··aut\· vel Yet <11 · 1 ·~:-:. Tt ·l. \\'ilmdt· · ~,;1-t-:\f. !-=.\I.E A PEARL NECKLACE IN " .i lnH·tt·· ur 'Vinnetka, Dec. 30. Findt·r pll':uw eall \Vnin. 624. 24L16-ltp DEAl.:TIFrL RED; 3 MONTHS OLD hom~ raised; grandsir.e Ch. Vic torious. Tel. Highland .I~rk 2201. 32LTN16-tfc FOR SALE PEDIGREED POLICE pup, 11 weeks old. · Phone Univ 2067 -J. 33LTN15-ltp 21LT~l6-lt(' J.()S'f Jl· · n. - i11 :--; I T l ..·\ T I ( I~ I ). - I : 1: I IT II E J ~ ..... t:.\LLOX OIL TA:;..;K 1-!··lld ··<111dition. 7~1 Tt·nth st. 21L16-l tp !IHt f{,.,,·a nl. A JOH:'\SON FOUNTAIN H.··t urn to 1336 Central ave. l'hon t> 'Vilmt-tte 2844. 24Ll6-ltc ·:··nnar1, lt· · wt·on~t·r:-- : flair,· or farm lll't·ft·l'l'l·d. l'hlllll· \\.illlll·llt· ]1;};1 , 1 tLT~Jt:-ltc ~PEt ' l.\1. ~l·t-:f·J .\1, :\!"SESS~IE~T NOTICE \SSE!'i!'i\IEVI' SPJ-:( '1 .\1. ,(). l:iH ~O'l'J('E :-;JT. - ·· SITl .\TJO' \\'TI>. \\ .\ VI'EU-FEU .\I,E \\II. ll ETTE .\!'i~ESS~IEXT WIJ." E'I'TE <3EIC\I.\~ work: ;{H~·-.J. guud \\'1>:\L\.'\: 11.-\\' lau11dn·:--:-:. l'h~tllt· l'lliY. J;~J.Tlt;-ltp SPECIAL ::\'0. 149. ASSESS~IE~T 1.' Tilt·: :\1.\TTEI! oF THE SP~ .. ·~ I = t "f..\ I. .\!-=SE!-=:->:\11::.'\T u( tht· Yillage of \\'tlllll'ft· · for th· · illiJII'O\'t ·llH.. nt of the ·: XI'EIUE~t·l-:11 1'1~"\t'Tit'.·\L ~l-HSE n P · ·11 for 1 ·11 gag ·· rn· ·ll t ;:: :.! ~.- $ :; ;, 1H' r :--t>uth , l1 Y1·11 and ont·-half (11112) fe et (1f that part (If 1!-:Hllt'll:t Street within \\'I . I' h:. I h f II I. E II I'll d .j fl ~Ill- \ ~ . 1 ;, LT :'\I,; -1 t p th· · ,-illag·· of " 'ilnlt'ltl', lying- between t h·· · · a~t I i lit · of Eal't Hail road Avenue, -aJHI tht · ··a l't li111· uf (;l't>t<ll\'it·W Addi7 I<,Uil !1' .>\I.E-IIOl ' !'ii·~IIUJ.Il (;OOUS tion to " 'ilml'ttt·, togdher with the ·'OH !-'ALE HEA!-= . \\'lliTE KIT- l't·ntral t\n·nty-thn·., t:?3) fN·t of all <'h··n t·ailill\'l: ·· l'l,.tllt·:-: wrillg-t·t·s; illlt·r~t···ting ~tn · t'ts and tlw full width 11f all all· ,. illt··rst·('tions back to the t"lar·k .Jt·\\'1'1 Hang·· a11d t'oal ~t(IH·; al:-;o oak dining-r··11111 UtbJ,. l··a\'t'l;. nonh lint·· of lsabt·lla. Slt't:>t·t, except l;lt'll<'(ll' )110~. 17LT:'\lti-ltp tht· int··r:-;··t·ti~tlls of \\"oodlline Avenue and pf Sixth :-;nt·t·t, by gratling·, paving Fill! s~\LE ('IlEAl' - t;tHIJI. 1-::\HLY and "·ut·bing with a~phaltic macadam English, I iliad.;) :-;tditl oal.;, l'PUIHI on a l'(lrt1an<1 <'t ·m··nt 'oncrete foundation. a11d gt·ading· the parkways addining tabl t· a11d <'hairs \\'ith lt·atht:r ja<·t·n t t ht·rt'to, and othl·rwise improv!tad.;~ and . :--t·ats: baby J,ug-gy: lady's ing- sa itl st n ·d. l>oekl't :'\o. lii6, of the dot ht·~. ~izt · I ti or· J '· :ln:{ Fa i J'Yit ·W <'ount~· l"ourt of Cook County, Illinois. _ Av··. \\·inn . ~:-,:!. 17LT;\;lfi-ltc ~OTTCE is ht>J'(·by g-iven to all persPn~ intt·rt·st··d that th, Board of Loval Impro\'t·mt>nt~. of said Vil1age, has ht· rt·tofon· fikd in said Court, in " ~A~T I·~f) Tt) Hl'Y - ~E('CI:'\fl JIAXD ~aid cau::;··. a 'C't:rtifieatt· showing the fu1·nitun· and otht·r housdloltl g(lo{]!:;, t·o:--t of thl' illlJli'O\'emt·nt, the an1ount High .. ~t pri<.'t· paid for sanH·. C'1·ost n ·st·n·t ·<l fur illtt·rt·st, and that no exFUI'llitun· Stort·, lfl!l.J-ti Emt·l'S(III !-=t., e··ss renw.i111-; to ht ahated in reductiun Evan~ton, Ill. l'hont· l 'niY. 1:--!·. of ~aid :-t:--st·~.smt·nt. and ah;o that said H-LT:'\11-tfc i nttH'O\'t·Jllt>nt has ht·t·n <:ompleted in sult!-:tantial <'Onformity to the requireX FELL-;\;!·:"· .AX)) 1·sEP FlTtXf- ments of the orig·inal onlinance theretun · bought and sold. H33 :\laple ftn·. an<l has applied to said court to Avt·., E\'anston. l'hOilt· l'ni\'. 103. l'~tllsid··r and tlt'ft·rmitw whether or not U..LTX3-tfc t ht· fads sta h·d in said Cl·rtificate are trut·. and that .said cou1·t has fixed " ' AXTED TO I a ·y l' llf Ll>':-; CRIB :\louday, tlw :!o~th <la~· of January, A. D. with high sitlt·~; mul;t he in good 1 ft:!tl. at ten o'cloek A. ~1., or as soon condition ann rt>asonably priced. t ht·rl'a ftt·l· as tht· hu:;int'RS of th(' court l'hont· " ' inn. 24:i!l. 1 ~LT~l6-ltc \\'ill Jtt·rmi t. at the room of said t ··ouno· Court in the ounty Building, IU \\ '. \~'I'EH-liiS('J.~LJ..\~EOl S in lht' t.'it\ nf 'hicap;o, in said Cook ('\JUnt~·. as· th·· ~111e and place for the TYPIST \VJLL T>U TYPfX<j. .-\~0 h· ·a1·iug- on said appl ica.tion. All pereopying- at honH·. \\-ilnwttt· 3267. sonH <lt·s it'iJJg· may filp objections in 1 ~ILTH-tfc ~aid C'ourt ll·'fon· ~ai<l day and may ap- . tH·:l!' on th· .. h··aring· an1l make their \VA::-.:TEI> LAH<iE BIHD CAGE. th·f··nse. T(·lt~ phont"'ilnwtte 1615. I>.-\ Tl<; !>, J a 11 ua.r~ ~ th, 1 H2fl . 19LTX16--tc EAHL K OH.NEH, JOH:-.: C. BAKER, EL:\lER D. BECKER. WILFORD \V. DeDERARD, CLAREN 'E E. DRAYER, l"Al~L A. HOFFMAN, JOHN F. WIEDLIN, Board of Local Improvements of the Village of \Vilmette. Tel. Winn. 165 562 Lincoln Ave. L-15-2tc 20LTN16-ltc I I ~ Rent-A-Car, lJ Drive W ®rr~it®©l M©tt©Ir C©, IX THE :\lATTER OF THE SPEC'IAL ASSESS:\IEI'\T of the Village of \\'i lnwtte for the improvement of the roadway of Park Avenue from the north lint· of Lin<lC'n Avenue, south~:-as t erl~· to Tw lfth Street, and of T'\'t'lfth Str(:'et from Park Avenue to the south line of Gregory Avenue, tog't.. th er with the intersections of said Park AYenue with Linden Avenue and tht> intersections of said Twelfth Htred \\'i th uakwood Avenue, Prairie A \'t·n Ut>, <:n·g-ory Avenue, Hill St\·eet, and tlw aJh.. y intersection between < ln·g-on· A Yellue and Hill Street, in ~he \'illag·p of \\'ilmett(', Cook County, llliupis. hy g-rading, paving with asphaltic macadam and othe1·wisc im]H'oYing· tht- same, docket ~o. 149, of tht· County Court of Cook County, Illinois. XOTI "E is hereby given to all persons intt.. n·st~d that the Board of Local fmpron·nwnts, of said Village, has heretofore fi1ec1 in said Court, in said eause, a certificate showing the cost of the improvement, the amount rel't·I'H·d for interest, and that there is a total dt>fieiency of $l,S50.92 to be rai:-:t·d hy suvph·mental special assesslllt:'nt on the property benefited by ~aid illliH'O \'t.·me nt, and also that said impi'O\'t·nwllt ha~~ b~en completed in sulJI'tantial eonformity to the requirenwnts of tht· orig·inal ordinance therefol·, and has applied to said Court to (·onsi<lt·t· antl d <.· tt>rmine whether or not the facts stated in said certificate are trut·, and that said court has fixed :\lontlay, the 25th day of January, A. D. 1 !:126, at tt·n o'clock A. l\1., or as soon t ht>reaftpr as the llusi ne::;s of the Court will twrmit, at the room of saiu County Cou1·t in the County Building, in the 'ity of Chicago, in said Cook County, as tiH· time au<l place for the hearing on saitl application. A11 p~rsons desiring may tilt' objections in said Court lwfort' said day and may appear on th~ hearing and make their defense. D.:\ TED , January Sth, 1926. EAH.L E. ORNER, JOH~ C. BAKER, ELl\ I li':H D. BECKER, WILFORD ,V. DeBERARD, LAH.E:-tCE E. DRAYER, PAUL A. HOFFMAN, JOHN 1". WI EDLIN, Hoard of Local lmprovementa of th1· Yillage of 'Vilmette. L-15-Ztc SEW FOR DORCAS HOME The children of the Dorcas Home will benefit by the sewing done today by the philanthropy department of the \Voman's club of Wilm'e tte, and a large attendance is urged to begin work at 10 o'clock. Luncheon will be served at 12 :30. This 1s the only day this month allotted for Dorcas Home, and it is hoped by the committee that many women of the village will join club members for the sewing. --STATE OF ILLI~OIS l Ct)e:'\TY <)'F' C'OOK 1-ILLAGE OF KE~IL1\"0RTH l ss IS 'I'HE (.'OU~TY COURT OF (.'()OK COU~TY. Gt"n. ~o. 54034. IN THE ~lATTER OF THE PETITION OF THE VILLAGE OF KENILWORTH FO 11. THE PROCEEDINGS FOR THE' ACQUIRE~iENT OF CERTAIN PROF ERTY AND THE LEVYING AND SPREADI~G OF' A SPECIAL ASSESS MENT FOR A LOCAL IMPROVE ::\[E;..;T FOR THE OPENING AND EX TENDING OF ROGER AVENUE AND THE DRAI~ING, GRADING, CURB I!'\G AND PAVING OF SAID ROGER A VE~l"E AH SO OPENED AND EX TENDJ<::;D, AND OF OTHER STREETS AH PROYIDED BY ORDINANCE, AS A CO:\IfUNED DIPROVEMENT IN THE VILLAGE OF KENIL\VORTH 'OOK COl:NTY, ILLINOIS. ~OTIC E. ~oticf· is hereby given to all persons interested that the Board of Local Im prov(:'ments of the said Village of Kenilworth, has heretofore filed in said Court in said cause, a Certiiicate show ing- the cost of the work provided for ·i n said cause, the amount reserved for interest, and showing- that the im provement has been constructed in substantial conformity to the require ments of th~ origin~! ordinance there for. The hearing to consider and de termine wheth ' r the facts as stated in said Certitleate are truE', will be held in said court on the first <lt\y of F bruary, A . I>. 1926. at ten o'clock A. :M.. or as soon thereafter as the business of the court wi11 Jlermit. All persons desiring may . file objections in said caus~ hy or· before said time, and may appear on thl' hearing and make the·ir defense. Dated, Kenilworth, Illinois, January 12, 1926. BOARD OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS OF THE VILLAGE OF KENILWORTH. James C. Murray, President. L16-2tc

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