34 WILMETTE 1 LIFE REAL ESTA'I'E ] anuary 15, 1926 FOR RENT HOUSES CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified advertisements will be charged only General Nott.Ce - t o residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. 15 cents Rat eS-- papers. a line in one paper. 25 cents a line in any two 30 cents a line in all three papers. liiNUI1JM CHARGE :lO t!enta. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. 10% dl8count on all caah u·lth order advertlaement· when broa&'ht to our oftlce at 12:::: Central A~·e., Wilmette, or 564 Llneoln Ave., \\' lanetka. · Investigate Bargain iassified Deadlt.ne for Jnsertt.ons-C cepted up advertisements will be acto Wednesday 12 o'clock tor the WILl\IETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: WUmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka %000-2001. 1 RE .\L ES'I'~\TE 1 REAL ES'l'ATE North Shore Real Estate S. E. 'VINNETKA Substantial g-Room Stucco on 100 ft. wooded lot - near schools & station. l\fal<e offer. ~lew (j S. W. INDIAN HILL 7-Room English House; 4 bed rms., 2 baths, lot 50x190, 2 blocks to station. Price $23,500. INDIAN HILL VACANT recentlY annexed section of Winnetka, 1 ·to 3 blocks to station, priced from $70 to $100 per foot. H.00::\1~ \Y ITH HOT \V ATE H. HEAT; living room 1Gx19 with natural fire placP: Lovddn water heat<·r; large porch. A ('omforta.bll' home in flrst <:la~:~s ordt>r and only 5 blocks to station. Lot GOxl63 on brick street, all i nprovements pai<l; well wooded; g·arden, fr·uit tre s. Terms. A REAL BUY IN A 7 ROOM HOUSE; large living room; sun and slpg: pore hes: 4 delightful bedroo.ms: water h eat; choice east sectwn, 3 FOR RE~T-APARTMENTS conv ·nient to "L" and steam - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - transp.; schools and churches; bf au: tifully landscaped lot ; fine tre.es, garage. Price reduceu for qu1ck EAS'l'\\·ooD APART:\1ENTS ON sale. EAST\VOOD AT CENTHAL S'l'. COHNEH, NOT COUJ T Af"T::;. ACCLAD.lED BEST OF' NEW APTS. in Evanston. 4's and 5's w'th extra beds closets. Reasonable rE!nts; lYz \Vilmette 3450 424 Lind(>J1 A Vf'. blks.' to C & N. W.; 18 min. down 1LTN16-ltc town. Sound-proof, large rooms ; playrooms for chil<ln·n. No rear apts. rwar public ~olf <.·our:-;e. Owner on pn·mis(·s. Phone Grt!c nlea.f 1919. ::\[ODEHN G-Hl\L STUCCO HOUHE ON 3LTN50-tfc ~ finC> 63 ft corner lot in d ·sirable n. e. location; · ~daz(· <l front por:c h; lar gl' FOH RENT 5-lUL A PT. '\-VITH SU:'\ ~unn~· liYing- rooms on lHt floor and room; 11-:!t floor; *~r; p<'r month. 2 Ia ro·e bed rms. ant.l hath on 2nd Splendid transp. to all lines. 1 OG floor.'=' Pri c<"' $15,500. 'Thil:l is r ·a l <Jr ·enll'a.f a \'e. l "hon e \Vii. 3030. value in this location. 3L1G-1tc :FOR H.ENT UNUSUALLY ATTRACtive furnished home; 7 rms., 3 baths. Terms to be arranged. Possession at once. Winn. 1goo. 2LTN16-1tc North Evanston For Sale-WilmL:te HILL and WIIEELER J3 4 J.... in<lt·n An· ., \\'ilml'ltt·, Tel. 'Vii. 93 1LlG-lte FOH. H.B~T ~-HU 'l\1 APAitTl\IE:-.;T with Lath; lwated; rH·ar transportatioll. l'hOIII' \\' i 1111 . 11-1:!0. 3LT~l6-ltp SEb l.'H FOH. ~IUL>BH~ ANU ATtractive hom eH, l1sting-s of w ·11 lol'Htt·d , ·acant and <H'I't' tracts . FUH. H.E.:\'T 4-HOO~I AI'Al{T:\lE~T ; $·! ;,; ht·at, lig-ht, wat~:r and garn ~ · indu<l~· tl. ]'llOill~ In F. Coleman Burroughs & Co. 11:;7 \Vilm ettt..· Av ·. Phone \Vil. 640 1LTN16-ltc \\. il. ~!.13-Y-4. 3LT16-ltc ~31 HIIH; E A VE.:\'l'E I'HO~I': - \\'IL:\ 1 ETTI·~ :Hi ·l WlL~lETTE , JLLI.:\'01~ 1LT~l6-1 tl' FOR RENT Office suitable for dentist or .doctor, also space for b<"auty parlor m n ew Indian Hill Building. Investigate. EoJEo§1t:UJlllit~~®~llfcy(C(Q)( 460 'Vinnetka Av ·. 'Vinn . 1 00 1LTN16-1 tc BARRING'fON IS BOOMING I IlA \ ' E SI·;YEHAL GO FT. HESlDENtial and lJusint·s~ lot!-:i priced for quiek sale at *3tiii.OU l·ach. 20cj 0 cash - halaiJ<'e ;, yt>ars. Buy l>l'for · C. & ~ . \V. e le ctr ifi es. FOH. HE~T- H EATEl ), ~ ]{( l( '~1. 1~T tloor :q>t.; h ·a \'ing town has lt ·asc t t· :\lay J : will mal<, . t.'OIICT~~ion. Ph()llt · \\"ilmt'tlt· 3107. 3LT~lG-ltiJ WINNETKA HOMES EXCEPTIONAL HOUSE COMPLETE- . ly equipped and antiqued decorations; 6 b e d rms.; 3 oaths; 2 larg·e heate d solariums; Uarage. Lot lOOx 200 ft. Sheridan Rd. $40,000. BRICK HOUSE "W ITHIN T'VO blockl'; of depot, 4 bed rms; 2 l>aths; 2 larg·e ht·ated poreh<·H. ::\foclern and best materials. 60xU..7 ft. $2 ',000. SPRPCE ST. " 'E..8T. 4 BED !DIS. AND bath. 50 ft. lot $1fi,OOO. I-I. C. Grausnick :!11:!11 ~ht·t·mnn AYt.·., EYanston 1L'l'N113-ltc FOJ{. JU;.:\'T -- ~:\1.\ LL A I' . ltT:\1 E.:\'T : FOlt HALE HA \'I~IA -- ~E\V 6ht·alt ·<l. .\l ~o ~ t ol't·; \\'o·ll ]o('a.tt ·d ; roonJ stU<'('O hOU!"t' ancl garag-t · of dH ·a p l'l'llt. l'h.,llt · \\' illn· ·ttt· :!3!.1!.1. c harming· Eng·] i~h (hosign; on wood I'd :iLT~l~-tf ·· lot; h ight·st grade construction; hot watt·r h1·at · breakfast nook; larg<· FOil HE:\'1'-UOU~1~ JWITh; <·ak' lloors and trim; .large 4 attic; t·vt·ry modern conYL'I1 1 ~<.:e. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Two blocks f1·om school and statwn <· 1·:;'\;TJL\L Jlc IT £-:L-- LIG lfT <WTSI fJE t·ast. l'rict · low if sold at Oll('C . l;j(JO r·tHI!ns : ft~l' transit · llt~ and r··s i tlf·nt ~ . Judso11 An·., Highland l'ark . ti:!~t ~lain ~t. J'hont..· \\' il. 10:-.11 . lLT.:'\l;i--lt<' ·ILT;,o-tf t.: First Offering BE~T Eo §o Wn®©l©mru & Ccwa 72S Blm St. 'Vinnetka S3 1LTN16-1 t c \'..:\Ll'E 0~ THE ENTIHE north :-:hon· thcla ,.. Brand new 7 rm. !;O}id hrk. nut<-11 ("ol. Horn e; til . roof; 2 beau. til<· baths: extra lav. on >1i-;l fl.; Hun and bn.· akfaRt }>rehs.; 2-t·aJ' lJrk g·a,·ag-t·.: <'Or lot; mag-nifi('t·nt tn·t·~: do~l' to lakt· and "El." 23 .;1\HI. li-ruotn !"tuc·co houst.· ; watt ·!' h l.' :tt ; lot ;,ox I tjtl: ·w t·st side. $1:;,0110. Ft ~~~ 1~1 ·: .:\'T IH iill'd; ftll' .· Fltlt l'O·· LA I{(; 1 ·: It< 1():\J: WI Tli i:H Tt:nth !"tr·,., t. 4Ll11- :!tp Fl'I~~JSIII-:1> , Charles H. · Brethold I ~~ I ~' 11 su ranc·t· HI·:XT 1011 .. - .:\'E.\H trans. : Tt ·l. r,;, ] 1.11)-J t c \\'UODEP t·a~t ; n · f. t·Xcil. l'hon· · c:l(·ll- :\I a i 11 ~ t.. \ \ ' i lr 11 d t · · 4LT~1ti - ltp FI·H J~E.:\'T F<ll~ ~:\LI·: I' $ -lUI Kroll & Sn1ith - · ~I'LJ ·;~IJJI) furni~ht · d I ,. :I II!" I' . T Hh ~t. l'holll' \Vil. GOO 1LT~16-ltc V ACAN'r BARGAINS FULLY E\IF'ROVED Highland avenue .. 50x155 $90 Central avenul:' .... 50x156 ~5 Hill st1·eet ........ 50x164 85 ·F or est avenue .... 50xl40 ·o Greg·ory avenue .... 50x175 0 'Vashington ave. . . 50x160 80 Elmwood avenue .. 50xl40 70 Walnut avenue .... 50x140 65 17th street ........ 50x123 60 per p er per per per per per per per ft. ft. ft. !ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. I Also complete listing-s of east side vacant and a few lots unimproved of excl'ptional speculative value. " ' l LL TIL\ T)J~ FOH S::\I.\LI.~EH H< )~J J·; ( Ht V ACA:'\T :\1 Y XE\V 'Vl:-.::'\ETKA , S JL\f. BHICK, col. in ehokt·~t n. t·. Sl·etion; 3 tile oath!': h. w. ht.; tile roof; 2-car, brick g-ar.: edling·!-; 11wtal lathed; all walls and et·ili ng·!'l paint d; steel const.; g-uttt·r·s, downspouts, porch roofs, ete .a ll eop)wr; immense living and ~u11 rooms: superbly wooded lot . l'hont· '\.in ndl<a. 1470. 1LTN16-ltc ' ------------------- <:lt·lll'ttt ·, 111tlxlltl ft. < 1\\' 11"1' wilJ ~:tt' ritiv v for :Ill (':t:-:h. $ti:i Jlt ·r ft. Thi~ i~ a. ban.:. :un and hl'l<·W t IH · lliH l' kt ·t. .\dd , . ,.~~ I'. I J, I :ox 1 :! , llulJl ·arcl \\' ootl!" , Ill.. t'Ol ' llt Jot in lLT.:\'11~-ltt · L.\l~t:J-: LH:HT \\" ELL l'l·t ·ll l. pri\·. loath . .:'\· ·at (·l. \ \' i IJ II . 1 G4 3. ILT~I ti-l lt~ Ft>l~ 1..\1~<:1 ·: l:l·:lli{CHI::\1 ; " frt ·llt t ratt~}l. 1:! 1 l'a1 · J~ a\·,._ nu·· . Tl'l. \\' ilt1H·tt·· :!!·::. -ll.1G-ltp J~I · :.:\'T ldto(·ks Fe~~~ llubbard X. E. \\~ oods Bargain J~J -;.:\'T .'\11'1·:. J·TI!.:\'1:--illEU ro .. rn; f11r ::-r11glt- g··lltl, · rl l:tll; Jl ··:u :-- tat i 1111 . I 'II" 11 ' · \ \ ' 1 1111 . ·I 1~·. " ' J X.:\'ETK ..\ ::-\ E\V 7 -H00:\1 ~hing· Jt·; 4 ht·d rn1:-: ., ~ baths: sun ·ILT.:\'1 FtiJ~ 1~1-:);'T Fl!t~:"T ti-lt ~: rnJ. : att . lrtd . gar. , woo1lt-<l lot. A bar gain at ." 22 .~.ott . \\'inn. l:!:!ti . lL'l':'\lG-1 t·· F'OI{ ~.:\LI·: - LOT~ U~ C ll E~TXl'T, Ashland , lOth, 7th, and ~ht · ridan, with rip. riJ.!.hts and pit ·r~; littlt· d ow n : I o 11 g t i me . .J (I h n 1'. ( ; a g .. · b :~ ;, <:rapt· ~t.. YillPlantl, ~~ · \\' Jt · r~ ··r. 1 L:iO-tft · I:I-;11 WH1:\l hot watt ·r l~t · at; largt · t · lo~· · t . Tv ( 'hristiall g··ntl··llt:lll not atldivt· <l t t. to!Ja<'<'CI. l'hollt.· \\'inn . ~.13 - 1: . ·ILT .' :Jti-ltJ F·llt HI·:;".;T -- L "\IU:E , FI~(I;'\;T l{t)<>.\1 :-:uitabll· fo1· :! nJt ·ll <·1· c"upl··; Jdtch ·· I For Sale-Winnetka F. J. BUDI TGER & CO. 1177 'Vilmettc Av e. Tel. Wil. 1750 1LTN16-ltc l'O::\JFOHTAI:LJ<j ~-H00::\1 STUCCO 3-l>a th Ht..·atP<I K Por. & slt·ep por. exc(·llent condition, convenit·nt to :-;chools. Price $24,000. pri\·. if dt·:-;ir··tl ; :! IIllo\~ . t'rt·m tran~. l't · a~. ll:~n (lak\\(llld :t\t·. \\'il. all1i 4Llti-lt} OFFERING FOR SALE COLONIAL; 7 ROO::\JS: 2 BATHS; pchs.; gar.; h . w. heat. $21,000. 7 ROO::\IS; 1 HATH; P 1st floor. $14,500. WI~~ETKA'~ Phont· '\Vinndka. li:i44 1LTN16-ltc FOH. ~ALE ::\IODT!;R~ A~D ATtraetiyp 7-room bungalow; tile roof; h. w. ht ·at with oil l>urn e r; full baffi on 1st floor: 2 rooms and hath on :!nd floor. 50 ft. lot; W(: ll landscaped. <.;a.rag·t. East location near "El." H.t·al value at $1S,OOO. FOH !-;ALE OH. }{g;".;T- !'\EW ll<Jl..'~ E FOl{ HE~T - LAI{<;E, FH.O:'\T Wl0::\1::5 i rm~' nt·<u· lakt·, go lf and transsi ng It· or ! Jitt·; wdl ht ·att·d: t·as t }JOJ'taion; lar~c· lot ; pri<'t> $21,000. sidt· . Tt ·l. \\'il. 1 ~Htt. -lLT:-\16-1 tc \\! . Ottt·n, ~16 County Line H.d., Lilt·n- r-.....~-.~~~~~~~~-----~~-~ eot.·. 1'honl:' Glcnco · 433. t .l<'Oit It E Vl'-~'l'()lt E~ .\ ~ IJ lLT.:-.::;o-tfc OFI<'IC ' E~ HS.: LAV. ON \YA.:\'TEI> - FINEST SECTIO~; 7rooms: 2 hathl5; h<>att·<l pch<·s.: 2-ear gar·., quarters allovt:. Ownt·r leaving \Vinnetka. See us. Bargains in Vacant FH< >:\I U'VNEH~ 0:'\LY -A h11USl~ Jlt·l'f t·rable on (~ast side: 2 hath~ if possihlt ·. ~ot over $1:>,ooo. Addn·ss \\'il. Lift · A-i-l:-.. F( IJ{ HJ-:.;'\;'1' ~TL)J{ E ( ' .\ J{LTU~ J:ldg·. and ollit't·s. (;ousaln·H and l:oaeh . \\'i undka ti:! . ;, I..,T~l2-tf c F(>}{ 1u-::'\T Jll · tl~:t dn·~s Fred'k B. Elm and Lindt·n 1~hotnas & Co. R. M. Johnston & Co. 340 Linden Ave. FU!t HALE GO FT. OX AS'Bl RY A V.; 1·ast Lake st. $12ti ft. \Vil. Life A-733. 1LTN16-ltp l<'Oil HE~'I'-HOt'S.ES \VI:-.; c.tli<'t'. H· ·< uwnalllt· n·ut. Ad \\'i l. Lift· A-7:> I. III·~SK ~I'A<~E I~ l "?in1wtka ::!~i>O 1LTN16-ltc 'Vilmette 444 =: 1L16-ltc WIL~1E1vi'E HOl\iES 3GO OAK ClRC'LE. 6-R00::\1 BRICK: 3 large O(>dronms; g-aragt· attach d and hl·ated. Price $1~,,;-,oo. $3,500 cash, balance like rt-nt , $70 per month. HiHt HIGHLA~D AVE. l":'\1.8l'ALLY attra.etivt·, JH'W i-room houR<', Old English type; 3 largt· bedroom~; til t-;hOWH and bath; h. w. heat . Large lot tiOxlGti. Price $Ut,OOO. Attractive t rms. \V. G. S1~l\CEY & CO. 336 Linden Ave. · Wilmette 308 1LTN16-1tc FOH. H.ENT 'VINXETKA-B EAU- ~'<)H HE.;".;T ~!'ACE 1,:-.;- IHH'BLE, tiful. hollo'\v tih·, residence of 10 bri(·k gar·agt·. $:-.. 1:i3i Hpt·ncer an: room~: 'vith tlll't·c· baths, sun porch · llllt ·, 'l't·l. \\'il. !l!t:l-\\'. ~I.;'v G-H.OO~I COLO:'\IAL; ~ATUHIAL and t·ndoRt·d slt·<·pi ng- po1·ch. For 6Llfi-ltc tlrl'plaet·. \Y~:· ll woodt.·<l lot. Best 2 or :~ n·ar~ from .:\la ,. 1 ~t. B es t lonortlwast Ht'etion. Price $24,500. t·ation: · 1 oloek from · th · lak<.·. AdJl JU~l.P \\ '. \~'I'Eil- :U .-\.J,E drt·:-:s \Vil. Lift· A-7G:-, . 2LT~16-4tc WA;".;TEI> ~ALE~::\lE~ FOH \VI~ 111·tka. HPal Estate Oflice; <·xpe1·i ATTl{ACTIVE 4-ROOM \Vilmette 698 FOH HE~T 407 Linden Ave. l'IWt· not esHl·ntial. Appl~· H.. A. <·ottag-e, oath. Feb. to May 1 with 1Ll6-ltc J Ioag-lan<l, 2 l"routy annu,, 'Vinnetka. option for long(·}' if <lt>sirt>d. ·rei. 11 u.rNt6-1tc H.avenswoocl ~4!1H. 2LTNI6-1tp F'< )I{ HALl<.: - \VELL L< )CA 'TED LOTS; all improvements in except street; \\'ANTI·~I> Hl~AL J<;S'TATE SALESall ready to build on. $50.00 per ft. FOH HENT KBNII. . \VOHTH-EAST man. l'an make a splendid proposisidf'; furn. or unfurn; 5 rm. house. tion to a g·ood man familar with $100 per· mo. 320 Richmond Rd. Kenil. North ~hon~ prop··rt~· . Kroll & 1 ii4 or H.avenswood 2759. Wilmette 225 607 Main St. Smith, 419 4th St. 1 'horw Wil. 500. 1Ll6-ltc 2LTN16-ltc 11LTN1-lt6 BES~r \ 1ALUE F.H.GATHERCOAL