Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jan 1926, p. 32

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32 WILMETTE LIFE January 15, 1926 e· North Western Anno1mcea Give Musical and Te· for Presbyterian Group Revamped Train Schedule A musical tea was held under the auspices of Spoke VIII of. the First Presbyterian church of Walmette ~t the home of Mrs. William C. Morns, 112 Ninth street, Wednesday, January 6. The program was given by five young people from the public scho?l music department of the Columbt.a School of Music and was under the dtrection of Miss Kathleen Gallagher, a piano pupil of Dagmar Anderson Herem. Changes in train schedule with increased service for the north shore will hecome effective Sunday, January 17, it was announced this week by the Chicago and North Wester~ railroad. Trains for Evanston and pomts north will leave the North Western terminal in Chicago at five minutes after the hour between 7 o'clock in the morning and 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and at 15 minutes after the hour between 7 and 10 o'clock in the evening.· Train s to Chicago will reach the down-town station at 15 minutes before each hour. ATTENDS MINISTERS' SESSION it \vas said. In addition to these hourly Rev. Francis Stifler, pastor of the trains there will be others, hut those Wilmette Baptist church. attended the noted above arc the main feature of the annual Baptist Pastors' Retreat hl'ld revised schedule. at Peoria, Ill., this week. 'RADIO SENSE A RADIO is as good as the accessories (tubes, batteries, speaker, etc.) that go to make it a complete instrument. Likewise, it is . only as good as its installation. recommend Standard Radios, furnish recognized standard ac~ cessories, install, service and guarantee the instrument you buy from us. are able to give you unbiased asW E sistance in the purchase of a radio receiving set, because our only desire is to assist in your selection of the instrument that will give you the best results for the amount invested. CONVENIENT TERMS Open Evenings WE Mrs. Lorin Hall, mother of Thoma~ L: D. Hall of 1008 Greenleaf avenue, will sail from New York January 20, on the Laconia for a trip around the world. She is joining a touring party and will visit many interesting places, spending considerable time in the Far East, in China and in Japan. She wilJ be gone several months. 554 Center Street Winnetka 712 Church Street Evanston · . .. Two of the classes m news wnt.mg 1 cof!duct~d by R. H. ~arp~~tcr at ~ c\\ Tner Htgh. school ~til vtstt the pl<ttl t 1 of the Chtcago Tnhunc \Vednc s <~ay evening, January 20. The ~roup, .whtch will number about 40, wtll arrn·c at -othe Tribune plant about 9 o'clock an(! Mrs. Joseph A. Friend of 1528 Wa5h- ~,· ill be sho.wn through the cn.tire huild.~ itigton avenue entertained Mrs. W. n. lmg- h.r gmdes. ~fcmbe~s of the t~tft Thurtell and Mrs. Albert McKeighan of the school paper l\'tll at. o be mas her guests this week at the Albam· eluded in the group. Park Woman's club. · -o-j Mrs. Albert E. Barber of 6Z1 tin - · Mrs. Arthur H. Howard returned den avenue, Wilmette, entertained at Tuesday to her home, 1055 \Vilmctte : luncheon Wednesdat for Mrs. Gray a\·enue, from the Evanston hospital. Brown, state regent ·of the Daughter-., where she had been ill with scarlet ' of the British Empire. and ~~ rs. Snl fever. ney 1-1ay. recording c.;ecretary for tlw -oBritish Old People's home at Ri, er A meeting of the fourth grade Par- side. ent-Teacher association of the North -oShore Country Day :-;chool was hdcl Cornelius van Schaack. who SL)Ctlt Monday at the home of :\1rs. Frank ]. the holidavs with his father and mother Bersbach of Indian Hill road, \Vin- iti \Vilmette, is again at the \Vinchc:--ter netka. · Military academy at \ \'inchcster, Va . Budding Journalists . to Inspect Chicago Daily I 1 I 1 GJk ORRINGTON EVANSTON·ItLLINOIS ~ ) The North Shore's Largest Hotel Burns Commerce Fuel Oil This hotel, like many other oil burner users, including apartments and private h,omes, is being supplied from our new modernly equipped North Shore Plant located on Willow road, directly west of Winnetka. It,s Cleaner and Cheaper with Oil I I " Telephone All Orders La Fayette 8220 <linmmtrrt Jrtrnltum <ttnmpauy 2921 Lock St. Chicago

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