Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jan 1926, p. 30

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WILMETTE LIFE January 15, 1926 BALLARD'S Book Store Rental Library Our First Sale on Books is now in Progress 115 5 Wilmette Ave., Phone 25 66 Branch Libraries 419 4th St. (with Kroll ~ Smith ) · Ridge ~ Lake Ave's. (with Ridge Ave. Pharmacy ) Wilmette and Park Avenues, Wilmette Herman W. Meyer, M.A., pastor 406 Prairie Avenue. Telephone 1396 Church telephone 3111 SERVICES 2nd Sunday after Epiphany: Prof. James Weber Linn, he a? of 9:30 A. 1\f., Suf!day School and Bible the English department of the Umv~r classes. sity of Chicago, will speak at the Wm9 :4G a. m., I"'irst service and S(·J·mon. 11:00 a. m., ~econd service and sernctka Woman's club, Tuesday, January 19. His subject is, "Som~ Cur,~ mon. SPrmon Ruhject: "D('ath or Life in rent Biographers, )'rue and Imagmary. a \Vord." Judg ·s 13 :G-6. Till' s meetinrr is in charge of the b M c Th (' f'll'ct ions in th e two young- pcoart and literature department, · rs. '"· pie's sociPtiN> of ~~· John's re~ul~ t·d George Levy, chairman. . as follows : Th e oflJCl'I'S of the S(·nwr cr lt'ag·uc arf': Barl Est t·s, Tile mlts ic department of the \Vm- 'Valth pres ident; Etta. Horn, Sf'Creta~y; H.uth L nctka Woman's club, Mrs. Everett · 1\f(·il' rhoff, tr asurt·r; Vf·ra Pr1bc, corHarris, chairman, announces for the responding· ~ecn: tary : Hob e rt Flint , 26 Burton That librarian. Tho~l' of th ' Junior so<'iety program on J anu~r~ ' . . ...- are: Howard Hit .· er, prt·s idt ·nt, H.uth cher, baritone; Wtlltam Beller, ptant~ ., KuC"hn, st· ·n·tary an(l trPasuJ·<·J·, Louis,. using the Steinway Duo-Art. Xilles, correspondiug st.·crct:u·y. Mr. Thatcher has an unusual.!~ beautiful voice, cultivated by unttrtn~. cffort, and directed hy sound .mustctanship. He has filled more tmportant 1 oratorio and ~ymphony ore ll'stra engagements than prohahly any oth<'r baritone in the \Yc . t. He has appcard with the Chicago Symphony orchestra in Ch icago twice, and on tour ten times, with the ·M inneapolis Symphon_Y orchestra, four times, and the St. LoUIS 1 H h Symphony. nine times. e as ~ so appeared with the ~orth. Shore Festtva l five times, as solOist \\'tth the Apollo Club, Chicacro. t-> Mr. Beller ha:=; the combination of youth and personality, only experience · · is necessan· to ma k·e t 1 1e prop h ec1cs of the critics -a rea lity. In 1921, he won the :Mason and Ham lin Piano p r ize, and in June 1925. the national prize in 1 1 the bien nial cont~st cc;md u c~e< hy t le Kational Federatton ot ~fttstc club-; at Portland. Ore .. in which hundreds of young American artists competed. 'fhe Senior and Juni0r· socif·til'~ ha\'1· mad.- plans to have a joint slt·igh rid t· party, each soci~ty providing- its ow.t t slt·ig-h. Th ·:r wtll m<' t at St. John ~ on \\·ednesday evening, January 20, at ' o'rlork. H.Pturning- thr·y will hav ·· a nic lunch at th chur ·h room~ );uw let·~ hopt.' there will be som·· snow on \V dn sday. A numb r of frit·tHl~ will att,·nd th · ba~k(·thall game next :\Ionday t·vt.·nin!.! in whieh ·:t. John's or 'Vilnwttt> wil l nwct St. I...ukl"s of Chicago. Th · t·' am -.: are rather t·venly matched and a ver-. (·x<'iting contest is expt·cteu. St. John '!squad is composed of tht· followin · plan·r~: G org-f' Est<'s, H.. and 11 Flii'1t n. and C. Johnson, Georg-e ~I rg-t·ntl;alt·r, R. \Volff, H. Zihhb ·, C' Knolwl. Th l' g-ame n<·xt !\fonday w i 11 oe play d at the Hroad way Armory. The vaF;tur will deliv ·r a s··rit·~ ,,, sermons on Old Tf'stament tPxts dur ing- the prt>-lenten sc·ason. The f}r .... t st·l·mon will <h·al with a word who :-. pronun ·ia.tion ,·R tablish d a p(·opl· ··.., hh·ntitv. ~t. John's invtit·s you t o 1t" scrvic ·s. In Winnetka JVoman's Club ls Offering . Two Fine Programs St. John's Lutheran Use Our Clothes Service Clean, w~ll-pressed clothes are an asset to any business or professional man. W earing a neat, good-looking suit, a man himself assumes more confidence in himself and also makes a much better impression on other people. We can keep your clothes spot· lessly clean, entirely free from grease spots and stains. Our process removes every blemish, no matter how large or serious. It also adds to the life of the clothes. Ask us to call regularly for the garments you wish to have cared for. We will call a~ any time to suit . your coQventence. We'll deliver them to you- repaired, cleaned, and pressed- looking as good as new. PRESSING REPAIRING ' j John's has had the ·~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I history in 192G, as practically PV· · r~· DR. ARTHUR H . TUTTLE DR. ALICE D. TUTTLE Osteopathic Phyaiciana Residence and Office Phone 300 thP l'>tatistic~ c·~tlfl : pilt·<l from tht> churd1 rt ·co rds sh11\\ This report tog-r·tl\1' 1' with an nut1in· for the plans for 1 fl21~ \vas n·ad to th· congreg-ation aftt·r last ~utHlay·~ s··niceR. It m(·ans that 192+) has l:u·~, ., plans for thr- innt·r all<1 nut~"J' dl' V· · lt~p ment of our {'hureh. Tu r··al iz·· t twr n \\' t" need JHOrt· than g-n1"! prosp· ·t· t:-:, w. uer·<l FAITH. anrl I'IL\YE1~ :md \VORK. l·"orward now: higg · ·~ t n ·Rpcct :-;t yt·ar in r t, · We specialize in th e very best quality ~feat , Poultry, Gan1e and Sea Foods. Wholesale mtd Retail Literature, Music on Catholic Club Program 'Members of the \ \'oman's Ca : holi \· club of Wilmette will h<'ar the follow ing program presented by the f1nc art department Friday afternoon, January 22: Miss W inifred Bright wilt give a review of children'..., hook:-, ?\f i.;;._ ~~ ;u jorie Day will give illustration" in .;;o n~ of ~' \Vhen I \ Ya-. \·cry Young" h,· 11ilne, a n d mu. ic from \ Yagnerian ope r a' will h<' g-i ,·e n hy ~~ i '" ~f. n. Morris at the piano, and ~~ r-; . H. R. Sherman, w h o wi ll sing aria~ . T h e m ee t ing w ill be h eld at the u.;;11 :tl time in the auditorium of the St. Fnn cis Xavier schoo l. :M rs. lolm \ Ye lton Fis her, Jr., 82r) Gree n wood a \·c nu e, en t ert a inc.:d thL· Rea d ing eire! a t lu ncheon \\·edncs day. White Cash Market Co. A L BE RT P. KRUSE, Pres. 1189 W ilmette Avenue Phones Wilmette 2779 and 2538 Schultz & Nord The North Shore's Leading Tailors LET US HELP YOU INSURANCE RENTS SALES LOANS Phone .. ·1304 Wdmette 115 2 Central Ave. Wilmette 320 A. J. WOODCOCK 35 YEARS' EXPERIENCE

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