Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jan 1926, p. 28

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WILMETTE LIFE January 15, .920 Congregational Church Ministers: Stephen A. Lloyd, W. E. McCormack The Sea Scouts meet Friday evening at 7:15. Ewart Coo~, skipper. Baptist Church The second semester of the school of Religion a t t h e Baptist c h urch will open Wednesday, J an u ary 20. Dr. W. Edward Ratrety is dean of the school. There will be · courses tor children arHl courses for adults as follows: 5 :45-6.25-Brave Adventurers-Led by Miss Annie Beach. Foreign Mis sion hero study for boys and girl!< from 8 to 12. 6:30-7:20-Fellowship Dinner. For the whole church and all our friends . Please notify the chunrch office bt·for{' 1 o'clock on Tuesday, Januar y 19th, how many places to res ·rv(·. Adults 50c. children 35c. 7:30-8 :tO-Three Courses-1. Th· · Children's Picture Hour with 1\lr ·. Blaylock. 2. Church School Leaden;hip.-l><·signed particularly for the enti r· staff of Sunday School WorkersDr. Raffety. 3. The Life of Paul. -To this course it is hoped many of our Young People tnay r(·main h<·fore commencing their Home ::)tudy for School. Leader to l.Je annoum:··d later. 8:15-8:55-Two Courses-1. Studies in Personal Evangelism. A courst· in practical methods for Sunday Sl'lwul \Yorkers and others from the Uo:u·d of Deacons and general membership of the Church. Led by Mr. Stifl(·r. 2. Prayer and missions.-A C'ou1 ·~ · · in Foreign Mission Study using :\Irs. Helen Barrett Montgomery's lJ~ol.; by that title. Led by Presid(·nt Eiselin of Garrett Biblical Institut· ·, Dr. S. A. Huntley and others. 9:00-9 :20-Fellowship S ·rvice of ::-iong , Testimony ·and Prayer. Tht>S(' cour~<·s ~tri<.:t··d to the ti~t church but Up c s pccialize on Service Junior Choir rehe~sai Saturd~y at 7 p. m., Mr. W. E. McCormack, directing. The Church school begins promptly at 9:30 Sunday morning. Last Sunday was a record attendance day and you can help to make this one, too, by being sure to bring yourself along. Keep looking around for those who would also like to come. Today Dr. Lloyd will address the Ju·nior Congregation on "Your Mark and Our Mark" when it comes together at 10:30 o'clock. The Junior choir will 1ead the singing. The morning service of worship at 11 o'clock. "Pillars of Peace" is the subject of Dr. Lloyd's sermon. Dr. Charles W. Gorilon (Ralph Connor), author of the "Sky Pilot," will speak to the Wilmette Sunday Evening club which meets at this church. The Girls' Glee Club of New Trier l;igh School will sing. :\frs. F. J. Newey will entertain the Xeig-hborhood Circle, Mrs. F. J. Scheidt·nhelm, chairman, at her home at 436 Lake Ave. on Tuesday. UNDERTAKER Our nineteen years of faithjul service in Wilmette and the North Shore is our be·t recommendation. Our New Limousine Hearse is the newest thought in funeral equipment. · We have lived on the North Shore twenty year·. . Wilmette 654 1124 Central Avenue WILMETTE ' ; Not a "SubstitUte" for people of this townPeople who have never burned anything but hard coal, talk about substitute fuels of all kinds. For thousands of people, Chicago Solvay Coke has been the standard for over 20 years. Hard coal makes more ashes, contains less heat and costs 30% more per ton than Chicago Solvay Coke. Good soft coal gives about half the heat and does damage with its dirt, smoke and soot. · Call your dealer and ask him about Cl1icago Solvay Coke. He will have a furnace and fuel man visit you. He will recommend. the proper size of Chicago Solvay Coke for your equipment and suggest the best use of it for your increasing satisfaction. Tuesdav at 3:30 the Bl U'birds meet. Ruth Knif:'J) and Miss Charlottf' :\loody in charge. ~~iss Tuesday (·\'ening at 7:15 Hoosevelt T1·oop No. 2 meet at Headquarters. 1>1·. C~arles Blake, Scou-tmaster. The \Volf Cubs meet on \Vednesday aftt-rnoon at 3:30 o'clock under the d il·(·<.:tion of :\lr. Harold Spinney. < )n Thursda" the Cozy C'orn('r Circle will hold an ·all day ine<:ting at th(~ ('hu1·ch. Coffe will be served, but the ladies will bring- tht'ir own luncheon. ~I r::;. A.. E. Klunder is chairman of thi~ <"irde. t··n·sted charged. in are in no wise r· · members of the Uap af(· op .. n to all in1-lUeh study. Xo f ·t· i ~ Tht· })astor, Hcv. F1·ands C. Stifl· ·r will return from Peoria tonH,ITow morning, where he ha:-; h ·en in att(·ndall<'(' at th~· Annual Pastors' H·tn.·at. lit· will preach at th mornillJ.!' st·rvi<.:e Sundav. !\liss Ethel Flenty1 · will pn·:·dde th<· Org-an . at Th · Young- Pf·opl' at·e making- thdt· annual tl'ip to the Chicago Sunda:. Bn·ning Club. All planning- to go f1t1 Young People's choir practice Thurs- tht· devat(·d will meet at the "L" t· · r<la~· evening. min<tl at 6 p. m. Ev··ryon·· nH"ds at \Vedn sday evening service at S HutHlay Evt·tting- .-.;lulJ at 7:~0 . o'clock. :!\[r. Lloyd will give an illustrat d talk with stcreoptican picThe Camp Fir· g-irls will nH· ·t <ttl t ut·es on 1\fr. Stoffer's work in Ma- Thursdav afteruoon at tht.· church at dura, India. 3:30. . q uartcr:s At 3:30 Thursday afternoon the Le\\'a Camp Fin· Uirls mel't. :\[iss Frances Howard, guardian. Tlw ~undav school· nH·· ·ts at !· : :~" with graded ·instruction for all <l~".· ·~. The \Volf-Cubs will nt··· t at on Thursday at 7:30. head The l horal soc-it-tv mt·t·ts for n ·hNtnml at ~ o'clock (Jn Thurs(lay (·Vt· ning. The \Yilm tt e Baptist church is J,, _ catt ·d at the corner of Fore~l and \Vilmettt· avenue:-;. Tht· pastn1·, H.· ·\ . F'rands '. Htifl ·r ma\· ht· st·en in th· · study during the moniings of th· · wc·· h (.'X<.:ept :!\fonday, or by appointtnt ·llt Tht> ehurch otlkt· is in <"hargt· of :\lis~ :\fa.bl'llc 1h·nna<"kt·r an<l is opt · n f1·on1 !J until 1 ('\' t·I'Y day. COMPANY T h e only Authorla~d Ford D ~aler· Between Evan·ton and J:l.lchland Park. SKOKIE MOTOR CHICAGO Mr. and 11 r ~- Lester \Voo<l antl Mr. and ~lr:\. Fernando \\'. Fuermann were ho . . t s at a dinner -dance gi \·en at the s~vereign Friday C\'Cil in g. J anu~ t r _, . 8. Solvay Coke Buy it" Bum it )'ou'll Li1ce it Sold exclusively by A. C. Hammond is expn:ted til re t nrn to his home at 500 Gn·gory a H' nne the end of this week after a "hort iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii h u ~in e s s trip to :\I inn e a poI is. 1 WINNETKA, ILL. 712-14-16 Elm Street -o- l BoDle Made Fudge Made in our own kit chens of pure cream, butter and sugar, pecans or black walnuts, chocolate or pure maple sugar-per lb. . ... . ............. ISc HOFFMANN BROTHERS WILMETTE Phone 131 Our Winnetka Store For Better Home Made Candies COMMUNITY KITCHEN 584 Lincoln Street Phone Winn. 1740 with the EVANSTON STORE, 1633 ORRINGTON AVE.

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