WILMETTE LIFE January 15, 1926 .ROME Was Not.· Builtin One DayAnd if you are like tnost folks, it will also be ntore convenient for you to Make Your Home ElectricLittle by Little. Such equipment as electric sewing machines, cleaners, ironers, toasters, and grills are, after all, permanent additions to your home. Buying them Little by Little is an easy method of saving from your income. Daylight Kitcben Unit r Cook by Wire ., ., ,. Co/lee the Bl.cfTlc Wa_y You are cordial!y invited to call at the Public Service Store and select any appliance you need. Start now to Make Your Home Electric ......;. Little by Little. You will be surprised to see how easily it is done. Quick Heat wben Needed Special Offer During January We will place the new Thor-30 Electric Ironer in your home NOW at its regular cash price, $160. You may pay us $5 and say: "I'll pay for it Little by Little." No charge for service a year if you like, to complete the investment. And the machine will serve you for years and years. Thor· Folding Electric Ironer The 30 Only S§!! Down Small appliances as well as large may be purchased Little by Little Comfort in Sickness PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY ·O F NORTHERN ILLINOIS In the Kitchenette Eaeier Washinl 1141 Central Ave.. Wilmette Wilmette 2899 Jno.. S. Reesman, District Ma.naff!l