Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jan 1926, p. 24

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24 WILMETTE a few years of quiet experimenta tion, bids fair to be notably successful. The bank contributes five per cent of its net earnings as its share of the fund, and, although the plan went into operation only four years ago, to date its contributions have averaged better than one dollar for every dollar invested by the employees. The fund at present is in excess of $52,500 and each employee of the bank, who has served it for two or more years, shares in the earnings. The trustees have carefullY invested the fund in bonds. "The year has been gratifying to LIFE ] anuary 15, 192() Bank to Share Profits With All Its Employes In recognition of a year of prospe r . ity, the State Bank and Trust compahy of Evanston announces the de- · tails of an employee ' Savings and Profit Sharing Fund plan which, after Have you tried our Table d'Hote Dinner, served every evening from 5 to 8, for 7 5 cents ? Those who have tried it have found it beyond expectation. It includes the best foods obtainable. prepared by an expert chef, and served quietly and quickly. Noon Plate Luncheon, with Soup and Coffee, for the d irectors and patrons of the ban k t commen t s President F rank J. Schetdenhelm, who is a well known Wilmette resident, "and all of us have felt that we should make clear our plan of sharing the bank's success with O';!r employe s. \Ve f_eel that th~ plan .m its ess~ntial detatls has pect_al ments and will eventually prove ot unu s ~al v~lue. to the employees of t.he mstttuttOn. _Employees; under ,thl~, plan, ma.y contn~ute up to five per .cent of !hetr s~lanes, not to exceed 1~1 each l113tance over $200 a ~ear, unttl after fifteen ye~trs of servtce when they mav depostt not to exceed $300 per annUtll. The bank, a s already stated, contributes annually five per cent o i its own net earnings to the fund. , f 'The mana~ement and control ~ the fund, s ubJect to ~he board .oi dtrectors of the bank, 1s ve sted m five tru stees three of whom are officers of the ban'k and the remaining t w v arc bank em{)loyees, who are not officers, elected by the contributing employee . The largest amount in · am· one account is ~3.900. of which the employee ha s contributed ~1.500." ISocial welfare to Be h· F c tcago orum T · J Jl opte anuary d on't g iv e h i m ordi na r y ··cough" me ic ines-in st ea d eive h im · h R a y y oung Edlt Piano Studio 630 Park Avenue Telephone Wilmette 3651 45 and 50 cents NYAL Babv Cough Medicine which is prepared especially for babies. It contains no opiates, alcohol or chloroform. It is recommended for ordinary hoarscncsa. coughs and colds. Wilmette Cafe Don't forget our excellent Sunday Chicken Dinners for $1.00 The Chicago Forum will make another endeavor for understanding and good ·w ill Sunday, Janaury 17, at it s meeting in the Olympic theatre, Fred A. Moore, director, announced today. The meeting will he devoted to a presentation of the program for social welfare and human betterment a s adopted by the official bodie s of Cath -· 1' J cws and Prote stants. Th e 0 tc s, . h R J \V R s peak~rs WI 11 he t c cv.. · ,. · . · Magmr:e, profe ss or of · oct?logy, St. \ iator's college, Bourbo.nat s , . Ill., _ a courageous, forward - lookmg Cath o lt c )rie s t; Rabbi Cer. on B. Levi of thL· ~. ·>l one of the ahle ~ t J c wi sh .lead l m1 . e, · a wortlw re ers tn .Chtcago an<1 . Pre senta t1~· e of the . C <:n t ral Co t,l fen·nr e o,f Amer!can Hahht ~ ; th e. R~;·· \l~th~~ :·t C. Hernng of Ro ston, S?Ctal · <r v H.e secretary of t~1 e Congregat10!1al chu rc h es and dy.namtc lcadt:r of octa} thought and actton ;u11on_g the I rot c:-. t_a ll t churches. There \\'til he plenty of tl111L' for a searching que s tion period, it is promised. The Chicago Forum Council, under \\'hose auspic('~ the Forum i . con(lUct t' d, is a non-parti san and non -:- ectar!an group of citizen:-. rcprc -; entin g the major social, economic and ra cial groups in Chicago and ih : uburh '> . It con s iders this meeting as an opport unit,. for reI ig ion i !--. t s to g c t a h c tt e r un<le;·standing of each other and for IWn - rcligioni:-.h to get an ttnt~:--ual in terpretation oi religiou -; force s. ' 't ·· Ridge Ave. Pharmacy Oppositt> ~t . .Jost' ph's f'hur c h J'HO:"\E :~t G 1 Betrothal Made Known at ·- ------------·1 Reception and Dance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... the R<hL' roc·lll <·t tltt' :\forri -.. on hc,tt·l A rl' ccption and danct \\':!") hl'ld in M. Portenhauser For the Sake of Variety serve Vienna Loaf at least once a week; your family will appreciate your thoughtfulness, and you will enjoy the change yourself. Our Vienna Loaf is made in the good old fashioned way; and has all the fragrance and flavor that makes a good Vienna Loaf. Painting Decorating Estimates given without ·obligation Phone Wilmette 2764 I 030 Greenleaf Ave Saturday e n ·ning. Januar~· <J. to an · IHlltnn· the approa c hing ma r riag t· o , :\1 i ..,.., Franc~.·~ Kitt v Cok t o Charlie llirs ch. Th' hri(le ~ cle c t i-. the daugh tL' r of :\1 r. and ~~ r~. ~L Cole of 717 Cn·t·t1lvai a\'l'llttl', \\"ilntett~..·, and the l[root11 j.., the ~on oi \f r. and ~1 r-.. . Samuel I I irsch of Chicago. No antwuncemcnt wa:-. made of the date o f t h l' \\'l'dd ing. ~r ore than 200 i riend s and ar q u a in t a n ce s o f . t h you n g t> eo pIe a t tend('(l the affatr. I he Ben ..,on orche stra furnished the mu s ic for dancing I and Jlenri Therrien, tenor, Babe Kane. and IJa\\·kith ~cl-..nn. tetH·r. pro,·ided l'lltertainml'nt ior the gue-..b. Suppl·r ,,·a-. ~ l'n· e(l at 10:30 (·'clock. l: , ).f r:-;. Ra ,. ).filler and daughter, Geraldine. of 1775 \ Yashington a\·enue, left Tanuary 7. for Houston , T{'x .. to spend liiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i three 1~10nth-; \\·ith ~fr:;. :\filler's par('nts. WILMETTE §l lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l llllll l llllllll l l l l ll lll lllllllllllllll l lllllllllll l llllll l lllll l ll l lllll l l l ll l lllllll l ll l l~ I First Church of Christ, Scientist I ~ T~th ~~;~~;~~venue January 17th-"LIFE" = SUNDAY SERVICES-II A. M. :: The Wilson Bakery Home of Everything Good That's Baked READING ROOM-II63 WILMETTE AVE. Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6:00 P. M. Wednesday 9 A.M. to 7:45 P.M. Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. HOURS: Phone Wilmette 414 1162 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette "I'h e Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and all other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. ~-= = ~ The Public is cordially invited to attend the Church Services and viait the Readina Room ~= =- , - l.mnttllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltiiiiiii&IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII_I

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