WILMETTE LIFE January 15, 1926 Fast Color Ginghams These ginghams are a well-known kind, and every piece guaranteed fast color. They come in a variety of pretty colors and patterns, 2 7 -inches in width. Choice of the lot, per yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C Georgette Crepe Fine quality all-silk georgette crepe, in aJI popular colors. It is 40-inches in width, and an excellent quality. in every respect. Sale price Bleachi, . This white gauze Uild packages. It is soft~sh suitable for dusting a .y,ol iture and cars. Price4uri JS 5 Yds .. )~ New Printed Silks Flan1lE Flannelette, in a varil' of stripes, that is 3 6-i}l~s i an excellent weight a· ~n lmited quality is otfe~ at This Sale Is the Key to greater savings! It offers a splendid op portunity to make your money buy more , and more! and still more! Carpenters and mechanics will soon be at work in our store, where radical changes in arrangement, and installation of a large amount of .new equ;pment, will make a big ger and better store for Wilmette . . Natural ly we wish to redu··e our stocks to the low est possible point before this work starts, hence, this Sale offers values we've never equaled before. Prices in this ad are for ,lots largt enough to advertise- many other odd lots and broken lines in addition to these will be on sale, radically reduced. Beautiful new printed patterns in silk mixtures, that just arrived, will be placed in this Sale. Prictd in two lots at $1.25 and REMOD .I ; .. \ · ' ... Sheets Large bed-size sheets, 72x90 inches, will be offered while a li~ited number lasts, at this extremely low price. Now is a good time to supply future needs. Sale price Fine Qualiv ) Each Flannelette Nightwear The nightwear in this sale are all "Brighton" garments- in itself a guarantee of their fine quality, fit and workmanship. 98c Soft and evenly WO\\ tbi able for many usesand when offered durinpan sewing just ahead. rice 24c, or Pillow Cases · Pillow cases that match the above sheets in quality, are also offered while a· limited number last. Choice of either 4 2" or 4 5" size, priced at ~ 10 Yds.~ Fine Wot These blankets are ove1 of wool yarns, car . ¥ They are full bed-!:, a variety of pretty pi,:. Women's G· o wns Women's :flannelette gowns, white or fancy patterns in all sizes are in this lot. Values up to $2.25, choice of the lot for 29c Each Handkerchiefs These ladies handkerchiefs are made from pure linen, with neatly hemstitched edge. Plain white only. An exceptional value. Priced during this sale at · Cottonll ~ A large lot of cotto bla and 70x80 inches iize, together at one price V priced for clearance . Men's and Children's ¥2 Doz. for SOc s2~P KOTEX-Regul~e, Flannelette Wear Men's and boys' pajamas and nightshirts, and all children's flannelette sleepers and gowns will be sold at 20% discount. $1.25 sleepers for .. . ......... $1.00 $1.50 gowns for .... ... ....... $1.20 $2.25 pajamas for .. . .... . ..... $1.80 $3.00 pajamas for ·............. $1.40 Others priced in the same proportion. Odd Lots Many odd garments and odd lots that we ' wish to dispose of will be grouped together and placed on tables. You will find many items on these tables you can use. Priced at $1 each, and 2 for$} Phone Wilmete -