Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jan 1926, p. 17

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, .,.~ January 15. 1~2o WILMETTE LIFE 17 d 1 Alvin Culver, Grid . 1 Mrs. D. E . Allen, 209 Fourth street, Methodist Leaders to · had as her house guests recently, her Star, PIans to Play hrother-in-law and sisterl Mr. and 11rs. Banquet Next Tuesday ·th p pl S d H N Phillips, of Topeka, Kan. They Bishop Edgar Blake of Paris, France, WI Ur e QUa c~me. to Wilmett e after spending the e ' k g C - t - 1 ... t t. r p 11 lf Ill n Hl :1 a n ~~ ·r " ., t ~ 1t ; Alvin S. Culver, 103 Broadway, \Nil- Christmas holidays with their son, A. mette, a veteran footba ll player at the 1 G. Phillips, who is in charge of one St. Thomas :M ilitary academy of St. of t_he departments in the School of Paul. Minn., and captain of the eleven Agncu lture· . at Purdue university. las t autumn, will enter Korthwestcrn -ounivcrsity n~xt September, according Mrs \ to word rcccn·cd by the University this . V. ]. vVeldon and Mrs. L. E. week. Bush of Wilmette attended the lun chCu lver recently fini~hcd his mo st con given Friday of last week in the successful grid season in his three llotcl LaSalle in honor of Mrs.' Heryears oi competitinn at St. Thomas, !Jcrt A. Richards, wife of the British leading hi~ outfit to the parochial con s ul general, and hfrs. Galliennc, scho(d championship of the i\orth \': ife of the vice consul. \\· t~t in 1925. I Ie play~ a tackle po-.;ition . - offl' \\· a~ placed at OJH' C~i thl' tackle ~[r-... John ~fcPhrrrin and her t\\'0 po~h on the All-Aradt'l11\' team f<Jr rhildn·n Idt \\'ilmcttc ~lunda\· for St. Paul and ~1inneap(lli~ thi~ pa -.. t th t' ir home in De~ ~loinc-.., Iowa: after "l'a-..nn. --ptndinl!: thn·<· \\Tt · k -, a.., the !!:ttl'~b of Thi~ l11t--ky grililnan, \\·ho --tand . ~ ix ~I r~. ~~ cJ>herrin' father and mother, feet two incflh in hi~ -..tockinR f <:t ).f r. and ~lr . E. L. ScheiJ nnhclm of and tip-, the hl'all1 at 205 pound , is a iO-l Lake an·mtc . . \'ersatile athkte and i-.. unusualh· -o-~pt'td_\· ior a lllan <·i hi-.. -..ize. He c;q)taitH'd th{' \\atn p(,Jo tt·an l, and f('~fr. and ').fr~. Donald F. Simmons n·in·d lettn-. j 11 thi~ ~ port a -. , well a <; have returned from Akron. "!'\'. Y., an<l on th<: trark. " ·ill he the guest s of Mrs . Simmon s' 1 1 Cuh·er t:\IH'Ch to graduate trom St. L ' reCnt s, ~fr. and Mr. C. C. Carnahan, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Elson and their family of 944 Sheridan road returned to their home January 9 after a short winter vacati6n at the Park View hotel, Hollywood-by-the-Sea, the and Dr. J. M. M. Gray of Scranton, new resort city of Florida located bePa., will be the principal speakers at tween Palm Beach an~ Miami. the banquet of the Chicago Methodis~ Social Union at Sherman Hotel at 6:30, Tuesday evening, January 19. Mr. I{aymond G. Kimbell, president, will For January funds preside and the prog-ram is in charge there ts no better tnof Dean James A. James of Northwe . tern university . vestmen t than First l3ishops Edwin Holt Hughes, Chi· cago, and a resident of Wilmette; E. Mortgage Gold Bonds Y. Waldorf, Kansas City 1 Mo.; F. T. secured by North Keeney, Omaha, Nebr.; F. J . McConnell. Pitt sburgh, Pa., and the executive Shore real estate. officers and members of the World Sen-icc Commission, consisting of 72 minister and ,laymen will be present at the banquet. Hav e to loan on choice lmproved North Shore Suburban residence property at n'AI~ lnlt!rel't. See us on renPwals runds SV2 %Money SMART& Inc. ooLE E '1' !\(Jttla~ tlt'Xt lk \car-. (Jid Ju 11 e. lit "ill l>l' (lillY ~\ llt'n he cntn-.. .\'urtl;\\'l<tcrn. lit- i~ a go<.d ~tu<knt a-. \\"l'll a-. ;Ill athktt·. 0 1 11 e~ t~lt~r~a~l~a~ve~n~t~te~.~t~lll~t~il~a~l~Jo~u~t~A~p~ri~l~l~.~) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - I E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St'. Main 025().. 1580 Sherman Ave. Evanston d (' (' ANew Method Has Made Good · Beauty Lies in Healthy EYES It's not so much the size or color of the EYES that makes them beautiful. Rather, it's the glow which radiatP.s from them. Un~ lesskeptalwayscleanand healthy, EYES lack,this alluring lustre. Millions of women throughout the world promote EYE health and beauty with Murine. It cleanses EYES of irritating par~ tides and keeps them clear and bright. Contains no belladonna. Our illustrated books on "E'Ie Care" or "E~·e Beauty" are 'fREE on request. r F levels are much highet· than those of ten years ago, so that each additional telephone installed now increases the avet·age investnzeu t pe1· tele· phone. 1'o nzaintain the service the contpan)' 's reve1:uesnzust keep pace with this condition. OUR years ago the Bell System introduced "station-to-station" long distance service. P RESENT cost The service has "made good." It is used thousands of times daily where it is not necessary for the caller to speak to a particular person or where the person wanted is likely to be within immediate reach at the called telephone.. The service Is especially suitable for personal or social calls to relatives or friends. Rates for daytime station -to-station calls are about 20 per cent lower than for p·erson-to-person calls. Evening and night rates are still lower. The rate is charged when the distant telephone (or private branch exchange) is ans\vered. ~ The Murine Company l)q>r. 33, Chicago · ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One Policy - One System - Universal Service

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