Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jan 1926, p. 16

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16 WILMETTE LIFE January 15, 1926 I .I NEW ·MARMON SALES AND SERVICE STATION 6017 Broadway, Chicago Large Service F loor un der management of Mr. Fred Hawkins Marmon North Shore 1008 D.a vis Street Evanston Greenleaf 1038 6017 Broadway, Chicago --·~~~Patterson Brothers~~~. Easy Payment House ever penned for the org-an-the o magnificcnt setting of the 9-tth Psalm-is the fcat ure of the fourth program of the North Shore Communi ty Organ series to he given Tuesday, January 19, at ~ o'clock. at St. Luke's ch urch, Evanstun. Other numbers on tllis progra111, \vhirh will he pla~·cd by Herbert F . Hnl<:. arc the 'Tonrcrt Overture C :\r'inor" and 'Allegretto Grazioso" hy Alfred Hollins, the famous blind organist of England; "Two Orienta I Sketches" by Bird, a young Amcric.m composer: "Salut d'Amour" (Elgar). "Cradle Song;' (Grieg), and the brilliant "Finale" from Vicrnc's Fir :~ t . ymphony. . The artists for the February concert given February 16, at St . Luke's i-, Leo Smn:rhy. the di "t ing-uished organist and composer. The public is cordially invited. Herbert E. Hyde to I Finds Fish Creek Give Organ Recital and Ephraim Busy O ne of the g r eat es t compo sitions / N t S - or ex eason RADIO Pianos amtl Player· Snnoras, Columbia Edison Phonograph" Adjusting, Repairing, Tuning. , ,. milling HoM\ 'l'r, Se wing Uac htnes ·undalues ond Hn.mllton Bt-ac h, nnd I<~ orek :t \ ·n cuum Cleaner· ltCJluiring untl Suppllf's ~inge r F. .\ . Troy of th<' Orrington h o t<'!. fortn('rly (li \Yilmcttc. eft Sundav tn make hi " permanent J ome in Xew York CitY. '\frs . Trm· and their ~ m Charles. ~,· ill folio\\' hi'm at the end of the school year. 816-818 CHURCH STREET Bet"·een "L" and Post Oftlee Tel. Unlver·lty 654 Tel. Wilmette 526 CHICAGO STOREs 1050 Jn·lng Park Boulevnrd,Tel. Grncelnnd 4950 Ilectric ~frigeration . Complete $250 . r.o.B. DITR.Oif Charles A. K inney has just ret urn e d from a three-days t rip to Adven tu re Is land boys' camp near F ish C r eek, Wis., where he has met men at work filling t l,e camp ice'-house and getting out timber for building tt:-.e. ~1 r. Kinney reports unusual activity in the Fish Creek and Ephraim region in preparation for the coming season. At Ephriam an 800 foot dock and break water is being planned, which. when completed, will provide one of the be. t harbors on Green Bav ior small craft. On Chamber's IslatHl the new owner is having a dock built into water deep enough to float the large s t stc<tmcr:-. on the Lakes. Although hi:-. plan s for developing the is land haH' not been made public it is gl'nnally unclcr:-.tood that the ne\\· O\vner plan ~ to er<'rt a large hotd thi . coming :-.prim~ a . a n1uclcu-. for making the i-.land into an i111portant -.ummcr n.·-.nrt. During the past t\\·n ~· <'ar-; <·n· r~· ., i:--land in the regi(lll ha -. lwen -,o ld ancl improvl'd " ·ith pcrmant·nt -.umm<:r hnu "e. by their owncr ..... :\t the present time there arc s ix -. ummer ramp · in the vicinity of Fi h Creek, patronized n·ry largely by north shore boys ;mel girk Each year a larger number of parents spend all. or part. of the c; um mer ;tt thv near -ln· re ..;o rt c; , attracted ll\· the hl'atlt\· and .rharm n i the cn un t ,:,. and its· acrc·..., . . iJ>ilit~· m · r. pa,·rd higlnvay " from Chicago. DurinQ" the pa s t Sltmmcr the record " nf the Sturgeon na,· bridge -.,hrl\\cd an incrca ~e of 50 1~crrcnt . in -.,un1mer vi -. it0r -. (·ntrring Do(lr rnunty O\'(· r any 111"<' viou:-- qnnmcr. ChicaPo. Opera Company Plans Touring Season Thr rurrent "<';t on r·f thr C"hicac r~ ('i,·ir Opc·ra romp;t11~· " ·i ll clra\\· to ~l rio..;(' on Saturda,·. Tan . 21. :titer whid1 that gn c~· lyrir c·,q.!:anization \\'ill rntf'r unon a ·,1ur of cnlo "" al proportion . The tra\·elitH' acti,itiC'" "ill np(·n in Bo:--ton :\fonda\·, 1anttan· .2~ . .\ itt'l' Yi:-itin .t?. a numl;n ~~i the ·I ·;t t·ng ritic-.. of thC' F.a c; t th<' r< ~ mpan .' · " ·ill ~ in{! ;t tcn -da\· eng:tr'('lll('llt at \fiami, Flor ida . Tlw prinripa 1 cit ie-. of 1 h<' Sc1\tt h will he ,·isitcd C'll r o ute h :·rk to C"h ic;qro. ~c1 far-\\'c -tt ·rn tl'rriton· will lw ro , ercd a:-- in former year.... . · \ f r. and \ f r... . D. F . H a 11 n i RO<J C c n t ral a n·n ta· ldt i :)1· ~ e\\' York :\f on day. The~· . ail ior the \f ('diterranran ot~ th<" ~ . :. Lapland on Tanuan· ! (j. They will J,<' away about (~ight w·l·ck-.. 0- Frederick E. Lewis Resident · North Shore Funeral Director Mr. Frederkk E. Lewis, assisted by Mrs. F. E . Lewis, residing in Wilmette, will direct funerals in a manner to meet the most exacting requirements. They have bad twenty-one years of successful professional service in this field. Personally recommended by Mr. Chas. A. Stevens of Chicago and a host of others. They come to the North Shore ready to render the most careful, courteous, conscientious service. All calls will be personally attended to by Mr. Lewis, who is the only funeral director residing in New Trier Township. tht KELVIN·Ef A refrigerator with Kelvinator already installed, requiring only a single electric connection to put it in operation. Refrigerates without attention, relieving you of all the worries of caring for an ice box. Call and see the Kelvin-et, or phone for information. University 2132 \frs. Frank F. Lacld '-tr<ct \\' a~ hostc.... . at bridge on \\'cdne"da,·. "tl('~t of honor hrin.g IIall. whn i-; h·a,·ing r;111(·an trip. of fill F.ightL luncheon ;tnd Tanuarv 6. her ~ f rs. Da,·ict F . on a ).feditcr- · Very Latest rn M odetn Limousine Equipment TAYLOR'S Red Ticket Sale Leather Goods Reduced tn price from Mr·.Frederick E. Lewis asaisted by MRS. F. E. LEWIS Phone Wilmette 3552 1120 Central Ave. WIL\IETTE OIL BURNER [ REFRIGERATING and] Co. 508 Davis Street, Evanston 20%to33Y 3% Discontinued numbers and pieces that were used for display purposes. , KELVINATOR I Domestic Electric ~frigeration lite Oldest ·8;~A NEW Y~K · EST. 1859 28E.~~ CHICAGO ill I ..

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