Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jan 1926, p. 12

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WILMETTE ' '///////////////////////////////////////////))"'/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////. LIFE January 15, 1 9~() Prompt Deliveries from Our Winnetka Bulk Storage Plant "For ·_ Fue)-use Oil" Braun Bros. Oil Co. 11 Smith Club Is Hostess · to the Wellesley Circle The North Shore Wellesley circle will be entertained by the North Shore branch of the . Smith Colleg~e club ~t tl~c home of. M tss Gertrude E., Gladwm ot 2323 Orrmgton avenue, .Eva,nston, \Ve~nesday, January 20, at 2 :30 °,clock. Mts)~ Evelyn W ~lis, Wellesley 13 , of th_c I me ~1ount.~tn school, Kentu~ky, wtll sp~,ak on Our Southern Htghlanders. To Discuss Music, Civic I nteres"ts, at Wilmette ( /lub Day I The next all da \' program of the \\'oman's club of \\'ilmctte has been arranged for \V cclncsday' January 20. The civics department which is in charge of the morning sdssion, has secured Charles S. Peterson, count\' ccmmissioner, to give a talk on "\York of the County Board" and ~lr:-;. Leland Pierson, township clerk, will tell "How Mot1cy Is Spent in the Town s hip." The program has been especially planned for the women of \Vilmctte who arc interested in knowing how money is spent. Mr. Peterson has been the man largely responsible for putting the County Board on_ an efficiency basis, as he hired J. L. Jacobs, efficiency expert and engineer, to put the board on a paying basis. Following the 1 o'clock luncheon, a lecture of unusual interest will be given by Dr. Sigmund Spaeth on "'l'he Common Sense of ~f usic." .Dr. Spaeth, who is from New York, is considered one --of the best authorities in America in his field, and is an int<. · resting- speaker. He is an author and lecturer, as well as musician, an<l has \·isited all parts of the L· nitcd States with his me sage. :\" C\\' York Hadio stat ions have broadcast his talks, and his article!'l han: been published in many of the wt:llknown magazines. At the inYitation of the ci,·ic-. committee, Clarence Drayer will present the important and much discus,cd Parking ordinancl' at the aiterrh Jll mc<: ting which contntcnce:-. at 2 o'clock. For Fuel-Use oa" Wilmette and Winnetka W ILMETTE 290 WINNETKA 1565 AUXILIARY MEETS MONDAY The ] unior Auxiliary of the Infant Welfare society will hold its ) anuary meeting next Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. 11. C. Hecht, 1042 Greenwood avenue, with Mrs. Paul R. Soule and Mrs. F. E. Parry the assisting hostesses. Wilmette members of the auxiliary are urged to attend the annual meeting of the Chicago Infant Welfare society \\·hich will be held at the New Palmer House, \Vcdnesday, January 27. ?-.fr. and Mrs. Paul L. Roche of 801 Central avenue are in New York City for the Automobile sho1v. They ar~ visiting relatives in Pelham 11anor, !\. Y. and expect to he away about three weeks·. JAMES G. BARBER Automotive Engineer 15 08 Elmwood Ave .· E vanston Official ( 24-hour) Service Station Chieago Motor Club Repa iring- Rebuilding All Makes of Can Machine Shop-Welding- Painting- Eitctrical Velie Sales aad Sel'viee Wholesale and Retail Parts for Paige-Jewett Jordan- Marmon- Yellow Cab-Chevrolet · JUNIOR SCHOOL ME E TIN G The Xorth End branch ili the Chi cag-o J ttn ior :-.cho<tl "ill hC1ld it-. n: .~tt lar monthly lllecting, ~londay, January 18, at ~ o'rlock. in the Prince of \\'ale-. room of the Sm-crcign hotel. the presi dl'nt, Arthur ~I. ~'11 it lard, pre~iding . :\ :--J'lt:ndid program is pl;.tnncd ior the ,orial hour itnn~t· diatcly iollo" ing tht: hu . . incs" llHTting. N. K. E . C. NOTE S lulitt:-. L. Cuttnan oi ll..f2 llld . . on aH.-IHH.', E\·an:-.ton. \\ill hl' lw~tt·..,.., to thl' north :-.hore alumnae oi the :\"a tiona) Kindergartt.·n and I·:ll'llll'lltary c<dln~l'. }.l<lllday, Janttar _ ,, 1X. at ..f o'rlork ~lr:-. . ------- ... . t ~' .. fiRCH ·~Jl~ERVEJl p. THC FOOT WELL· I ~. ~ HART OIL BURNER CO. 15 14 Sherman Avt. EVANSTON Greenleaf 17 S 2 742 Elm St. WINNETKA Winn. 1146 SHOP Inc. Width· AAAAA to 2 11 o ~·~~-~~~~_______,j size· to 630 Church Street Evanston

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