WILMETTE LIFE Janua ry 15, 1926 Wilmette Man to Make Second Tour of World A Great Reduction on Pines Winter Fronts $25.00 to $28.00 Values Used but not damaged. They look and \Vork like ne\v. NOW $10.00 We can now fit Marmon - Willys Knight Dodge '24 - Buick '24 Rev. John Henry Gibson, D. D., formerly of Rock Island, Ill., who has bc<.·n making his home for the past six months with his daughter, Mrs. J. Frank Waugh, 812 Ashland avenue, \Vilmette, will leave Monday for a tour around the world. Dr. Gibson made his first tour of the world last winter on the S. S. Belgenland. This year he will go with the 6th Clark cruise on the S S. Laconia. The cnttse tarts Wednesday, January 20, from Cunard pier 56, New York City. ~f r. Clark, who will personalty conduct the cruise, has invited Dr. Gibson to go as chaplain, which position he has acccptcd and wilt conduct religious services on the ship each Sabbath. The cruise wilt last until the end of ~fay, during which time many foreign countries will be visited. The first ._top will he Ha,·ana, then through the Panama canal to Los Angeles, from Wedding Unites Two Young .People Known Along North Shore I The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Rieke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Rieke, to Wayne Van Lee.r Jones son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank h. Jones' of Kansas City, which took place Thursday evening,_ Janu~ry .14~ at the Sovereign hotel~ ts of mterest here as both young people are Northwestern graduates .and have ma!'lv friends on the North Shore. Mtss Rieke is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. Mrs. Thomas A. Berry of Sheldon, Iowa was matron of honor and the bride~maids " ·ere 11is Charlotte Sidle of Van \Vert, Ohio, 11iss Helen Dyche of Evanston Miss Eleanor Jones of Kansas Cit;·, and 11is. Elizabeth Renifit .of Chicago. . H. Leonard Sidle of Van \Vert, Ohw, . . rrved ~f r. Jones a" l>e:-.t man. and the ushers were Judson Stone of \Vii·· \\'hich point the Yesscl will turn to- mcttc, ('hark:\ Barker of E,·~1 n~t 011 , \\'ard the Orient, visiting Honolulu. ~ f 'I 11·.. 1 . 1 1 11 1 l at)an China ·Manila Batavia Sing-a- Albert Keeley. o l· ~~ .uH . 1.11 . ' · ' ' 1 Be r ·tre ·cr ot Kansa:o; C tt ,.. Foil<,,,Jlt'rc, Rangoon. Inclta, Columbo, Pa es- . . rg::-:-. . t ·· to - C·tliiorni ·t 101 tine. Athens. Monaco. reaching New ~ 1fg a 1 d ~~~mooTn m·'l .. tlwi; 1 ' ' · York ~fa,· 28. Dr. Gil>. on intend to n r. ~u: ~trs . . Ot~es " 111 11111r Fur<.lJll' and \\'ill not return until home m Kansas ctty. y :tp . I Jul~· . See these before going elsewhere Alcohol and Weed Chains I St. John's Basketball Team to Plav- St. Luke's ' 'J I Wilmette Motor Sales 515 4th St. Phone 636 Don't forget ou1· up .. to .. date 'r epair d e pt. George C. Kroll. ,,·Jw ha" been pre ~ ident of the real e:-tatr f1nn of Tl(·in<:.<·n The St. John's church · ha:'kdball and Kroll for the pa . . t t,,·o year., h;"t ~ team will meet the St. Luke's team of Iresig-ned. A. V. Smith c·i t hl' . . am· offi.cc Chicago in a game a t the Broad\\'ay al.;;o ha withdra\\'11 . TIH·y art· orgalllzArmory, Chicago, ~Ionday night, Jan- ' ing a new firm tn ht· kno,,n_ a" K~oll nan· 18. . · and Smith and "ill 1110\'l' tht' rnmtng 1;he team played thl' 1-: ,·an-..t(ln Saturday into the ~arg-t· (;fli~;t· at :·H 0 Eagks at the l lowarcl gyn1 Thur :-day 1Fnur.th street, c·ppc,..,tt<: t~H· 'L term mal of this week. ~{ember-. tli tilt: !oral at Lmden an·nut· and h·urtlt street. s<tuad itlclttde l~t~orge l·:~tl·' . 1\.. l;li tlt~ ----II. Flint. C. Johnson. CePq.!l' ~ll't").!l'll~1r. ~tnd '\Tr-. . S . . \ . \\.hl'l'lnck, 822 thalcr. R. \Yolff, 11. /.ihhk and (' . t.l'iltral ;· , ·t·ll lH' , kit thi:; \H'<'k for St. Knnbcl. Pt'tl'r!'hur!!, Fla. Kroll and Smith Form New Realty Enterprise CITY MARKET CO. 627 MAIN STREET PHONE WILMETTE 1870 Wholesale- MEATS- Retail What You Have Been Waiting for. Our Week-End Sale FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JAN. 15-16 Special-Pork Loins, Half or Whole, lb.. ................................ 28lf2c I Native Rib Native Pot Roast Beef, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C Roast Beef, lb. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . C 22 30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------· Spring Roasti~g Chickens, Fresh Dressed, lb. . . . ~ .......................... 42c Armour Star Hams, HaH or Whole, lb.... /. 311t2C Armour Star Bacon, Half or Whole Side, lb. ... Strictly Fresh Eggs, in Cartons, doz. . . . . . 44 C Special- Fresh Fancy Fat Hens, lb .............................................. 40c Armour Clover . Bloom Butter, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . 50C 45 C Genuine Spring Lamb Legs, lb. . ............................................... 37c WILMETTE-KENILWORTH-GLENCOE-WINNETKA