Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jan 1926, p. 40

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40 WILMETTE DO YOU KNOW THAT : Forty year~ ago our voting percentage in this country was 80 percent. Now we have the lowest votmg percentage of any country m the world, except China. Great Britain in its last election, cast an 82 percent vote. France, Belgium, Germany, the Scandinavian countries, and Switzerland, all cast an <wcrage vote of over 70 percent. Is law enforcement 111 Great Britain measured by its 82 percent vote and ours m Cook ounty by its 27 percent vote at the primary that selects? Tho e arc facts and questions of interest to those who arc \\·orking to\\'ard a 100 percent voting strength at all elections. They arc the concern of the reccntlv organized \Yilmctte Voters' F01·~u LIFE January 8, 1926 Would Sign Up Teams for Basketball · League \V~lmette'. · .first basketball J eagu~ The Village board of local improvehad Its begmnmg last ,,·cek when one ments Tuesday adopted a resolution team ~tarted practice m the Howard :Marine Bo!'_,pital recommending the pavmO' of the first school gymnasium. At a recent meetChicago, 111. alley west of Park a venue, extending ing of members of the Playgrounds · January 3, 1~26 from Central a\·enue north !o Vattboard, ,the School hoard and the Park man Park at a cost of approximately Editor, \\.JL~ll~TTU Ln'E: board it was suggested that a basketball league be formed for young men $9,794. A public hearing on this proln my letter to ~1 r. A. X. Page last ,of . the community who do not go to posed impro,·enH·nt was set for Tues- \\T:.: k, than king my \ \'ilmettc friends choo~ D. C. Stone, athletic director day, January 19, at 7:30 o'clock at th& for their kindness and all their good m the \ \' ilmette schools, wa placed Village hall. :\ similar resolution was wishes, I explained to him that, a~ l m charge of the work of organization a<.lopted with reference to the first al- was unable to thank them pcr~onally, and the School board offered the use ley north of La't:c a venue ea t of Fifth Ill: might bl'st be ahle to do so for me of the school gYmnasiums m the evestreet. The hearing was also set for through \\.11.-:'.ll·:TTI-: LIFr:. nings for practice and league games. ] an uary 19. At the trtne he pre~cnted me ,,·ith It was planned to organize about eight thi · most generou!:-> and ~ttlbtanual teams, which would have a practice and ~rr. and ~lrs. Charles Fox l.kelcr, Christma~ gift-and told me of how play schedule every evening in the wltu have been residing 111 llamilton, my many friends had contributed ~o week, ~xccpt S~turday and Sunday. Mr. Ohio, s1ncc their 111arnage 111 June, chet·rfully and expressed · wishes oi Stone 1s hope I ul that a large number :-pent 1\c\\' Year's at the home of the sympathy for me in my illne:-!:-> and kind of young men of the community will latter's grandmother. ~lrs. Helen S. wishc~ for my early recovery- it wa~ take advantage of this chance for Cage, oi 113-f Elmwood avenue. 11r. :-.uch a surprise, that \\·hen I tril'd ·o HOLD S P EC IAL SE RVIC ES healthful recreation. For further inBeeler left Sunday evening for Rich- express my appreciation, wonh simply formation . concerning the league he Dr. F. H. Di,·inc of Brooklyn, ::\. mond, Ind., when.: they \\·ill take up faiJ,·d me. Even now as I \\Tite this may be reached at the Howard school. \' .. 1s tel conduct special scn·ices Ill residence. but his wife, who wa · ~1 i:--~ it is so hard to find words to <:xpre:-s thl· _ pari:-.h of the Fir::-t ~letlwdi:-t Eleanor Gage, i:- remaining- throughout my feeling" for what ha:-, been done J>rl·~h.\'ttrian church during the \vcek the week. for me, and to let my friend::. know LEAGUE MEETS TUESDAY f January 17-2-l. He will also be the -othe sincere thankfulne!:->s that [ ::-hall The North Shore Catholic \Voman's leagu e will hold its regular monthlv guest of honor and speaker at a dinBrad)(.-(· Pruden. :-on of ~1r. and }.frs. t~hYa\·:- feel to\\'ard them. mee ti ng at the Winnetka \Voman,.:::. ncr to be he lei in the church \ Vedncs- I f. B. Pruden, (>31 Central avrn ue, en lh;t. ~1 r. Editor. l \\'ould ind('ed b<.: club on Tuesday, January 12, at 2:30 day evening, January 13. Jcrtained a rnlkge friend. H.an11ond most ungrateiul if I did not t:xtC'ncl o'clock. The program gives promise I \\'ebb. of Chicago, during the h<;liday:-. to you a most genC'rCJth :-hare oi :ny of a very interesting afternoon, the SU NDAY CLUB LEADERS M E ET The young men n.:turncd to Illinois thanks for the sen·ral article" vou han: lecture being "Period Furniture and There IS to l>c a meeting of the ] anuary 3. published in your "plendid paper, the Fabrics" by 11ary Jane Allen. A large Ceneral committee of the \Vilmettc -u\\'JL\TETTl·: L1F1-:. in regard · to mv 1!111!.~ att,endan~e is hoped for at this meeting. :-;unday Evening club at 4 o'clock Sun~1i~s \\'iniircd Bibland, daughtn (li illness, and mam· othl'r kind ·,\o:·d ., dav afternoon, 1anuan· 10. The ses- ~I r. and }.1 r._, B. F. Bibbnd oi 122H writ ten i1'1 my l>dJa!i. The :Misses Dyer of 985 Greenwood ~io.n .. call. d. hy. Prcsi;le_nt \Y. Frank r l·:lm\\·<,od. an·nul·. kit _Sunday to ref hope ii f n.·ron-r (and 1 h;l\ e avenue entertained as their guests New ~lrllure. will he held 111 the parlor turn t0 Ptnt· ~lanor. \\ e!Je...,Je~· . ~Ia .......... C'Ycry confidu1cc that my prayn . . ,,;11 Year's, :Mr. and 11rs. \Villiam Pleuss oi tlw 'Fir:-t Congregational church, by "a-" oi ~e,,· York. he an...,\\·<:rcd and that I " ·ill ~ gain lw of South Bend, and 1\fiss Lucv Chester Lake and \\'ilmette avenues. -c1ahll' to gt't h;t<'k to ""rkl tc' !Ja,·. ;, and Miss Elizabeth lack o.f Maple- - -- - - - - - ~ti . . :- .\Jarian I~n· ,t'. <l;tttghtvr e1i rllantL' t .. try t(l prmc lll_\'"cli. a" h\·-.t \\'OOd driYe, Riverside. \fr~. l;lllll'S ~lwridan and her SOIL 1 Dol"tor and \lr-.. Ch;trlt·-. '\:. Rt' t'"-l' , 727 I c:tn. \\·ortl, ., . oi all tl!t· irivnrl -. llip and -ort'lllrlll'd to their home at 935 Forest Ft,rv . . t ;t\l·nuv. \\;t , !Jc,:-tt·-.-. :tt ;t ~e\\· kiPc~nl'-. ... ,!J(,\\:1 nw. :Miss Florence \Yinship I ' coming :t\'l'lllll' Sunda,·, aiter :-pending the 1 Yt·:tr\ l>n·al...i:ht te1 a "-lllall gre,up oi Te, \'OIJr-.clf and :til onr tn;tn\· irivnd .;; from her home 111 Indiana Saturdav holiday" " ·ith fH·r lll!1thn. 111 <...'elOJll'r~- irit'tHk \1 r . . . - ~:1\IIHkr ... join ... mt· and ·r; 111 nnh: for an extended stay with lHr aunt, tll\\!1, X. Y. ' -o ... a, · \\( ' th;tnk Hill all a thfl\1-..and tinJt·~. 1frs. A. \\·. Allen, of R03 l'hr:-tnut 1 - 0~fr.; . Dora IL l·: ,·< ·r._f,ll. Jl lfltlwr eli \\' i~hitH~- ~· c,~l all !.!O<,d ht·altl!. h:tjl avrnue. ~Jj,.., Bernice l'oPk rl'turned ~fon - l'. C . Fn·r-..e111 <1 ! -13tJ l,;tl.: v :t\'t·nuv. ,,int·"'. and :t \t·r~ ILtpp:- '\:t·\\ Yt :tr. da _ , to Jl'nning:- '-t'111tn:tr~· . . \urnra. 111.. kit l! ll' l.ong Bt ·at 11. ~ ·: tl.. ~lllHLI' 11, ~iiH't · rvh· \'<lUI"-. :titer :-Jwnding till' Chri--tnw ... vacation l>l' t..:'fi!H ' tor the· rl'lll:tindt·;· <ll . tht · \\.illian J \' . ·:aun<It- r . . . \rith lll'r p.trenh. ~I r. and ~fr:-. '1'. "int<·r. _____ 1·:. Ct,<,k. (J23 l·:kH·nth -.trcl't. -o\fr-... 1.:'1J!.!t ' 11i l'rit lt' t· t·ll. T : .. 1 -0\Jr .... (~. l~o ... ._ ~tt·\\;trl :ttid ~lr-.. i . \ :-..tllt\1..! h· ·r . . j..,t c· r. \fr-. . Ct ·t ·r:_:t·· \f \lr . and ~fr-... l'. Dl'an l'lahr oi 1 H:trrl'tt . carl1 ,rotJ"lJ t·nttTLt:nvd 111 - "'l' '!ll"ll'r ~>i 23 .~ \.\' :tn\irk n 'ad. Kl'nil t :;il'. Pa .. h:t\L' annt>lltJn·d tl1v hirth l l, .r' " a!h at th\' i<,rtlln·, home on Sc·v · ,, r,rtlt. II · ·· ehn " httr . \1i ---.. 1. : 111 ~: 1 · · c·i a ,Clll .\l(lnrJa,. f:tlllLtn· .f . '\lr:- . e nth 'tr· ·et ~f<lt 1 < 1 :t ' ;titcrnn(,n ic1r ~Jr._ \\In ;tltt ·nrl-.. tl ' t' l "l'i\ 1·r . . i \' ,,; I11 i 1t, ,j ... . 1-.:l:tl;r .,,· as~, ~Ji,:- . ll~·kn <hurtkf( ot L<·,,j.; \Ye-.t ni ('ft·n·hnd. :t J... c, 1J t·r t· i1 ·r tl ,t· lt(di ·h: .... ANY items will he sold out \\. j IIIJ et tc, - () - (1 . and discontinued. surh as -o~fr" . J. n. 01\\in <'i K20 l. . d~ l' il\l'T h .. :\t·i.. ld· (n·-... tl~t · \\ .om .. n· ... t ill ' · Silk and \Vool ~weatn Coats ~[r. and ~fr.;. I. K. :-;ton·r and iamilv. 1 lH' pLJn, t(l k:t\t \\ ' i11ll<'l'l' al,nnt ( !. 1 · ~ 11 :1\\(lrtlt . !..! :t\t' a ckli !·hti 11 1 11 1\l · that formerly sold at ~3..2.~. to 1044 :\:-hland an.' mH', rrturned hon~c Janu:tr..' 1.:;, 11 ' 'Jivnd thl' rt ·m :t ind('r (If -..it· ;tl~· Thur-..cl :t\ ai~t-r 11 (,( 1 J1. \1; .... F!e 11 ·close out .,1111a1--' . ."), ft-0111 lint Sj)ritlf'YS, Ark., thv \\'int\.'r "t·:t,on in .\rii'ona a 1d C:tli I .r' e1 ··t· .(111!··. C' II'lralt". :tnd tJ Jt .'\\' !!.!:tl'i \\'hc'rl· th·'·'· :;Jlent the holicla'\ _· s with i .,rnia. .\I r. < )1\, in "ill JOJn her later. . · 1 'r :e1 t ~; !\T : 1 r ~ tartJ J it l'! JII'I J~r: ttll .· ~f r:;. · ton.'r\ pare!. ts, 11 r. and 1frs. - o_ 0 II. ~f. Allen. - 0I ~lr-.. \\'arrt·n and ()k l~ui oi Om:th:t ~fr. and .\fr.;, lll'llr\' T;t\l()r rr .. .f,)J also several wool rarfs. Coat.;; \1i . . s Flii'aheth Tlw 111 p~on. Rfl .\sh- \\t ·rl· tl. v !.!Ul·-..b oi ~lr. and \frs . .'\ rT~ . · · · · 1' "-"t' \: rnac, 1 '..t'lll 1\\r·rth. \,l'Tlt t 11 n:tr and dresses at a great rrdurti0n l;tnd an·nue. ('lllt'rtain<'d 12 gUl">tS at 1 tln1r \\. 1\ui oi 2 .~(> ( ' \111111()1' J'()Cid, 1-\:t·ll 1 during this werk. lunrlH'Oll and bridge \\"ednl<day. De- 1 ih\flrth. ior tl'n day". in:·tott. 111.. Thur . . d : t~· c i b-.t ' t·t ·k tl') r t' 111 h n .29. _ 0 _ 1 'l' 1HI t h t' . \ ·" \ · · : 1 r \\ t l' J... - v 11 cl " i t 1: 1 \1 1 \lr . ;tncl ~lr-... \ . F . l~l'idnn:tn. ;::::::::::;;;;::;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;; - ;;~;;;;;~:;. j . r.... ~ :1 , . n H lll d /\.. \\ · h n·l o c k o i 71 N B. COPLAN, Proprietor . () . ~i11th -.trl'.l't \\ill he ho--te' . toda\· t(J 1126 Central Aven ue ~lr. and \fr,. ll11!..!h Forl·,111an oi DR . ARTHUR H. TUTTL E I th<' mt·nJl>er.... oi lll'r luncheon ·and Phone Wilmette 2403 :"I.~ F ... ~ex ro:tcl. 1-\:t·nih,·orth. cntl·rt;tin l ·ridgl' club. DR. ALI CE D. TUTT L E - n< ··d ata httffl't ~tiJIJil'l' party X<'\\' \'t'ar's O st e opat h ic Physici an s Frt'd nick B r< ·llgh t (In, 92~ :\..., h Ia 11 d e n ·n in g. Rf'siclt·nc·t· and Offici::' - 0an·ntll'. who Ita-. hl'l'll ho111e for the Phon ·· :wn holida,· ..... rl'tllrtH'd tel thl' l'nin:rsit\· oi \f r. ;t nd ~f r--. Siclnn· Fa tman of lllin(li~ ~ttnday, January 3. . 2.;,; \lt·lr(l"l a\t'JHH·. l(t·nih,·~>rth. ar<..: 'lit nding a it\\' \\·t·t·J..:,_ in Cuii Port. Board Recommends More · Alley, Paving Projects PUBLIC FORUM I 1 A Real January Clearance Sale January 9 to 16 M ,,.t.., at 7Sc apiece l - · UNIQUE STYLE SHOP I M. Portenhauser Painting Decoratin.g Estimates given without obligation Phone \ Vi lme tte 2764 1030 Greenlea f Ave. Eat and be Happy! Eat and be Healthy! Mac's Toasted "Butter Kist\vich" Sandwiches ··nd ':1-.tt>rJJJf.!' your continued patronage. ~lea 1t hy L unchcon. ·rt· Jl!"l'par~'d with the purpose of promoting JOyous good hc::lth Yours· for a Happy. "\I i "". -0- Dr. and ~f rs. F. F. Snnlacker cf 1340 Chl·:-t1111t an·nuc. Kenii\\'orth. kit \Ytclne:-day fnr Jamaica to he a\\'a~· six weeks. -O- Taylor, 310 Cunmor ro;td. ki~ f'enil\\'orth Xe\\' Year"'s da,· hr '\femllhio.;, Tenn., on a lnh i lll':-.S t.rip t h rou~r. the South. -0- Jark WILMETTE Mac's Bowling Lunch 11 ~frs. Hrrhert Taylor of o31 .:\hhott..;ford road. Kenilworth. i.;; ha,·ing a uncheon Friday in honor nf ~1rs. Beckstien of :-..:ew York. A. M. to Midnight 1159 Wilmette Ave. ~------------------------------------~ M iss Sue Carpenter of 42~ \Voodtock avenue, Kenilworth gave .1 s leigh ride party S;tturday.' -o-

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