r-----·-- -~ 1 l Community Leader Wilmerre' Sunday Evening club. now in its elc\'enth ve.u . ha had a irs president from the first. 'N. Frank McClure . whose ability to ecurc rhe most brilliant array of speakers a\·ailabl(' to the American lecture platform. has placed the club on a parity with the famous Chicago Sunday club and the Evanston Forum. The Sunday club is a genuine communit\' enterprise which arrracrc; to it~ meetings r('sidcnt.s of the cntir(' north hore. Wilmette owes a l.lsting debt ro Mr. McClure. ~~ .'i zy;;:. ly \.j' .~,~, r,.·TQJX)gJ'!i *'\It lf' .5(! I('.: \it 'XX 188 sp;; \![! >otK a:s tl.f \It 'O:S I i '}tf i~( ('"'(·;-:: t) ' ] ~ l;m-AlXUX l!tl XAAIBlll liB& Friday, January 8, 1926 &:ti W 88[ XBI XJm J,()( llik llik til illl M n :zm=m:x·~~ ~llX JXg 8& glt& t« *X j)tg }ttR XHX M tO!; )!)t< *X l8& ) .t I~L~- fiVE