Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jan 1926, p. 25

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- l92o J a nuary 8, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE . 25 t r te tn With the Bowlers \\' llnu~ tte BuNin e HN disfor ll e n 'H L e a g u e chac:res eet \'- . ~ge · est rth lp - ~o, pre ~c- a ate le s by c is his fge icc a rs. ... C\Veek ending Dect:mbcr 14) Teams Won Lost Pet. Av. Hess l\totor Service .. 3U 6 .833 87S Snider-C'aztl Drugs .. 24 12 .667 ~34 Koon Auto Sal s .... 23 13 .639 79-! Schultz and Nord .... 1!:1 17 .52S 812 ~tate Dank ......... 16 20 .444 760 :\fac's Lunch ........ 15 21 .417 793 .:\IcNamce's Stor;.' . . . . 9 27 .21;0 !)54 Herbon Bros. Taxi .. ~ 2S .~~2 75~ Individual a.verag· ·s-(ti\'e ranking Lowlers) Leis, Hess l\Iotors, 178-1; 'Vt·st, Hess Motors, t77 -21;; B. l.Jdell, Hess Motors, 175-30; Field, Hess .:\Iotors, 175-11; Schur·, Snider-Cazel, 174-6. High team average (t h ree games) H ss Motor Servic ·, 947 2-3; ~chu l tz and Nord, 876 2-3. Hig-h single game, Hess ::\lotor Ser·vice, !.174; SniderCazel, 937. High individual average (three games) Grover, 21 G; E. Udell, 206 1-3. High single game, Schur, 246; Field, 246. . ( ; uodwin ' \' o·ne n ' N This Familiar Sign· Has a New·· Hotne Thanks to ·the courtesy of the Chicago & North Western Railway Co., this signboard has been accorded a new location on the Company's property at Central Ave. and theN. W. Ry. tracks. To the stranger who seeks a home in Wilmette, it is a standing hearty welcome into the village. To the resident of Wilmette who has no church home, it says, cordially, "Welcome Stranger." . llMmE 1IAPT1SJ OUIOt Len g u t· ~rs ItO ed to en m he ig ir nt lk' OVe<·k c.~!Hling- Dec ·mlJ r 15) Teams . ' Von Lost Pet. Av. Goodwin's Beaut\· Shop ........ : . .... 39 0 1,000 643 Xew Trier C'on ft·<.:tiont·r·s ..... 2s 11 .718 5n Hanna ~hop ........ 21 1H .1;31) 519 l·nique Styl · Hhop ... 11; 24 .385 48~ Hess .:\l otors ........ 11 21{ .2~2 4 ·o Cecile Shop . . . . . . . . 3 3ti .077 4 02 Individual average-(tive ranking l>owkrs) Kay Aml>ler, Goodwin's Shop, 137-2; :\lrl'. Anna ::\lay, New T1·ier Conft~c tion<·rs, 136; ::\farit· Conrad, Goodwin's ~hop, 12!1-24; Helen L is. <;oodwiH ' s ~ h op, 12:-.-7; Kitty \Vagner, Hanna Shop, 1 26- 2 9. High t ·am average (thn·t· gamt:s) Goodwin's n ·a u ty ~hop, fl!1:L High sing l e gaml', Goodwin':-; Hhop, 737. H igh i nd ivid ual a \'f'nq.~ .. 1 t h n·e g-ames ) .:'.frs. Anna .:\lay, 171 I<t High singl e ganw, .\ t 1·s. Anna .:\lay, 1 !1~. · : Sl---s ~-. fiSt--... .M....,....,..., ~-. ' - ' · ..... Ao... ~._ CIIIIIQ : Sl-UIYDI OUOt ·....._IOIIM._ ~3 Eli!SIIliTDI tucll Gr..oiHi Aoe..t AI5T M£TIIIST 0111101 lol. ..... Wiowti.'-- FISf PUSifTEIIM 011101 w .... u....~ For, these are the Church Homes of the community. Instead of Competing, they are Co-opera!· ing in a common effort of friendliness and helpfulness for the general good of the village. If you have not yet affiliated witl1 a Wilmette church, accept this friendly, cordial invitation to make one of these your Church Home. t. ~ Ryckoff Gets Contract for Big St. Louis Job A. M. Ryckoff) contractor who insta lled \ Vilmettc·s electric st r ee t ligh ting system, has been awarded a ·contract to install a street lighting . ystem at St. Louis, :M o .. an improveme nt that entails the expenditure of $8.000,000. :Mr. Ryckoff is start in g work on the fi r st section of the St. Louis system, which rcprc. cnts a co t of ~1 ,300,000. The St. Louis system will hear close resemblance to that installed in \Yilmette, according to 1Ir. Ryckoff. InYestigation of the local sy:-tem ancl · other systems in . tailed hy ~Ir. Ryckoff . . atisfied the Hoard of Dire ctor. of St Louis of the contractor's ability to gi\'e them a good job, it is said. \1 r. Ryckoff· was for se,·cral years a resident of \Vi lmette. er ouoou Good Preaching, Good Music .Good Fellowship Morning Worship at 11 UUUUD Ouilmette Court Installs Officers; Plans Dinner ·· ) The 11\.'\Yh· ('l<.'cted officers oi the Ouilmctte C'ourt number 848, Catholic Daughters of America, were installed h~- th('ir district deputy, 1f rs. 11ary Shcrtoli of Chicago at the regula r busincss meet ing ~f on d a~· eYening, J anuarY 4. Th~ d istrict deputy. the past g r a nd regcnt, ~f iss Chris tine \ Vecks, an d t he the pas t lect u rer. 1f rs. ~f ary Be inlich , were prcse n ted w ith hcautifu l gift s as a t ok en of appreciat ion f rom the cou r t . :M o nd ay. J an ua ry 18, th e co urt w ill serve on e of its fa m o u . " Plun kit t" din n e r s at S t. .T oseph 's School h a ll a t 6 :30 o'cloc k. Ti ck et s may h e procured f r om a ny m em ber of t h e court. Eve ryo n e is welcom e. Mr. a nd 1frs. P . H . Butle r an d th eir daught e r s o f 630 Linde n ave nu e r eturn ed Monday, J anuary 4. from Lud imrton , Mi ch .. wh e re th ey spe nt N ew Ye ar's with Mr. Butler's fa th er and s ist er. Directory of Churches: The First Presbyterian Church Ninth Street and Greenleaf A ventte REV. GEORGE P. MAGILL First Congregational Church Lake and Wilmette A.venues REV. STEPHEN A. LLOYD St. A-ugustine's Episcopal Church 1140 Wilmette Avenue REV. HUBERT CARLETON The First Methodist Church Lake and Wilmette Avenues REV. GILBERT STANSELL Wilmette English Lutheran Church 703 Greenleaf Avenae REV. WILLIAM GUISE The Wilmette Baptist Church Forest and Wilmette A venues REV. FRANCIS C. STIFLER St. John's Lutheran Church Wilmette and Park Avenues REV. HERMAN W. MEYER - o1f r. an d Mrs. Ea rl L. H art of 1211 A shland aven u e, h ave return ed from Atl a nta. Ga. and Spartanburg, S. C., wh er e th ey spent the holidays. Published by tbe Interchurch Advertising Committ~. Wilmette Charch Council

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