_Lt n11ary 1. ]<JH1 WILMETTE LIFE Little Chats About Your Health. (No. 12 Next Friday) No. 11. 1 9 2 6 -Realitie or Air Cclstle~ Pcth.lp\ vou .Hl' nO\\ pl.tnning \\',lV\ to get .1hc~Hi dunng 1926. It is .1 splendid ic.Jc.1 to n1.du· good rc~olution\. but unlcs.;; vou .d<,o pl.1n good _hc:1lth your other desires m.1y r u r n out 1 o be o n ! \' .1 1r o s t Ic c; Hctlth j._ dw h.l<>t of nc.Hlv .111 lupptnr.,-, .1nd success h q;?,icnc. test .1nd rccrr.Hton. t.lkl' New Year's Greeting Cards St~Ht Thcrl'foH:. indudc 111 \OUt pl.u1 n.crcis,· And drtct mine no\\ th.ll if illncsc.; rhrc.ltcn., \'Oll \\'ill to be hr\t , get 'out donor' c.; .HIYt rc without del.lv. the onlv ourc;r thJt ts known Hctl' .ltc our hco:;t \\ 1\hcc.; for .l h.1ppv. lH·.11t hv .111<.i sulrrsc;ful p'.tr. the New Year right by greeting your relatives and friends with Nc\\' Year's Greeting Cards. We hJ\'C a beautiful and varied ~s sortmcnt to choose from. May " c ser\'c y ou ? I DRUG STORE ~ Phones ( J r I *'I L OTHERS "Tl at k You" \\ ·c at·c grateful to our patrons fot· our \ ·cry fine holiday business. 'l'his sho\YS us that you u: ~ that You hclicvc \YC ~'t:H onJ,- th · 1-.,e~~t; ·1nd that our scrYicc giYcs satisf·tction. \\·c~II' do cYen better in 1926. 1 ha '· c eu tr':d~ncc : II ll 1135 l: p· 11 Centrai Ave. I I I I ll35 Central Ave. h ones ~! 154 l l361 :-hones I } I f 154 l1361