Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jan 1926, p. 22

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WlLMETTE 1 LIFE REAL · ESTATE ~ ] anuary 1, 1926 17 FOil SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE-CHINESE RUG, 9x12; antique chair and table; marble bust; t1replace screen and .set; ch~s~ of drawers; Aeolian-vocalwn rad10, refrigerator (Sanitor); gas r: stove and linoleum. ! ·'hone Glen. !)0<>. 17LTN14-ltr, , 1· UH ~AL~ - GOOD 2ND HAND FURnaces. \Volfi-GriffiH Ha1·dware. Phone "\Vilmttte 15K Glencoe inclusive whose names appear tn the telephone directory, or who are reg·ular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLE~COE NEWS. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classl.fied advertisements. will be cbarged only General Nott·c·- to residents ot the distnct from Evanston to ONE TWO-ROOM AND ONE FOURroom apartment in new building, just east of Indian Hill Station. Reasonable rentals. E. E. Stults Realty Co. I<;xcl usiv e Ag-ent . 460 Winnetka Ave. Phone Winn. 1800 3LTN14-ltc . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -· FOR H.E.NT-3-ROOl\1 APARTMENT over garage· for 5 or 6 months; 555 Sheridan Rd., Winnetka. Phone \Vinn. 1308. 3LTN14-ltc 4 R ates- - 15 cents a line in one paper. 25 cents a line in any two papers. 30 cents a line in all three papers. lUINilUUM CHARGE ~o eent·. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. · 10% diNcount on nil enah with order ndvertlaementa 'vhen broaa-ht to our omce at 1:::::: Central A'·e., \Vllmette, or 564 Llneola Ave.. Wlnnf'tka. Jnsertt'ons-Classified advertisements will be accepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three pavers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka %000-2001. Deadline for I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~1=-7L~T=l4-ltc J:: u; WAN'l'l<;D-HOUSEHOLD (.;00DS Ji.,OR RENT~ROOMS I I WA~TED 1 REAL EST~\.TE 1 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT LARGE LIGHT 'VELL furnil:>hvd room, priv, bath. Near transp. Tel. 'Vinn. 1543. 4LTN14-ltc CENTHAL HOTEL-LIGHT OlJTSIDE rooins; for tran~ients and rc:::>i<icnts. G29 1\fain St. Phone Wil. 10 0. 4L'.r!:>O-tfc F'OH TO BUY- SECO~D HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for .s amt>. Cr~st Furniture Store, 1004-6 EmerHo,n St., Evanston Ill. Phone Univ. 18!J. ' 18LTN11-tfc FOR SALE '\VTLMETTE 7-ROO:\[ FHAl\U~. ON C'ORNER LOT 250x 1 Sf>: 4 Bed Rooms, l\fodern. BARGAIN $17,500.00 7-ROO::\f COLONIAL, STt" C , 4 BED Rooms: All Mdal \V eath ·r Strips, on Lot 50x17G '··· TEIDl~ $15.000.00 GLE:-\COE 5-ROOM FH.A:\1 E InrN'G.\LO\V, 0:": Lot fi0x14i:i; Garag·e; Yery (rOOcl Location. BAR(}AIX-TEl{::\tS $11,000.00 ..,-ROO:\[ Indian Hill Bargains THREE HIGH CLASS WINNETKA. vacant lots at lowest possibl · prices, f<iixliiO at $X5.00 per ft.; 50x170 at $150. 00 p r ft.; 7 3xlfi6 at $110.00 per ft. Bt- sur' to st·c us also for g-ood bargains in improved properties. 460 \Vinnetka AY<'. N . FELL-:N8W AND US~~D FUHNlture boug-ht and sold. ~6~3 :\[aple Ave. Evanston. Ph<HH· t:: nn·. 103. ' HLTN3-tfe l9 E. E. Stults Realty Co. '}mette F or S a Ie-\ 'XT 1 V 1\- HOO~I HIU ..,K -----------------------------------------------BE.\l'TJ Fl'L Phone \Vinn. lSOO l...TN I ~( )){G HE:-\T _ noo~r: NI·~An. TRANSP. J'rairit· :tn: nue. Tl'l. 442. I· 72 \\ril. FOH I RENT-LARGE BJGD!lOO:\l; 2 blocks from tr·ansp. GeP\lt~ntan preferred. 420 Park av<'nll"! '\Vil. 293. 4 L14-1 tp ' VA.NTED-FR0::\1 0\V~ER; CE~tEtery lot, preferably :\lemoria}. Pa~·k, at bargain priee. Addn·~H \\ 11. Ltfe A-7-ll. 1!1LT:'\14 -ltc \\'ILI,j DO TYI'f~c; AND copying at home. 'Vilnwttl' 3zfii. l!ILT!I-tfc A l'TOJIODU.l·~ !i' 'I'YPJf'T 4LTN14 -tfc 2() I;A}t.\IIE, Hot \\-at t·r· lll'<tt, .\lo<l, · t· n llllllrO \'1.· menU:;, on Lot 1 OOx:!on. H.·\IHIAJX $ll,GOO.OO 2-t'.-\H l~H.H'l~. C'Ol.:-\TitY IN ('hOi<'P llOI'thP:tSt Ht·Ctioll; h. ,.._·. hl..'at; oil I>Ut'JH·r: ~ hathH: :!-<·ar gar;q.!;t·; mai<l's room <UHl hath. Lot ~~ 1 ~x1~7. A n·al buy at ,' 33,000. lU~NT - FUHNISHJ;:J) · H.OOM:; HUitabl' for 2. Tel. \Vilmf'tt t· (:21. 4 LT:\'11-lt·· FOU HI·;:\'1'-STORI·~S :.. AND For Sale 1 !l:! ·l no<lg-·· OFFlCF.S Touring, wintt ·J· FOH. REK'l' 3-H<.H >~I .:\\'e., l'llHl'HSiOII Jan. I~ CID.tulll§~Imrrcox~cdkelf&CC©o (ll;',~:r<,~~;d,~~.. r'l~;\ \-.1::~~· 107 Littd1.· 11 An· . \YlL::\fETTE F'LAT, < >:-\ \\' fst. \\.iln:t·ttt· G!1 11.1 -t- t tc fli:111 1 ~-110. J lill H1·c·tion. Ft >H DEXTIST lnlil<ling- in InCall \\'inn(·tka. ;;LTX-ltt.: 1 !1~:! Dotlg·f' Htlstr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lo~. lO 1 ;-.o.HO 1 !t21 T>odg·,. Hclstr. . . . . . . . . . . 1 !1:! I Ford ('OIIJll' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27;).<111 I !t:?;') Ft ·rtl <·ou p1 · . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·I :.:i . (Ill (·!1('1. .............. .......... _ ~~:;~ · :)tl ,,. I 1 !·2·1 For·<l Touring·, \\ in t· ·t· c·n<·l. .\~J II:-\< :T\ ~~ HEXT $till.IIO H.. 1\1. Johnson & Co . ()iT cr Specially HIJH:J·: A\.E:-\1'1·~ l'lftl~l ·~ \YlL::\IWI'TI ·: :~t~ ·l \\"I L.:\li·~TTE l LLL'\( II:-:;. I I./I':'\ 1 1- I ~31 I l ATTIL\\"1'1\ ' J · : 1-l{t)(l:\1 JI\1:\IE : Cl·j~ t l'al ,·a:-;t local ion IH ·t Wt.·t·ll Hb,;l " and Ht<·:tttt: lt. w. h, ·;\t; lat·L!·, .. g-la:-::-:··d su n :tlld :-;I Jig. put·('~t· ·s : IPt :-11 1x:!IIO . t ,,,. n,·r· l< ·;t \'illg gi\·t·s spt·<"i;ll p!·i<·· · 11( $ lt;,7 :-11 I. I 'It <llll' \ \ " i Itt H · t L1 · I I I. ,.. F<Hl l~E:\'T - ST()JU~. CA!~l.Tf>::\ 1!l<lg-. and ot!k<·s. <}on:-;alvr·s arHl I ~":tt·h. " ... j nnl't ka ti.:.!. :JLTS 1:.! -tfc ..- .................... ~ 1> t IT II I·~ I:~ 2 I O,flil " T· ·l. \\'inn . t·:-, :!ltLT:'\1 :.!-t J',· Hcnt -. \ -Car. l_T f)ri\-c 1S _J>E~ To the Property 0\Yners jn 1 --------~----'--WE OHDIALLY 1~\TfE YO'U TO list tlH· salt:.'H of your pt·opvrty with us. havt· <lur·ing· tht· :-.···ar just closing· built up a, n·ry high-cl:t~~ clientele arHl in order to hold this eli en tel<.' to the highi.·st s tanda.t'd it is our dt.:sirl' to contiJtUt · to gin~ them the l'l11ci<>nt an·l courteous service upon which our o1·gani~~Uion is built. If you have va('ant or improved property to sell or a !rouse to n·nt, ',.,.,. shall bt> glad to lla\'1..! .rou list it with us. I I!.\ T~L E YOC:\'G [~ r )eeL~ 1· .\\\'0:\fE~; VJ! ®If~li:®cdl rJll ©li:©lf f:c ~ ·I \\T iimette and l~enihYorth 1st arrl 2nd Mortgages n>n. Tll E \\ OHK I~TEltl·:. li:! I. i 111 '1 ' IJI . \ \'I', '1'· ·1. \\·in n. lt;:; 20LT~H-1 "·e \Viii build your home for ca h or monthly payments. tc pgJDfA:'\' 8:\T, A~D Charles H. Brethold Tl:-\<} XEAR For Sale-l . ~eel Cars J"JE::\IOXSTH..\Tf(>:-\ I;L.\l>LY raVE:-\. ... ro obligation to buy. Satisfaction g-uarante '<1. I 545 Te1 . 65 lLll-tfc ·------------------- Insurance l\fain St., Wilmette HO:\fE. \n<:.LL I> I' I·: H..\ TOHS l'Arn: \\.1 >H.K TTII<..Y .f\RE LIKE AS.'O'VITH TliEIH CIATES; AXD Cotnplete Listings of I-Ion1es and Vacant Frecl'k 13. 'rhomas & Co. Elm and Linuen Winn. 2350 1LTN14-ltc Fo H ~ALE-LUT~ ON CH-ESTNUT Ashland, lOth, ilh, and Sheridan, v.·ith rip. rights arHl piers; little down; long tim(. John P. Gage, 835 (;rape St., Vineland, N·w Jersey. 1L50-tfc VACATIOX )G2 Linroln Ave. T,.J. \Yinn. 1 fi5 20LTN14-1 tc l'A Y IS GI\'EN EAC'H YEAR; A LfBERAL JH BENEFIT PLAN TO PHOVIDED. CO:\IE FOH SALE- ::\fODEL riO, G 'PASS. ()! ·'E.~ HaYn<'H. t·xtra.:::;, $100. I 'hon" \Vtl. 2357 ev('nings. 20LTN14-ltc '\\'ILLS STK CLAIRE SEn A~. fi CYL.; brand new. :\fake offer. \Yt·rstE"cl Motor Co. G62 Lincoln Av<'. Tt·l. \Vinnetka 165. 20LTN14-1 t \VANTED-OLD At.TTOS A:-\D ELI·~C trics · any condition. Univ. 1 ~ll'\fl or Univ: 4125. 20LT:-.:10-tfr 424 Linden avenue End of "El' Phones \Vilmette 3450 anti 3451 1LTN14-ltc THE AXD TELEPHONE TALK IT OFFICE WITH OVER Q,vner vVill Sacrifice 7-ROO~f THE CHIEF OPERATOR. 12TH STREET, 725 12Ll3-2t c STUC"CO; HUGE LIY. lOl. natural fireplace; built-in bookcases brkfst. rm.; sunp.; slpg. pch.; 4 chet>ry b<lrms.: h. w . lwa t: Nokol b ·au . lantiscaped lot; garag-e. Locatt:>d in Yt·ry choice ~a·ction, \Vilmeth·; clOSl' to transp., :-;chools and chur<"ht's. If Hold imnll'diatt·ly, big redul'tion itt price. \\·e rt·vommend this as a genuine buy. 'VILMETTE. FOU. UK:\"T-HOUSES 1\EAl.TIF'PLLY FCH.N'ISHED 7-ROOM 21 FOR SALE-1tliSCELLA~Eors JtOUSt ·, a haths, t·X('elll'l1t location, tO :\la ,. 1;;, PosseHsion .Tan. 1. Rental \'t r·,. low to n·:::;pon~ihle people. :M ust ha ,:l, ht·st of n'fen·rH.:es. Call '\Vintwtka S2S. 2LTN14-ltc \VAN'l'ED-EXP. GIRL FOR GEN hs·wl<.; ~ in family. Fh. \Vinn. 2071 12LT~14-lt c 14 ~l'rtJ.\'1'10~ " ' A:\"'l'ED-FBliALE FOR SALT·~ fi-TUBB AT\V,\TKH. K<·n t, $30.00: 3-tulw C'ro:::;slf':-,· Tri r<l~·n, $20.00; ~-tuhC' set, compll'te with 100 arnp<'rE" storagE> battf'r~·. IH'W B hattPries and speakPr, $30.00. Also other bargains. 1141 Crt·(·nlt>af Av<'. t 4:?4 l..intlt:-n A n·nut· End of ··Et" J·Jwnt.·H \\'ilmdtt· 34;), . and ;~4;-,1 lLTXl ·l-lte ATTHACTI\.E ;j-HUU:\1 lJlU<.:K lH.~tl alow, hot watt.·r ht'at; larg-t· livingroom with !1l't· plat·L·; heated sun parlor; lH:autif ul floorH and woodwork ; Luv··kin watt·r heater; 2-ear garag- ·; fu 11 :-;ize lot lands ·ap ·<.l; all imJH'OVt·na~n t · in anti paid. You will admire the arrangement and lH:autiful finish uf this perf ·ct honH· whkh is almost new. T~:rms. . $12,500 F< Ht HE::\T- Kl·:NIL\VOH.TH-7 ROOM SIT. \VAN'l~J.oJD- COOK I~ PRIVATE houHt·, ~~an L.intlen Ave.; furn. heat; family; willing to <lo down stair s 1 ear ):!;arag('. Kt:'nilworth Realty worlc Phone Univ. 3434- W. AHs'n., 350 \V. Hailroad Ave. Tel. 15LT14-lt t> Kt'nil. 3002 or Downtown office, _S_I_T_U_A_T_I_O_N __ W_A_N_T_E-"D ___ A_S ___H_O_U_S___ E ~tatP 22fll. 2Ll4-ltc ke per by capable Scandinavia n :t POll llE.. :VT-APART~IE~TS woman with child 4 years old. Win netka 2590. 15LTN14-lt p Bob's Radio Shop 'Vil. 3f>73 21LTN14-ltc FOR SALE 26x29 roll- top, G0- inch desk. Lineoln asenue. SAFE; OAK, Bargains. G64 21 LTN14 -ltc North Evanston E.\ ST\\rnon F. Coletnan Burroughs & Co 11 j 7 \\.ilmettp Ave. . Tel. 'Vil. 640 1LT .-..;14-ltc FUR ::iALI~ UH HE~T-N EW HOUSE 7 t·ms., near lake, golf and transportation; large lot; price $21,000. W. Otten, 96 County Line Rd., Glencoe. fbone GlE>ncoe 433. lLTN50-ttc APARTMENTS ON l·~ART,VOOD AT CENTRAL ST. CORNER. XOT COt RT APTS. AC<"LAf~IED 11ERT OF NE\V APTS. i '1 Evanston. 4's and 5's with extra ht·<lH, dost>ts. Reasonable rents; 1 1h 1-11,:-:. to C. & N. W.; IS min. down t " Wn. Sound-proof, large rooms; playrooms tor children. No rear apts. -..;,.r~ r pul>lie g-olf course. Owner on pn·mi:::;«:>s. Phone Greenleaf 1919. 3LTN50-tfc SITUATION \VTD. -PAY \VORK OR half da.vs: bY the w<·ek. Call Un iversity S020. · 15LT14-lt t> W A'!'\TED LA UNDY WORk. TO D 0 at home; experienced laundres s. Phone Wilmette 2623. 15LT14-lt c -~ FOR SALE -PAIR OF <IIHT..'.' FANCY ie<'-skates, shoe siz0 41~. $7. T<'l. 'VilmC'tte 763-M. 21LTN14-ltp FOR SALE-TWO 31x4.40 RE~fl-BAL loon tin's, new, fit 30x3t2 straight side rim, reasonable: also 4-tube Radiola, complt>te, with new Music Ma.sU·r loud :-;peak<'r. r'asonahle . Owner leavittg town. Phone \Vii. 3407. 21LTN14-1 tp 17 FOR S1 \LE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR HENT-HEATED, 5 ROOM, 1S1' ftoor apt.: large sun porch; present ownt>r leaving town has lease to l\la~· 1: will make concession. Phone \Vilmette 3407. 3LTN14~1tp SALE-THOMBONE IN VEI1Y FOR SALE-60 in., round top, dinin g FOR good condition; reasonable. T·"l. table and sideboard to match, ftn e Wilmf'ttE> 7fl3-M. 21LTNL4-1 to design, oak, walnut finish; carve d oak console, table and mirror; rna 24 LOST AND FOUND hogany fireside chair; cornet. A 11 in excellent condition and reason - LOST SMALL BLACK L}~A'J~l-ll~R able. Call 495 Ash Street, Winnetk a. purse in or near the Dutch Ovt'n Phone Winnetka 1417. Satu-rday no0n. Find .: r ,,lPa:::;e cr..ll 17LTN-1 tc Wil. 1920. 24Lt4-ltp · -

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