Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jan 1926, p. 19

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January J, 1926 'WILMETTE LIFE 19 Eastern Star Officers ' Philanthropy Department Country Clubs Are Mecca 'I' for 1925 Entertained Arranges for New Year for Holiday Fun-Seekers ·Do you know that you can On Tuesday of last week, Mrs. Anna H. Ver.ton, retiring worthy matron of \Vilmette Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, entertained her 24 officers and committee chairmen at luncheon and bridge at the Illinoi Athletic club. ,. I · The year of 1925 has been a record year. Over $2,000 ha s been added to the fund for the organ for the new Ma sonic temple, a Temple Building fund ha s been started, some $500 ha~ 15 14 Sherman Ave. been given to charity and an adequate EVANSTON sum left in the general trea sury for currcn t expen ses, it wa s reported. Greenleaf 1752 SUFFERS BREAKDOWN The erection of the new ~Ia s onic temple in \Vilmcttc will be an added Samuel Lulia s , of Lulias Brother , 742 E!m St~ incentive and all lo ok forward to an- well known fruit dealer s , has been WINNETKA RESUME GYM WORK other banner year in 1926. con fined to · hi s bed for se yeral days The \\. oman' s Gymnasium cla ss will Winn. 1146 ~ uffering fr om a breakdown occasion- begin its second term at the Howard , HOLD JOINT INSTALLATION ed hy the ~trenuous work of the school gymnasium, Tuesday, ] anuary !:===:==::::==~=========~; Joint public in : t ..ti !ation r,f newly Chri~tmas holiday s. His condition is 5. The hour of the clas s meeting is , elected officer s is announce.i by the not serious. it wa . sa id this week, and i :30 o'clock in the evening. A large Read All the Want Ads Royal l\eighhors and ~fodern \Vood - I' (' i~ cxpcctcd to be able to re~ume hi -: at t c ndance i de sired. it is emphasized. men units of this \'icinit\· for Fridav duties in the ncar future. ~[r. Lulia s t\'(~ning, January 8, at -8:30 o'clock. 1 j.., well kno\vn to most of the residents The installation will be held in Odd I fli the village. Fellow's hall, \Vilmette. :..ris s Alvin Rutz and her <laughter. ).fr. anfl ~Ir s. Llewellyn Lod,.,·ick of :\larian. han· come from their home in Centen-illc. Iowa ~pent Chri~tma s with ~;tn Diego, Cal.. and are stopping at 1 Th ere are many reason s w h y home p eople should p atron ize home in :Jl r .. Lodwick',;; father and mother, 1-Ir. th~· Lil>rar~· . Plaz~t . hotel in Evanston 1 dus t ry-t he most important one bein g th at it is to thei r own interest to do and :J I rs. D. H. ~ ic !18le s o i 81 G Fore~ t pn<?r t n t he1 r ..;;,i 1]111 g n n the ~ f a u rc so . T he local busi ness m an consi ders himseJf a part of the community, his aH·nm·. :J[r. Lod,nck returned to h1 s t: . n 1a January 14, tor a ~cveralmonth..., 1 home ~!onday. hut his wiie i~ remain- trip abroad. entire f uture depends on local good will and satisfaction in hi s service- and ing for another wcek. -ohe is righ t at hand to gi ve immediate personal attention at the time it is -o:\lis:- Elizabeth ).fillar oi 510 \\'a:h wa nted. In other w o rd s, h e is in a position to give his patrons what they ).fr"l . Charles Sanford Clarke of 526 inno n avenue, who has as her housewant w hen th ey w ant it. \\·a~hington aventH.' entertained at din- guest. her roommate at ~[t. Holyoke Ih' r ~aturday c\·(·ning at her home in college. ~Ii . s Alice Kimball, ).fichigan. h o nor of ~Irs. Percy Andrew s, \Y.ho 1 ··r' tertaincd a few friends at dinner and " it h her hu s hand and c h ildrcn ca mt· 1 ridge in her honor, at her home \ Ved Phones The Only t() \\.ilmettc to ~pend the holidays with tll'Sday e\·c ning. '" leaning Plant Wilmette 3400 her parents. ~fr. and ~frs . .\1. ]. J>. -o11 ·" e "AI frier Greenleaf 700 Barrl'tt of 533 Fore..;t aYe nue. ).I r. and ~f rs. ] ohn J. ~[or;:tn of 924 -oC r c e nle a i a\' en u e had as t h c i r g u c . t3 , .: Wilmett~ Illinoia W :u bington Avenue :Jir s. \"ictor La Fa\'(:. 923 r,re<: nlcat i(·r l'hristma-, and the \\'Cd~-end, 16 a' c ntH.' , ha;-; been ~eriou:-.ly ill at th .· ·~ : em her-: of ~[ r. ~~ oran' s family. 1 ·~\·a n~ton ho:-.pital ,,·herc ~he under -~ l.c Ro,· :\foran is leaving Sunday eve ,·~ cnt an operati on. She i:-. r"COYerin~~ 11111 g- _i~r St. ~homas ).Iilitary .1cadcm~· c;Jo\\·ly. :tt :\f tlllH:apoh~. The philanthropy department of the club of Wilmette will hold the first meting of the year Friday, January 8, at 10 o'clock, with luncheon sc rve<l at 12 :30. At thi s meeting the assemblage will sew for the Sarah Hackett SteYcnson ·M emorial Lodging Hou se. The department will meet again th\;; following Friday. January 15, at 10 o'clock, at which time sewing will be done for the Dorcas Home. All women of the village are invited to help with the work. v,roman 's In accor jan ce with sea so ns past, t h e c1ubs w ill th row ope n t h eir doors for a host of members and their g u ests wishing to celeb r ate New Year's eve enjoying the dinners, dancing, and special entertainment afforded t h em. The Guilmette Countrv club and the North Shore Golf club- will offer their hospitality for the occasion and will be thronged with happy merrymakers who will turn the attractive surroundings into a gala scene. New Year's day the Guilmette Country club will hold open hous ~ from 4 o'clock in the afternoon u n til 10 at eYening. own a H A ~ T 0 I L BURNER til low tU $50.00 down ·tlnd ·bout SZ 5.00 pet month? HART OIL BURNER CO. ~ I I PERSONAL SERVICE I 1 CLEANING @5 « DYEING ~~s 1' ~ -()- Thc B. F. Le,,·is family nf 908 Central aH'nue entertained 18 guests at a famih· dinner on Chri stmas . F. A. Le\\"is Indiana was an out-of-town guest for the occasion. - =~~Patterson Brothers~~~~· Easy Payment House of For J -aAmong the affairs gin·n for the young people is the t ea ~{i,s Jane t Cunningh a m gave \ Vednesday afternoon at her home, 757 B lu ff st r eet, Glencoe. Quality and Service Phuao" I'Dfl Pln7era RADIO ~nnuruN. Call or Phone f:olumbla Edison Pltonograph111 .\djusting. R~palrlag, 'l ' uuiug. Singer Sewia,; llaclalaea " ' nshlng :llnt·hiDt>N and HoQver, Hnmllton Beach, nntl Earek:t VaeaaiD H~pnlrlng C l~aner· --o~Ii ss Xeva> Gapen of St. Loui s arri,·ed in \ V ilmette uncxpected ly t o spend hristmas · with her . u r:cle a nd aunt. M r . a n d 1tirs. } . C. Capen of 91 9 Elmwood ave nu e. an·J Sappllt!a Genthner's Market 1145 Wilmette Avenue Opposite Post Office 816-818 CHURCH STREET Betweea "L" and PoHt Oftlee Unlveraft7 6:W Tel. Wilmette 528 C HI C AGO STORE& 10:.0 Ir,·ln&' Park Boulevarti.,Tel. Graeelaad 4950 T~l. - oBe rn a rd C. Bowe n is ente rt ai n ing a g rou p of h e r fr iends New Yea r' s eve at h er h ome, 605 Eighth str e et. and wi ll hol d ope n h o use New Yea r 's day. ~ I rs. Phone 2814 -o:Ni iss Bet ty R ye is en t e rt a inin g a g roup· of y oun g p eop le a t dinn e r Sa t u rd ay eve nin g, J an u ary 2, at h e r hom e, 1015 C hes tnut aye nu e. FUEL· OIL The correct grade for any make oil burner Deliveries Made Promptly to all North Shore Users from our new --o-J1 r . and Mrs. A. ] . B o rr e of 62:1 Pa rk ave nu e a nn o un ce th e bi r th o f a d a ug hte r Tuesday, D ece mb e r 22, a t th e Eva n ston hosp it a l. EVANSTON STATION --oM r. a nd Mrs. Willard Th aye r of 522 Ce ntra l a ve nu e are le a v in g 1tiond ay fo r a trip t o P a nama. They will r eturn th e fir st o f F ebruary . ""'-()- The Largest Fuel Oil Distributors in The Midd'ie Welt THE LYNCH CLARISEY COMPANY From the North Shore Phone our Evanston Station Mi ss Grace Br vant of O a k Park wa s a gues t at th e - home of Mi ss Jean Dray er of 1034 Elmw ood avenue the . fir s t part of thi s we e k. GREENLEAF I 206 From Chicago Phone our Main Office LAFAYETTE 32oo Lynch Clarisey Fuel Oils Are Thoroughly Filtered and Strained I UMORE HBAT PBR DOLLAR."

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