Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jan 1926, p. 14

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' 14 W I LM E T T E L I F E .... _ January 1, l-936 St; Augustine's Church Sunday, January 3, will be the second Sunday after Christmas. There will be Holy Commu-nion at 8 a. m .. Church School and Bible classes at 9:45 and Holy Communion with address at 11 o'clock. Baptist Church At the Baptist cnurch Sunday morning; _at 11 oclock the C:>mmunlon servic e · will be observed and a number of new membe rs will be rec t:> ived. "Tht> World's Great Book of Prayer" will be .. the subj ect of th e season by the pastor, the Rev. Francis C. Stifter. The Sunday school will 111 t--t· t nt !1 : ~0 and provides graded instruction for a ll ages. The Young People's nwf'ti ng at rJ :30 in Ch il(lren's hall will be in charge of F're d Schmidt, Hugh Carnylbell antl ltill Thom}lRon who will report on tht' attendance at the Annual Older Boy~· State confer ne e nt Champaig!a, 111. <·hun·h l'O -o pt·t·att·s with til·' Evening cluo v.-hieh IH' est· tH~ l'vat·l V. :\Idzdthin at the Cong-n·g-atiunal church at 7:3 0 . Sunday A Good Bread for You Tomorrow, Friday, January 1, being the Feast of the Circumcision of the Infant Christ, there will be Holy Communion at 8 a. m. Next Wednesday, January 6, is the day set apart by the church to celebrat e the Epiphany or the Manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles. There will be Holy Communion at 8 a. m. wiLSON'S Bread has all the qualities that YOlJ like in bread; it keeps well, has a fine flavor and .an appetizing aroma; cuts it really is. Particular folks never buy anything else. once they learn how good Wilson's Bread really is. Better try it! without crumbling. and has a fine even texture that makes it look as inviting as in th , l\fPthodiHt church Thul·sday , D ec<· mht->r 31, this h ing th e last nig-ht of tht· olll )'I'Ul'. Th e rector will take nart . Th e re will he \Vatch Kight services This .:\Tada.m<' Th t· annual ll1Pt'ting- of St. Aug-ustint· '::; l' al'ish will ht> hel<l on the evenit·~- of \\. t·dtwsday, .Jauuat·y 20, an<l will pt·o iJahly ht · pn·vt· dt·d b~· a. parish dintJt·r. A full<· r annouuc·t:mcnt will ht· madt· latt·L Tlw .:\lunda~ · lloanl of }) <· :t('O lls t·n·ning- at ~ o'dt~vk will in nwt· L ('llil - <ln·n's halL I day No More Signs Like This Tht · :\licl - wt·t·k ntt·t· ting· on \\'t ·dnt·s··vt:>ning· at S in ('hildn·n ·s hall will 1!1' a mt·t ·ting· in ohs.-n·an<··· nf tht · \\'t·t· k (Jr l'rayt·r, .latlllat·y :~-111. Tlw \\' ottlan's S()eit> ty \\'ill g·:ttht·t· for all - da~ - nwt'ling· IIPXt ' lhut ·s da~ · at tlw ('hUr<'h. Tht-n· will bt· \\' hit·· Ct·oss s t· wing- at lo ::W, luncht ·o n at 12: :~ o with l\ln;. I :_ IC Tal>t· r as hostess, follo\\' t·d h:'-- a prog-ram at 1 : :~11 . l\ft·s _ <_; _ A. Huntll'y will gin· t'Ut'l'· ·nt :\lis- all The Wilson Bakery Home of Everything Good That's Baked When You Use ~1URPHY I WET _ P_A_I_N_T------= siou Jo;n·nts a.n<l tht·n · \\'ill ht · an adtln·s~ b~· :\1 iss Iris \\·ood. A SIH"' ial feature will h e the dt ' lllull st r·ation lun cheon un<IPr th e aUHJ!k·-s of tht· Edu<·:ttion:tl Food Counvil of tht· \\'"' hnlt ·- <~t -a in \\'ht·a.t <'t>lliP~llt, ,,f <'hi- eago. The Camp Fire girls will ltlPI't 3::w on 'l'hursday at th· · l'hun·h. at Phone Wilmette 414 1162 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette ·==============================~ ! The 'Y olf- Cubs will lwl't at ht ·adquartc rs Thur·sday en·nillg- at 7 ::~11. 1 BRUSHING LACQUER I It drys as soon as it is applied. In a few minutes it is out of d ..tnger from dust and insects and will not come off on the clothes. In half an hour it is dry enough to use or rHoat. It 1s a wonderful finish for ' nterior ..dccorJtions , furniture, cools and toys . Th e Chontl soci e t,· n H' t: ts hl'<trsal ThurfHlay ~~·ttin~ at for r· ·- o'clock I Tlw \\.i lnH-tt<· J:anti s t ('hllrl'h is l nea t<·d at til<· <'urJJt · J' ~~r Fon·st :tnt! \Yll n~t·ttt.· a\'t'llllt'S and in\'it, ·s all t () its St·l'\'ict'S of \\' OI','hip. ----------:\[r~ . Coll in s H. Slayton, daughtn (·!. .\1 r~. '1'. n. Potter, ()07 Forest avenul', left ior -:\liami, Fla. , on Decemher 2i. -0- ATTENTION! We wish to call your attention to the fact that we can Wilmette Window Shade and Paint Works Alfred Evers, Prop . narry. ~12 Crl'enkai an·n ue , Sj,ent Chri~tma~ with her :,<'lu'.; fam ily in EYanston. -:\fr~ . Ceor .~e l1 - SAVE y· ou MONEY if yott are on the n1arket for a 1133 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 3493 I DR. ARTHUR H. TUTTLE DR. ALICE D. TUTTLE Osteopathic Physicians Resid e nce and Office 013 Cent ral A,·enue l'hone 300 I I I I PINES' WINTERFRONT for your car . The selling price is $25.00 to $28.00. Now, if you can use one of these- it's yottrs for 20% Discount If we paint your car this tnonth The good looks of your car can be restored. A new coat of paint, any finish you desire, and the proper trim will bring your car out looking like new. Get ·your car in novy-and get a 20% discount. $10.00 Marmon- Willys-Knight Dodge '24 - Buick '24 They're used-· but in Al condition. ALCOHOL $1.00 per gallon Why pay more? WEED CHAINS 10 ~- o reduction until Jan. 10 Wilmette Motor Sales 515 4th St. Phone 636 . Don't forget our up-to -date repair dept. Robert "Gasoline Alley " - w. Mcintyre Phone Wilm ette 6 8 4 Finest Automobile Painting and Trimming rear Wilmette State Bank

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