Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Jan 1926, p. 7

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J a nuary 1, 1926 WD.METIE MAN SCORES IN CIVI~ OPERA ROLE '---S-co_u_tm_a_st_er _ _. Howard Preston Achieves Fame by Interpreting F aninal in "Der Rosenkavalier" Howard Preston, 1031 Greenwood avenue, came forth during the busy holiday season to emblazon his name among those who arc leaders in tht> ranks of the Chicago Civic Opera company. The unexpected death, a few weeks ago, of \Villiam Beck, interpreter of important roles. left the opera directors in rather a quandary, particularly in view of the fact that ).1r. Beck was scheduled to sing, within five days. the important role of F aninal in "Der Roscnka valier." The resoonsibility was tendered ).1 r. Preston and, to employ the words of a noted critic, the company found him "a most able interpreter." That, howeYer, was a rather mild description of hi<> periormance, for Karleton Hackett oi the Chicago Evening Post, and Edward :).foorc of the Chicago Daily Tribune, critics not giYen to on~r-eff ulgence unless the object of their comment sincerely merits C. E. Palmer, 116 ~. Central P a rk approbation, \\'axed en t hu:-;iastic in ;nen ue leader in \\'ork of national their praise of the newr~t acquisition · hea<lqu~rters of the American Legion, to the ranks of the opera. who recently became a r~sident of \\.ilmette.· is interested in organizing Has " Right Stuff" ").1 r. Hackett ~aid in part: "Mr. a troop of Boy Scouts in the southwest ·C tJ.Oil ol· the \:·.' ~11·. Palmer's Pre~ton had a difficult ta:-k to pertorm, , < · . a!!". ,. '·' and, as well as I could judge from great pltasurc is work among boys. -uch ca~ual phra:- t:s a:-. 1 heard when fn addition to his actiYities in the drnpping in on the perf<,nnance during ranks of the American Legion, he is SttJHla\· \vandcrinl!s, he came associated with the follo\\·ing organi111 ,. th.rough the. ordeal with gratifying ~uc- ;t ;ttions: La Societe Des 40 Hommes re:-;s. Hi~ voice was full and firn1 and d 8 Chevaux. Re:-~en·e Officers' as · he played the part with understanding soriation of the l.' nited States, and its ui the drama . . . . the lllusic i:, of Cook county chapter: Sojourners club . uch complexity that it did not stem f.f Chicago, J.[ilitar~· Intelligence A"po:,~ihh- a man could karn it in fiye -.ociation oi thL· 6th Corps Area, d;l\·s . . . . ).1 r. Pn·:-. ton :-.ho,ved that l 'olumhia Yatch club; .and 63th h l: h a d t h <: r i g h t k i 11 d o i s t u ff i n h i m ( ·aYalry DiYi:-.ion a:-.-...ociation. i>y carrying it through. but it took L·ourage . . A gnnd job \\"l' II done." ).! r. and ").I r~. Benjamin C. Hawkes Ed\\·ard ").foorc declared that :).fr. ni 1~7 Kenil\\'orth aH·nue. are Yi iting Pn·:-. ton in Faninal accompli:-.hed his i.n Kansas City during the lwliday .. debut ,,·ith excellent re:,ult~ a:, to vuice and make-up. The ").1u~ical Ll'ader, recognized joumal of the profession, termed ).fr. Preston's appearance as an extraordinarY achievement. It state:-; that :).fr. Prc~t-on "has genuine talent for the .-.t3g-e and is a distinct 'find'." His voice was characterized as "rich and impressively dramatic." Mr. Preston has appeared in Europe with great success. He is well known to Chicagoans as a concert and opera !'>inger. He is regarded as an important acquisition to the Chicago Opera company and another example of what can be done by an American who has devoted many- years to serious study. Headquarters for Mr. · Preston appears Sunday afternoon, January 3, in the cast of "Hansel and Gretel," the regular "Suburban ).fatinec" given at popular prices. . c I .W ILMETTE LIFE 7 A. s. VanDeusen Meat 514 Seller of Good Food· Central Ave. and .12th Street Phone Grocery 510-511-512-513 SPECIAL SALE DEC. 30 to JAN. 9 On paid order of $1.00 or NOT Delivered ash SCOUDtS more, not including Sugar S% C Di - - - - - - - - - ·a n d Flour _ D elivered 2% 1 · SUG~Iat~~;e fon~~ts.qt~~~-i~~ -~~ -~~~~ ........ 67 C s~;;~~~-- ~~~~~~'. ~~,:~e_t: .~~~- t-~~ ~~~~~- .... 54c EG~~· do~.u~r·a-~t.e~~~- ....................... 47C . A~L~S. _Gr~enings for Cooking. Perfect. 60C Q~~~~~z~~~~·.. _r~~~~~ :_ ·: ........... : .... 26c c?~~~~· .. ~~~-.t.·~~~~~~-- ~: -~~~(~~r-f~~-~.:·~~~~~ :_ . 39c CHOCOLATES. Cara1~1els ~~ · .10 0 OLIVE ·OIL. $1 15 ~ ie(l1t1n1 s1ze, 10 lhs ..................... . J, Babv Stuart. First Oualitv. Assorted Crean1s. and Kougats ;,.., 2 lb. box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -J) Reina. One of Sprague, \\'" arner & Co.'. best: quart . . . . . . . . . . · MAL TOP TODDY. ~1alt. Chocolate FlaYor: 1 lb. can. 39c: ;~ lb. can. . . . . . . . . . C MAPLE SYRUP. Gold Dond. Pure Maple Sap Syrup: 2 0 lb. can. 89c; 18 oz. can... . . c~~~~~~-~·~ ~~~~~? ~-~~~~ ....... $1.30 RI?mL~~ub~~;s_~~.... ~-~~~ -~~t-t~~: ..... .22c FIGS. _-\It ex Preserved Skinless, 7 0 oz. jar . . . . . . Beck\\·ith Breakfast. Large can 27c; 23 49 C 25C HORNER PIANO CO. SUNBEAM PRESERVES. Pianos Phonographs Radio ZENITH RADIO 15 21 Sherman Ave. Phone Greenleaf 464 Frank 5herritt, 330 Oxford road, h as returned to Kenilworth for the holidays. JAMES G. BARBER I Automotive Engineer s o8 Elmwood A ve.. Evam ron Official ( 24-hour ) Service Station CHICAGO MOTOR CLUB R epairing- Rebuilding All Makes of Cars M ach ine Shop-Welding-Pa i n ~i ng-Electrical . VELIE SALES AND SERVICE Wholesale and 'Retail Parts for Paige-Jewett J ordan- Marmon- Yell ow Cab- Chevrolet 27 C MONSOON ASPARAGUS POINTS. 38C CORN. 19C ~~~-~1:~1~~~~~~2~~~;e~a;~~~: 21 C MONSOON TELEPHONE PEAS. 15C SIFTED SWEET WRINKLED PEAS. 25C PLYMOUTH ROCK TOMATOES . . ....... ·.. C 2 25 OUR BEST TOMATOES. 25C $3.00 ; SUNBEAM HAWAllAN SLICED PINEAPPLE. 20 3· 0C SUNBEAM FRUIT SALAD. 20 32C $3.75; Pur e Sugar and Fruit only 12 oz. jar, doz. $3.20; jar. . . . Fancy X o. 1 square can, doz. $4.45; per can . . 'f'he finest brand of l\faine Corn packed: dozq $2.25; per can. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 .... Very fine and 1~h ese are ,·erv reasonable; doz. $1.RO; 1)er., ca11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . wonderful. As fine as fres h peas; doz . $3.00; per can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~o. cans for Supretn e qual ity. 1'h erc can be no bet.ter packed. I~arge No. 3 can, doz. per can . . ........ . ......... . 2 can: doz. $ 1. 50: Extra Q uality . Large No. can. (not No. 2 can s) doz. $3.50 ; per can . . . . . . . . . . . I~arg-e No. doz. $5.65; per can; 48c. No. 1 can, doz. per can ... . ...... . ........ . . can,

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