WILMETTE LIFE December 25, 1925 Here Is a S~t of Books That Should Be a Part of Every Hotne _ .L\. set of the Encyclopedia Britannica in the ne\v torm, arranged in a handsome case especially desinned for it by a \vorld famous cabinet n1~ker. It isba "librarv" which everyone can read with real delight, for it- is written in a readable and interesting style. Tl1c llrittanica itself teaches you all ·y ou necJ to kno\v about a subject in order to grasp it intcJI~ gently. St:t sells con1plete \Vith handson1c bookcase for $148·50 Cloth Bottnll, $97.60 Book DrpJrtmrnr. Fir~t Floor Daily Deliveries Along the North Shore FOUNTAIN SQUARE-EVANSTON · LS Daily Delit'erie, Atony th e 1 Vort h Sh o re "Might..Have..Been Hours" Hotv Met»)' of Thent .Are YOURS? H ERE are so tnany .. might-have -been" hours in woman's lite ! All beca usc of sotnc household task in g. ironing. dean 1n g -- - demands at ten t ion. T every \\' ash - But how to take care of these duties and still have time for the ··nlight-have-been" pleasures? The Nelson Laundry--- for you the greatP.st rime saver of all- wilJ actuaJiy g;ve you an extra day for your o'vn ·each week! More time for home, husband. children . books and a hundred happy duties and pleasures- just phone this laundry- we'll tell you about a washday service exactly suited to your needs. at a pri(c within reason. Let this laundry give you each week, an extra day of hours you can use for your own! 2.0 % Telephone Wilmette 1800 ' . NELSON LAUNDRY 1210 Central Ave. discount on work brought in .a nd called for --- Wiltnette