Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Dec 1925, p. 32

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~ · WILMETTE LIFE December 25, 1925 Mrs. Harry Clark of Seattle, Wa~h .. who has been visiting friends in \\"i-.consin and the vicinity of Chicav,} since this summer, has left for Tc xa " and California, on her way home aft n a brief visit with Mrs. C. W. Culhet ·son and her daughter. ~~ rs. J. C. Gap , 1 oi 919 Elmwood aYenue. -o~ I r. ~l n d ~I r . . CIa r en c c E. C a r 1 · strom oi Dallas. Texas. an· s pendit · , !he Christma~ holiday-; with ~tr . an ! Mr s. A. H. Carbtrom oi 2l'J \\'c1C 11 court. Mrs. Daniel Gale Qf Huntington, Long Island, is coming to spend the holida'ys with her mother, Mrs. Stanley Clague of Evanston. Mrs. Gale, who was formerly Miss Elsie Clague, (Continued from Page 3) will be guest of honor at a luncheon the curb and the walk, at the sacrificl;! and bridge given by her mother next Tuesday. Mrs. Clague and her daughof grass only and at a very low cost. "Revision of the building code ordi- ter formerly resided in Winnetka. -0~ance ~i~ht be made so that in grantmg bUtldtng permits for the future G. Curtis Bird and Henrietta Bird, considerati?n be given parking, · wher~ who are at home respectively from such perm1ts are for public and other Dartmouth college and Miss Bennett's buildings where large numbers congre- school, to spend the holidays with their g~te .. The overflow of parking in at; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geroge H. Bird d1recttons means the appropriation of of 1010 Chestnut avenue, will give a the rights of others and should be dance at the Opera club Saturo..1y evecurbed. ning. -oPlan One-Way Parkinc M iss Anne L. Whit mack and her "The committee recommends as sister, Miss :M ay, arc spe nding !t e follows: "Parking on Ninth street, east side Christmas holidays in Wolcottville, I tl(l. only, between Oakwood a \'e n ue and Miss Anne Whitmack is the librarian at the Wilmette Public Library. Central avenue. · "Parking on Tenth street, west side only, between Lake avenue and Linden avenue. "Parking on "Eleventh street west side only, between Lake avenue and Wilmette avenue. "Parking on Eleventh street west side only, between Lake avenue and Central avenue. "Parking on Wilmette avenue on west side only, between Elmwood avenue and Eleventh street. "Parki~g .on Wilmette avenue west of the ra1lroad to Ridge · avenue on the south side only. ... Parking on Ce.n tral avenue on south s1de only, between Eighth street and Eleventh street. . "Parking on Isabella avenue east of S1xth street not permitted. . "Parking on Linden avenue on south s1de only, between Eighth s~ rcet and Tenth street. Install Parking Si&'n· "It is further recommended that the attor~ey be asked to draft an ordinance covermg these recommendations and· that the Superintendent of Puhr Works be instructed to purcha;~ thor<?ughl?' permanent and suitai)le parkmg Signs for the plain markino- of streets, .a nd that the citizens be thoroughly ~nformed before the crdinance be put mto effect. "The portions of streets included in the above recommendations are not all t~at should receive attention in th village, but it is felt that we are no: ready for a parking ordinance for the streets recommended and that it mav bt! amended and added to in the light of experience attained from the enforceme~t of. the regulations recommended m th1s report." -0- PRESENTS SOLUTION TO PARKING PROBLEM Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Huff of 706 Washington avenue entertained at a family Christmas . dinner Thursday. Their guests were Mrs. D. S. Huff· of Morris, Ill., and Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson of Joliet and their son and daughter. All of these guest s \\'ill n ·main over the \\·eek-cnd. -O- J oseph Foerster, who attends the ( 1nivers ity of lllinois, is with his father and mot!1er. 1-f r. and ~[ rs. ] oseph Focr ster of 411 Lake avenue, during th<· holidays. Mrs. Foerster will he hos · - 0 -tess Cit a family dinner hri s t:na s day. -o\I r. and \I r :-.. Car 1 . Houlton of ~ 1i 1 ~Irs. (harte · E. lwinc \\·ill he hoo.; - 1 \\·auket· \\ill he the gl. ts of ~fr. atll ~ t< ss at a family dinner Christma -; 1 ~I r~. :\ . E. ~~ illtr of 1414 Gregory a, t night at her home 732 Pa:-k a venue. nuc over Christma . . \\-e appreciate and \\'ish lO thank y<.JU Mrs. Henrv C. Hall of 500 Centra! avenue will ·have as her guests ovrr the holidays, her father and mother , Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Field of Ottumwa, Iowa. for your patronage We wish you all -a-Philip Burnham, who attends the Canterbury sc hool, and ] ames and Da ,. id Burnham of 536 Roslyn road, students of Princeton college, are home for the Christmas holidays. -o:'drs. N. ]. :'v[ergenthalcr of 210 Catalpa place will entertain 30 guests at dinner and supper Sunday in honor of her hou se guests. · -0- A Very _ Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year C. Thill of 245 \Vood court and her three children will spend Chrt'stmas in Milwaukee . v ... .... : · · ~- GENTHNER'S MARKET -o- George E. Tarnow of 126 Fourth street will entertain 20 guests at a diner-dance New Year's Eve. ~frs. TAYLOR'S Red Ticket Sale Leather Goods Reduced in price from Rad We believe that 20%to33Va% Discontinued numbers and pieces that were used for display purposes. Fad a Reception i~ the standard 1)\· ,,·hirh all raclto per formance is being- judg-ed tuclay . Hut we are happY to let YOU this fact hy dcn10;1~trating ·in \·our own di~coYer Mi~,s G~orgine Fa.ulkner, "The Story Lady w11l entertam the children of the members of the Wilmette Woman's club at the Christmas party in their honor Wednesday afternoon December 30, at 2 :30 o'clock. ' ¥rs. Faulkner's tales have delighted children _all along the north shore, and an evenmg program for them is not c~mplete over Radio !ttation WMAQ wtthout her stories. The hostesses Wednesday :tfternoon will be Mrs. Ralph Durham Mrs ~eorge B. Williams, Mrs. Willia~ Har-~ ndge, Mrs. John B. Whidden Mrs William F. English, ] r., and Mr~. Rol~ ~ ert G. Halliwell. RARE OLD ORIGINAL PRINTS Aquatints, Mezzotints, Fashion and Antique Furniture, Pewter, Lustre, Old Glass, Lamps, Bottles. large Flower prints. ~ollectlon ot old maps. MRS. MARY ANN DICKE 808 Washington Evanston, 111. Mra. Santa Claua Ia About to Come to Town home-and without ohliga tion NEW YORK · EST. 1859 . ., · - ·,." to hny. We will accept your reservation North now for First Realty . \nd we guarantee pennanent 1001 performance bY our Fada service-at Your scrYice. D-on't "·nit. Telephone ~O\V. Con ven ien t terms. BoB's Shore RADio sHoP Phone 3573 1141 Greenleaf Ave. Mortgage Bonds to be delivered I in January. SMART& Inc. ~~~~~h~l ~================~ll GOLEE I

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