WILMET TE , ' ·. depositl:'d at the foot of the Great Cross in the Chancel and distribut~d Dr. Stanseu will preach next Sunday among four Epi~copal church institumorning·. tions for children in Chicago. GifLS w 1 u be placed in th~ .Manger ~o ·J u 8 t d 1n Chicago mainly foe ch1l<ln'n ThE> \ Yatch Night s<'rvice this yt·a !·. necembe.· 31, will he an ev~ning; ct in hospitals, and other sick children. tontert.unment, fellowship, inspiration and worship. At ' o'clock tlw - chou· At 11 :30 p. m. Christmas Eve, th(' will present a Messiah program. T h is Micln igh t Sl·rvict· in tlw C'hun h w i · i promises to be one of th most df-. hegin. An (·lahoratl' and beautiful lightful musical services of the yeat. program of Christmas music will 1.( Immt·u ia tPly following this l\lessial& sung by th(' vf'stN1 <'hoi r of boys an<l progTam the Rev. \t\r. H. SJn~·th, JHl'SI- men. The first Christmas Communion dent of Irish 1\l<'thodism and Commis- at th<' church will b e celebrated d.t siorwr of Bd ucation for Northt-'1'11 Ire- midnig·ht. Th e church will lJ b ea utiland, will clt·livt·r the 'Vatch night ad- fully d eco rated. dress. Following the address will l>t a period of 30 minutes for f ellowship There will be extra cPh·hJ'a t io11s ,q and H·fre~hnwnts. During th e last the Hol v Communion 011 ('h ri~ttna . · st·ction of th e t' Vt:>n ing's program th e r ~ will bt· a few short talks by ministe:·s Day at b a. m . and 11 a. m. LIF E · ~· D " ··('·nher 25, 1925 Methodist Church I l'aylor Wetzel, Paul Denniston Boyer, u.t=,elow Hall, C1a1·a llat 1011 I t·y, Blanche La 'l'our Boni(: II. Several others in the class who \· ·~ t! aosent from "':ilmett~ ~urH.lay Will be confirmed durmg the year 0r at the next confirmation. I GIVE COLLEGE LUNCHEON T he Chicago S mi t h C ollege cl u b will hold its a n n ual Christmas luncheon Monday, Dece m ber Ath l e t ic club. 23, at the Chicago The guests of honor on GIVE INFORMAL DANCE .'\n informal dance will he gin~ n by Illinois chapter of the Delta Zeta sorority at 9 o'clock, Wernesday eve ning, December 30, in the Red room the this occasion will be Miss Lou isa Cheever of the department of E n g l ish, M. Osmond E. Robert of the department of French, ~1 ary J anc Judson, '26, .Mary de Coni gh. '26, and Helen of the Hotel La S;tllc. v.,rallae<~, '28. Mac and his genial assistants wish you Next Sunday, the Sunday aft0r Christmas, Ht. John the J·~vang- <· li s t ' s Day, th e r will be Holy Communion at ~ a. m .; Church schools and Bible Girl Scout Tnvt>stitur f> will bv lH·H clas~es at. 9:4iJ a. m. and Holy "ontthe l:'\'t·ning of January 2, at ~ t)'!·lt· Ck munton w1th St'l'mon at 11 a . 111. The pal't·nts of Uirl Scouts an' invit r-> d ? H 1. 1 to ht· pn·st·nt also all sisters a:·<l ~londay, ])('('t>ll11wr. - · · t) ~ ntwbrotlwl·s. Tht· ~·l· will lH· approximat( !y Ct· nt~' l>~ly, t~H:· r e Will uc Hoi~ Cot : l 40 girls inYt·stt·d at this tim<.·. One of Illlllll oll .l.t ~ .l. m. our numlwr will I'I'Cvivt· the ~lt:.;· h· · <.;L Januan· l, is tlw J>ay 011 \\· hi .. h lit honor in Girl Scouting. Tht· l' t' an:· hut d1UITh t;t·khratl·s thi · circuJncisiotl ol .1· will l w 1fool. thr<.·t· otlwr <:oldt·n Eaglt't~ in all 'h:- tht' [ufant Christ. Th 1· 1 eago <listrkt. Fat· CIHisten!:H·n, one of \\'ilnwttt>':-> girls. will bt· the fourth . ( "o nununiolt at ~ a . m . \Yc an· a.Iso commissioning one "f onr .\ \'1' 1".' J : t l 'l-!t' ('!lllg'l't ' g'HtiOil \\' l'lCOill· ' d own girls, :\lu:·it·l Jh·noyt·r, as a U-irl ' . ~kout captain. Sht· will ue g·iyen ont-! r11, . ttl . ·n· ·\·. 1' 1' . . ·\··d · .. _.;(I n, 1.1:'1 1 S .t .. of our troopR, that is, Troop 11. Shc.·w- Chicago, to Rt . AugustinP'H l:.\s ,.ish ·i· .\ 11 , .~ot t t·o!lttl'llll'd :1 ~ · out· inter~Ht in \\'iiJll\'tlt ,.s girlhood · · a\'. lift· by being present at thi::; lnYt·sti · J:u:g-1! claHs, co:t ~ i~ti11g or th e foil"" · of tlH· community a1Hl hri <' f personal words and prayt·rs from the audieuc ·. It will b e th e best way ~·nu can oi.>st·n· tht· Old Yt· ar- .'\t·\\- Y<·a1· t'\'t:'ning. Evt·ryone is most cordially invit~:<l tO attt>IHl th(·S e St·rYiC<'S and lP br·ing thl'i1· frit· nd~. Saturday, St. Stephen's Day, th ·rc will b e Holy Communion at 8 a. m. i\ Nrry ~rrry <ltbristmaa And rake rhis ocos1on ro rhank you your past parronage and hope rhcv m .. y have the pleasure of ser\'ing you aglln. I - Mac's Bowling Lunch 11 A . M . to Midnight 1159 Wilmette Ave. \-:- -r tun·. Th0 Epv..·orth lNlg'UP holcls it~ Jtll'l'ling Sunday eYt:·ning-:,; at ti c. t'l·>t'k . fit ·· subject for nt·xt Sunda~· \'\'t· tJil lg- i.' "Th .. \ Visdom of Ht·llH'I1lhl'l'ing ." Tod' \Vht·eler will be the h·:tdv1· . Hig-h School Dt ·pa rtnH·nt of til·· C'h ur·ch school - :\' t'X t Sunday J1lll ;' llt1H~ the High School tlt>partnJt ·n t of t 110 Church school \\' ill di~-;<·uss :\1 i~-;sion,try service as orw piW.s<' of ('hri~-;tian L.ifl' Hc·rv i ce. Prof. Schl·l'nwt·horn \\' iII h:1 \ ' 1· charg·c of the nwding-. I>uri11g· tht · month of Januar~· ,,.,. an· planning tn ha.ve a numlJPr of short missionan· pa.gt>ants in pla<'l' of our Sunday ntorn·ing devotional talJ.;s. Tht'Y will ht· uut Hi minutt·H long nnd Vt·l'~ ' illS}Jii'cttional in their nppt·al. :!.\tidweek ~Pr\'!,~t · (\( }Jnt~ · t · r a n<l prais concllll't,·d ~~~· tht · minister. This st>rYieP will ll\l hdtl in th1 ('h:ll·L'l at ~ p. m. Choir l'i·h d\.rsal, ~undaS ~\l 4:30 p. m. A.n \l ~lontlay at ~ p. tn. EYt·n member is urged to be prt>~ · nt. · J.~ii~:n!Jdh tl ;._. tl t··· l':tll, l·:tl\\'itt l~:t !.! Anne r(·IT\"111 all I ~odd i (' , Th () 111 Cl s l.allt Carter, P'h~·llis Fut·rma Jill, Lt·la h J :ut · Hardwick, . Arthur .J. \\·. tlt·iJtrkh ~;. James Hartley ..\laddi·ll . .John Po\\'· ·11 .\latlttl'll, \lary T. H .. ..\lid.;t·y, :\fary .Jatlt · Ella < ;t·t·trudt· :\lorl ey, :\f:u ~· H.t·:td, <'.a!llt ·t·int · ~lorl l'y, Hal e ig·h · Ulali:t ·. Hatti e Yirg·inia Hall, Catlwrine _; lt· 1'ass J 1;111 . .J and ..\Ic< 'oy Hall, Bl,a tn c·· ,,,,.. Now! You ca n ge t NEW LAID QUALITY EGGS at all ~I seasons and at moderate price T HE SHELLS OF M. Portenhauser Painting Decorating Estimates given W ·ithout obligation Phone W ilmette 2764 1030 Greenleaf Ave. St. Augustine's Church Th e C h ristmas st'rvicf>s at St. Aug u sti n e's begin tr'hursday with a C hildr en's 1\l anp,'\' l ' St:'rViee at 4 o'cloch . C hil d r e n of both chureh school~:; and th e ir f ri e nd s w ill attend. The church sc h ool c h o i r of g-irl s ( v<·sted) will sin~· th e m u sical vart of the service, ai(lt ,; h y t h e r~s t of the chi 1d re n. ::\I o lH· Y saved u p f or four Wf'eks in boxt·s ·wili Shell Sealed Eggs Are sealed air-tite by an invisible coating soon after taken from the nest. Odors and bacteria are sealed out ; the goodness and nutrition sealed tn. Try them today. AS K YOU R GROCE R FOR EGGS PACKED IN THIS CARTON WILMETTE 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i!lllllnUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llll llllllllll lllllllllllll l llllllllllllt111111lllllllllllllttlllllllllllliltlllllllllllll·tlllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllltliUIIIII~ I ~= = = ! First Church of Christ, Scientist · Tenth =~~M;r~~;~·Avenue I " SUNDAY SERVICES-II A. M. \Vednesday T est in1on ia l Sundav Sch ool Exerc1-.:es Meeting-S P. 11. 9 :45 A. l\1. Subject of the Lesson Sermon · December 27-"Christian Science" READING ROOM-II63 WILMETTE AVE. HOURS: 'The Bibl e a n d Works of Mary ~:;:rrda~)xge~. :'~~n6~~YP. M~ 9 7:45 Wednesday Saturday 9 A.M. to A . M . to 9 P.M. P . M. Litera ture may be read, rowed or purchas ed . ~:~~e:riz~dddyCh:i~~ianall Sc~!::: bor- H. C. CHRISTIANS & 0. II 116-122 W. Illinois Street CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Main Office JOHNSON CREEK, WISCONSIN ~. ttP:UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIW~ ================================-=======~ The Public ia cordially invited to attend the Church Services and viait the Readin~ Room Dear. 2110