Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Dec 1925, p. 10

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10 W 1 L M E 1· T E ll F E December 25, 1925 role, and Pavloska, Hackett, Rimini. OPERA WILL PRESENT Conductor, Polacco. Sunday, January 3, introduces an"RESURRECTION" JAN. 3 other treat in the form of a "Suburban Volunteers Contribute Xmas Baskets t~ Needy More than 1,500 baskets contai~lin~ large Christmas dinners were gtven out December 24 to the \\·orthy poor of Chicago and its suburbs by the ~ol~ unteers of America. All_ ~>asket~ "e~e t be distributed to famtlles who hold c~rds from the Christtna-, Burc<~t~ of Chicago . a bureau created to check ?P on all names of unfort~ma!cs subtmtted by charitable. or~antz<~ttO!ls _ an,c! ~ 0 thus prevent dupltcatton ot _ l'lfot t. 1 ht_s "Christmas clearing hou~e, m_akes Jt possible for Christmas d o na~tOn s ot money to b, c;oread ove~ a wtde are~ and brings sc ientific htt-.tllt':---.. tllt·tltcH!-. into the work of mercy. Mary Garden to Have Leading Role in American Premiere of Great Production New Year's week-the ninth of the Chicago Civic Opera season-will have as a prelude one of the most interesting offerings of the season Saturday, December 26, in the only performance oi the year of "Thais," with Mary Garden in the name role, and at popular rrices. ...__ The latter constitutes the outstanding feature of the week, being accentuated at the beginning and end. Sun· · f Y7 Miss Dorotln· h~a c of 431 Greenleaf and : M rs. Harry Vls~enng o :-J . . t t1 . 'hristma-;' E\·e midday, December 27, the first popular K Mr. ·1 1 · are spendmg IS to smg a 1t . · , t~ort 1 'tla\Denrue"11d l\fr ·s · ~\Villia~ l '~irrht servicr at· the of tht· H<~h priced "Suburban matinee" of the year Clez:t HIS n1as Wl l . n < b 'l Church I is expected to draw hosts from ncar olledge of \Vinter Haven, Fla. Cumfor!er at J,ent " nr t 1. and far to hear the first presentation on that dav of "Martha." The cast will include .l\1 acbeth. Pavloska, Cortis, Lazzari 1 Trevi stan. Conductor, Moranzcni. Monday evening 'Mary Garden will F .\ l' 1·: 1. I C 1·: l' I\ 1·: .\ :\ I be heard again in 'Tarman" with an ha:-; f()r ,·car" ('Jljll_,·l·d array of artists including Ansscau, CO. the n· pn t ;.tt i o 11 <, f 1, t' i.m.~· Baklanoh; Oukrainsky and Corps d<' EXCEL' the IIi o-]J c . . t ()nallt\· Ballet. Conductor, Grovlrz. ~cn·cd ~H1 the ~~~rth Tuesday eYening ushers in the picturesque and colorful "Otello"-one of ~hore. the greatest of operas-with Fritziu, i 11 k c e ping- with F X l' F L I ,< > L I l' Y (, i Claessens, Marshall. Bonelli. Conductor, Moranzoni. alway:-; ()t1ly the he . t. \\T ha \'l'. Wednesday CYcning brings =:tn equala r r ;111 g-c d, at add it ion a 1 cu ~ t t n <nt r s <: 1\' ~, s tv attractiYe and novel bill "Falstaff" to use- CERTIFIED CREAM ONLY. ~·ith Raisa, Mason, Pavloska, CleasS<'ns, Hackett, :Marshall, Rimini, Laz\\ ·c o· t 1a rant " c t hat a 11 r r l' a 111 " · h i r h g () c :-. i 11 t () 111 a k i n .~· <' i zari, Steel. Conductor, Polacco. matinee" at popular prices---:and a d?uble bill. The musical classtc of childhood "Hansel and Gretel" will be sung, in E~glish, by a cast including Shear. Pavloska, Lenska, Preston. Conduc.~or, St. Leger, and will bt followed by La Fete a Robin son, produced by the Pa_v · ley-Oukrainsky Ballet, with Gahnd Grovlez as conductor. Analyz<'d hy performance, or taken in its entirety, the week is one of t~e most amhitious and intriguing in thts history of the Chicago Civic Opera company. &~CREAM rtEXCELQQES Annott.ncement flectric ~frigeration $Q50 _ r·~:_B· DETRO (f Complete the KELVIN·ET T herefore -- ~t·n· ing KeiTinator Electric Refrigerat io11 built right into a refrigerator. Only an electric connection ia needed to keep it cold. Relieve· you of all trouble of carinr for ice, give· you a colder refrigerllltor and furniahea all of the many advantage· of Kelvination. Call and aee it or phone for information. Give "Resurrection" Thursday Thursday, New Year's Eve-will give America its first hearing of "Resurr<'ction," an opera by Franco Alfano, based upon the famous novel of that name by Tolstoi. A sensation abroad. it has been reserved as the "high spot" of the season. Mary Garden and a star cast, including Ansseau and Baklanoff wi11 create thr several roles and special prices will be charged. Roberto Moranzoni will conduct. Friday evening, the vast auditorium will bt dark, to blossom forth again in beauty Saturday afternoon with "l\1 anon Lescaut," with l\fuzio, Cortis, Rim ini, Cotreuil. Conductor, M oranzoni. Saturday eYening, devoted to popular prices. will hring "l\1adame Dut tt:rfly" with Edith 1f a son in the name J·:xc]:r, rCE C1~E-\~T C< >\' C(llnl· .... fr()m ::.;n~ TC~HFI\CL" J. . \1 \\'e do not supply Dealer ...... ( htr l>tt~inl'-..~ i catering fr()zen desserts and ired confections to the mo ~t cxdtL i\·e entertainers \\'lio dvmand Quality. \Yc tnakc innnnwral>k kind:-; and ~p<'rial dl' . . iglb t() tit any occa~10n. \ssCDSSSJSUS JACCCCCCCCCCCt .. ~~] 50& Davis St., Evanstov UJ).iversity 213 2 Our Sunday Special is a treat indeed. Ask about it. EXCEL ICE CREAM CO., Inc. 1566 Elnl\vood Ave., Evanston, Ill. Phone Univ. 3087-- Wil. 31(10 KELVINATOR The Oldest Domestic Electric ~frigeration I A CARLOAD of HOLIDAY CHEER and SUCCESS for the NEW YEAR to our many · friends and patrons & M. C<? U NIVERSITV 5200 WILMETTE 333 & NIAl]~lliAL There's one of our Coal Statiou Ntar Y oa <:<>.

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