Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Dec 1925, p. 3

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December 18, 1925 WILMETTE · LIFE I 3 PLEDGE LARGE VOTE AT EVERY ELECTION Members of Wilmette Organizations Behind Movement to Encourage Voting \\.i lmettc ralli ed to the cause of good ,q· mmcn t and pledged, through rep: , tltatives of various local organiza, , ··1 ', a vote approximating 100 per , c. · t at all elect ions, at a m '~ting of tl ~· \\'ilmettc Forum, held ~Ionday : L n:ning at the First Congregation a 1 t i1mc h. The f rum is a newly organil d body numbering as member.-. a ll t !1urr lw-.. clubs and numerous nvtc ,,: :...ani ;ations in the village. [t i-; non1'·: :i . . an and ha s a-. it:... :,ole purpose ' ·i,l. promo tion of a 100 per cent ,·ote ::H· village. I !'ll· :-J)(:akl'r:-. c·i the t'\'C'I1111g ,, - ~r e · Jlt\· Judge Edmund K. Jar('rk i. oi , l' , · ·ttnty c:->urt oi Cook county. lloyt 1\ · ~-. \\ 'il ml'tt<: ci\·ic leader, J<obert ·,,.j dard. l1ead oi th e \\'i llll ettl' Plan 1 i ,·:: mi:--.ion, \ -illagc !'re sident Ear l ' c Jrncr and ~lax ~furdock, attorn ,. I·· ·ill' :\ :-,:- ociated }{l'al E stat~ IJOard~. Muat Check "Stuffers" Judg e Jarecki di ·cussed the \'aric·us 11· oi duty oi the county judge. I I · n 1; 1 cl t' part i r u I a r 11 o t e of th e r o u n t y !.'· Man of _ t he Hour T-RUSTEES VOTE "NO" ANENT "STOP AND GO" Finance Committee Finds Expense of Installing Traffic Regulators Unwarranted Wilmette's Village board has experienced a rever al of form regarding the establishment of Stop and Go traifir s;gnal s at variou s street intersections, a:. · ~comme nded at a recent meeting or the tru stees. A subseque nt recommendation hy the Finance committee at this Tuesday's board meeting suggested that the lights be not installed ou the theory that the expenditure was unwarrant ed and the need insufficient. All this was brought to th e attention of the board by Trustee Baker. ~[ r. Baker's remark . , howe·;e r, did J ~Ot repo.;;c comfo rtably in the mind of at lea :-. t one member of th~ board. Tru stee Paul A. Hoffman arose to empha~ize that the need for the signals <tid most assuredly exist, at least insoiar as the Ridge a ,·enuc inter se ctions \\·ere concerned. The church and school at Rid ge and Lake ayenue s, with the accompanying traffic congestion at that point, he said, made it imperative that :->top and o·o signal s be installed. A si milar need existed at \Nilmette and Ridge a ,·e nue s, he declared. The plan to have stop and go signals placed at principle street intersections \\'a acti,·e ly end or eel by the Chaml·c r of Comme rce through its Civic r :.Jmmittee and was strongly urged b;· business people and residents in the I-\idge avenue di strict . The a.-:tion of the trustees in harkening to the Finance committee recommendation was a k ee n disappointment to the t!lembers of the Chamber of Commerce. .\ s a compromi . e measure the Village board has authorized SnperintenclL nt oi Public \Y or k -; Schultz to in' e:-til!'ate t he fl'a~il> ilitv of installing "·arnin L::- ~ign..; and li g.hts at the two .Kidge ayenue intersections in question. - - -- j·: ·-t· a ... head of the county machinery , · ·! citl· d \'ar'iou:-. in-.,tanrc..; uf fraud :l~t· ,I·Jl~·t " pollinl!' plae<.· ..... " But ." ~aid _l.trt·rki, "if anything near }IHJ 1 · :- q·nt \ c!te \\'t rc ra-,t at the poll". 11 i" :tt n-. and ),allot box :-.tu !Ters \\c·uld 1, 11\ t'f\\ hL·Inll'cl. for it i-, onh· in cJ"..,l' c ·.. ~ ::c 11 h \\'ith light ,·otes that tht·~t· i·~"'l tlt:ttliJ·ttlatt·r~ <1cf~at tlle 1 ,~ 01 ,1l'." ,_l_ tt_ ' _t_ ·:_ tr_l~y~c_o_n_lt_tl_g_r_o_t_-_S_a_r_lt_a_.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l c annot hl·lp IJ\tt thmk at thh timt· . · 1 <·! tl1;1t l'hri~tma-- .nigl_lt in cold. bittl'r I STATIONS GET NAMES \ ··.tthvr \\ ht· n \\ :t . . llln~ton \\ i h !Jj.., I l' · "I"' cro-. . . nl till· lh:l a\\'ar<· through I J d A w· . N th 'I . . . . . . . . .. . u gea nnounce mners In or I " l Ill J,·lll_ h Ill .Ill _ eftor t. to -,urpn:-.e I Shore Line Skokie Valley Route ay t··: !1111 ,t · t . ·n· d;t,·l:ght: cJt dl'LI\·-. that S . N · c t t ', rl tllvn1 on ti1e othl'r . ide ;11 four tahon ammg ones \[usic appropriate to the Chri:;tmas · · :.. . ;, i_n the n1nrt_1in~: and ni the I \\ 'i nnvr" oi the (I Jit'.tt;u. :\orth "'t·a..,on " ·ill comprise the entire pro" t · · II ot tho:-l' -.oldll'r-. throu ...:h. nine . ' l!'r.tm at the \\.ilmette Sunday En~ ning · 1 ·· 'I' :--.he ·rl' :til< 1 \I ih' aukt't· railrn .t d', ron' ' ' '>110 \\' ( ntt . . 0 rl'ntu11. .\nd I · club. n~.·ccmhcr 20, \\'hen the Da..;ch 11 lll : Ld(' tilt' trip in t\\' ~) lhlllr-. and tt·..,t to ll.llllt' Ill'\\ "Lltl<·~l" (). n . . _ llt'\\' ~tring Quartet. formerly the Phil- K. of ·C. Ready for Big "l"lllp}i..,Jlt'd nn t· oi the \irtnrit ·-. tint lint', h.no\\'11 a.., thl· ~k, ,k.J t· \ alley . 0 (" Ch · p t D 28 I, · tl It. l' .... t ·II' I 1 till" .... uartct. reorge rtstmas ar y ec. (I d ) I'> lllll' II t )\' l b 0 l. ' a linl' . \\l'l'l' r:Lil1l11tllll't'd · 1 \\l'l'k 1 .hy tht: I harll lOlliC . String . . 1 1 . · . 1. t' . . 1 he name .. ..,l' .l'l'tl'< .. of Co. 11111 . k , l , c 11 . 1 1\ l ' !..! o \ l' r llllll' 11 t . · .1 · o f compan,·. . · · , . . tor · 11 t 1e · · I Da ch. dtrcctor, · appear:-· 111 Jt ... annua Ottt'ltllett" '- Co uncil, Kni !!hts tl . .. t - . ·r1 1 I l.111 k 0 f tatlPih ancl thl' ct>ntot \\tllllll" roO\\. concert a.;;:-t . . tcd 1)\· \fJ:->" Da\\·n Hul- lumhus. " ·ill hold a big Christmas party t', 'It .l ""< n \e·. anc t H'n t : ·_ ~tati(ln 1 "I Iarn~:-wond, "- \1 r". J. 1 , . . . ~n the \Yilmettc \Voman's club Mon\ o t v r " IHI t a II-. t ( l \, ; tl k: a r e \\' \ 1 11·. .1() 1> \\. l )( H 1h illt' a " t' l1tll' . () a k H: r t . sop ran o. l·.l~:· I ~ to a p()lling pl:l(_"l.· .~·l'l'.t lht' it i" i')~~~~ ' c TI_Jt' quartet ~s o~e of ~he best kt:o,,·n da,· en·ni n g. December 28. ~[embers the way and dtrt_v. llltbtral organtzattOnS 111 the ~ftddl e o( the council haYc been busy for . . . . tati1·ll 2 "(~kna,n·" - Cll!tlt-n \ · k · f tl t h'ch l·.'l lr~\\'ing Jud !.!e Jarecki. taJk.., were Cil'nH·n .... ~~2~ ~- Lo;lllli:-. :-trl'et. .. \\-c:-> t and it s members hav e appeared \vee·:- prepanng or le even ' w J 1 ~~ trom the flo or h , _ . oth"r . .;;. Rob;_ ot· tile Cllt'c.,<ro i:-. expected t o. become a.n annual '~tati un 3 "\\'au l~un" - 1krt 11a 1 for ,_ ·ca r-; a . members <l~ T 11 1 f t af 1 '· ~ (lddard. h('ad oi the \\ 'illllcttc '· _ tatr. here '.'·1 )e a van~ty o en er1" ... · 'I ('cl tlltllt. -.sion. . . (~!lrdnn. Cl~anllpllail1 k<~ ;Tnll~·cI\\'l' I t o n tl 1·· tuture '.t t'1011 -t3,'3 -t ":\ort 1 >roo· - .... on I1- Snnphon,· · · orche tra . ~fr. Da~ch, the 1 tainmcnt dunn ·g- tht.: evenmg. Among · . · t'IOn ,,. \'ilnl "ttl· "' Tl<l ti 1l' I1 t'<.'l 1 () f Jill 1l1·!(' 111 · - BriHlk · a Ci\·ir- .\ "'"Ol'la · 1 director. be:-t knO\\'Tl to north shore ot her. features announced arc ~ n . . hndge . h, 1 ' ··.., and hacking in it.... d<'nlopnwnt. . . . ~ "\\.oodrid e" _ \fr" ·l re:-iaent:-> as di.rector of the Symphony danctn~ and Chnstt;~as noYel~te s. m t e . . . ~t~ttt~· n :" . ~ 1 . 1g_ 01 . 1 Plavers of Chtcago, \\'ho appear r cg u- \\·ay ot game~. l he o.ffarr ts not ~~ng Strakea Keyn~te . \ \J ~rJo:tl' ).f. \ ~.ee~t:· ~l'~ .~ ~ ~~ ~i, Jar!;· in c~mcert under au spice s ?f .the 0pe ra~ed .for profit hut . if any is ~eJ ,,t h.mg madl' the prmctpk ad~tatJon ( Bnt.:rgatt.: B ~ ·· c R. 1\e\\· Tner Orchestral a ·soctattOn. ri,: ed tt wtll go to a chant\· fund whtch d l'" < i tl H' e\·ening. . l_j I I 1 \Iex·uHkr ·--· ?)-+ I ('C' --treet .. ,·anston . llll'llthcr . . 1 . . 1. l d tl1e } ' }' · > H' :-otttHt'< t1e · . · ' . .. r 1.· 1 ., ·~rllp 111 w11c1 exten s o\·cr : elps poor f amttes at Cl-. 1nstmas t"true. 1 ~f 111100 r -C · 1. "' · C·· I. '- nc ·te of the meet in .~ 1)\· ~a ,· in~· that Stat 1 ~ 11 / ·lll'tl t irl' township. The quartet com- All members of the council and their 1· 1 . . · · · t 1 · ( l nne _, orton .ro' e. · · h fi · }" . · pur pose of the l· o run1 \\'as "to n~.< l · · R' .. ;.; 1· ·'d El 11 1 ... \f r pnses George Dasc . rst vto tn, fa milies ha\'C been espectallv requested · 1 1 0 " · ., t· in ter<'st in the ballot and save tattFon lll ~f ~ "' - . :-. Fritz Ttt e. seco nd violin: Otto Roch- to attend this party and )oin in the th,· i·u hlir official from the tl'mptation Bel 1c . a 1\H~ · ,;~~ 'k~u e~.f .. ~fi ·. ohorn. \~ola: and Carl Brueckner, vio- Christmas fun · t· . \ iL· Id to the minoritY." ' D Stat 10.11 ~I -d'.. ·o ·te · anor - . -.:- lin -cello. · ___ · -~----1 11 . I . . orot 1\ ... lan erg. '1'1 I I d . , ': rtte< . tathtics to ~how that. Each. " ·inn<'rs \\·a-. pre . en ted '"ith H' program la:-> )t"en announce as Announces Ig R e ductton ' '.' t·a-,, only 27 per cent ot the voters a check for $100. follo\\·s: All Dod B C 01 _ I tl() k co unty exercised the pri,·ilege 'l'he contest started on De cl'mher 1. (~\l:trtPt n :\[ajor, Opus 11 ... :. on ge ros. ars o· · II I 11 r. I I' 7{' 000 ...... ...... . .. . .. T!'ch~ukow~k~· . h . d ·' .~ t· >a ot, J',ng atH s aYeragr wa s 'a nd since that time more than .J, :\Tnllnrat o c' !-'0nw lice \Vhat ts c aractenze as a treR. ; ·n. cent. while other European names had been received by the rail.\ ntla n t 1' C"antiahilt' mendous price reduction" on all Dodge c '· '. t nes a \'<'raged around 70 per cent. road companY. The judgrs were: D. n Ln\·t·l~· Yoil'f'~ of the Rky · ·Matthews Brothers Inc., motor vehicles, was anPrv..; ident Earl E . Orner oi the Vil - If. Burnham: pre s ident of. tJ:e C'hica.:ro Song of ~:~~s \~~!~er~oatman nounced bv C. M. McDonald, north I;, ·· hoa rd divided the progres-. of Regional Planning assona!wn :. \\ tl - fa) ·...··..·········.······ Russian shore Dodge Brothers dealer, this week. 1 \ \ ·ne tte into three epoch~ gi,·ing the Jiam L. Bailey, pr<:>fcs s~r ot ..;ortOio~y. ITI·an~c,·iption hy .\ . l'n r hon) The new prices on Dodge vehicles 11 . " .., of the men who J)lanned the ~ortln\· este.rn. unn.·erstt.Y: Fre~lenck. (h) Yalse · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .Ulazounow will he formally announced January 11 rro · Christmas Song,Qunrtd · ' ' ·l...!l', of those who carried out the Rex. mtmtctpa t 11 t )ra.nan. C'l . ltcar> .. 0 Hol~· Xig-ht" 7. 1926, b ut wt··11 b e e ff ecttvc. on a It Pl. · ·' , and of the work of th<' pre!'cnt Carolipe ~fcTh·a ne. Chtcago Ht:->ton~~l .......................... Adam purchases of cars after December 15 nr.:.:.1nization. and ~tated that it was .:;ocil'ty and S .. Charles h·:·:so n. prest (Violin ohligato) of this year. hardly fair to the Villao-e offictals that deilt of the Chtcago Real E~tate 1 ware1· (a) Bf'rceuse-variations sur Theme -------~"" Russe ,..... . .... d'OF-1ten-Lacken BOARD VOTES XMAS GIFTS ?n'" a SO per ccr~t vote came ont <'itlwr DEFER STORY HOUR (h) Serenade de Namouna .. .... Lafo On the motion of Tru..;tet John C. Ill .tpproval or oisapproval of those \\T'l p 1 h Quar~et s t Rak"'r, the Village hoard voted. last \\ l·o were in charge of the public work. The storv hour at the t mcttc u )- There Were MS isesphHerulbser·t· ........ cot~ ... · 1 d' t' d after Tuesd~v evening to give a Chrtstmas The Forum was attended h,- more lie library will )e tscon mue Quartet, G Major, Opus 18, No. 2 crift ( $10 to eyery employe of. the tl1 .,.1 100 0 · ' s \"eDk ttntt'l _Tanuarv_ 7. because of ... rest'd ents o f t h e n '11 age, rep- tl1 1 · ' · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Beethove11 ,... "11 Th" · · cor d ance wtt h a · · the holidav season, it has been anAflagio Cantiabile vt age. ts ts tn ac r 1 · t . '11 t1ng nearlv all local organtzattOns. J ffi . Allegro motto quasi presto custom of long standing in the village. Th e Village board attended in a body. nounced hy library 0 eta 1 s. . in \Yit'm ctte seYe ral ,,·cc k s ago I. The 1)ir·d >1per ,,.110 mac 1c 1 lh appea r ance at Ta\'Jrq·' , nr. c·lt:l \' h;l" !.,:i\ l'll \\ 'il nH ttl' <l \\'i<lt hl'rth at th1:-. :;ca:-011, for anothl'r . Jwr"'c'n ha ....cc,llll' to to\\'11 to l·nrhant thl' young--.tl'rs and hold their undi\ idl'd at t·ntioll i()r the llnnre . . \ gro up of good little boys ·1 and 1 gi rl s spie · d I 1 ~ "11··\\\-ltt'ar<kd ~anta n· . . tnrla,· and \\'cr e n't content untt 1e po~c<l tor . · . · ·. T i thh Jnrturl' taken 111 th1.' "hadow-. ot the liYing Community Chri-.tma:-; n:c on tlw \ 'illa~T C;n·tl. The \\'ilml'tte hCl · cr of Commerce i:; re..;pon ·ible ior Philharmonic Group G· C to tve oncert at the Sun d C/ u b .. I > ·· r " 1 !t. s·

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