Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Dec 1925, p. 56

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56 WILMETTE LIFE \\' t"t·k l~ntlhag December 18, 1 Deoeeontbeor 12 ns I. turned from Lasell seminary Wednes- 1 who has been at the university of '1'.-ont \Von LuNt t·.-t ·.' , t>, day. Ruth Sltellman arrived home Michigan, is driving from Ann Arbor Hess ~lotor St>rvkt· .. ~s ;, .l-.4l-. 4 from Swarthmore Thursday, and Nor - and will arrive in Wilmette Saturday. Hnid<·r-Cazcl Drug:; .. 21 12 .fj:~;.; .1.1 man Shellman comes from Dartmouth Bill Jordan returns from University Floyd Koon . . . . . . . . . 20 13 .606 . '· I Hehultz and Nord .. H 1ii .G4r, 11 tomorrow. Bradlce Pruden returns of Illinois Wed11esday. )lac's Lun('h ... ..... 1 ii lS .4Gf, . ··;; The latter part of this week and the from the Universit\· of Illinois TuesHta.te Hank ......... 1-l 1!1 . 4l4 ., l\lcXantt·t> Htort · !J 24 .2 73 -: · 7 first of next will be a busy time for day, December 22. Rosalie Budinger i'; llt ···hon l~ros . . ...... 7 ~6 .:n ~ ·: .. families, friends, and express men who returning from Illinois. Lawrence will meet inc01ning trains bringing Roth comes from the CniYcrsity of Individual a.n···ag-(· (tlvt· r:111k l happy throngs of girls and boys, their Michigan today. F)orcncc GatherI HI\\' It· n;) -- 1:us:; t·dt ·ll, Ht: :->s )tot 1 'I ll\0 -:!: Chuhh~· Lt·i:;, JI (>HS :\lotor s, I -;, ' trunks, a~1d their bags. coal return todav from the l'niver ·ity ~~: Eddy \\' t·st, Ht ·Hs !\futon,, 1 i i- · UuHineHH : u.-.a·s llowllng Le-ague Already we ha \ 'C given new s of .l c·f Wiscon s in wh~rc s he ha. j list he en Hry Fit·l1l , H(·Hs Motors, 177-14 ; I' ' Teams \Von Lost Pet. Av. few of these young people, but today initiated into the Sigma Alpha Tota H(·hur, Snid(·r- 'azf'l, 17G-16. llig-h t· ; 1· H~..·ss l\lotor St.·n· k_.. . 2 ~, ;, .8 3~ 881 a longer list is printed, which is not soror it\·. I~aura Boak comes today Snider-Cazel I>rug·s .. 20 10 .66 7 841 aV(·rag-e ( thr e(' g·anH·H) Ht>ss .:\lf ·t· fl47 2-:~; !·khultz and .:"\f· l· etttirely inclusive. Friday, Henry from Virginia college. John .-\. :\1ac- Flovd Koon Autos . . 19 11 .633 803 Ht·rvict·, ~ 7ti :!-3. I Lig h :-.i ng-1" gam ·, ll(·ss :\I , Cutler returns from Phillips-Exeter Lean, Jr., arrin·s today from Yale Schultz & ~o· ·d . . .... 1 ti 1 1 . ~.:~:~ ~~~~ t u r s ~ r v ic- (·, !.l'i 4 ; H 11 i d 1· J'- C a z 1.'1 , ~ 1·: Mac's Lunch ..... . .. lG l G .500 7!.10 academy, Paul Cutler from Dartmouth t'niYersity_. Cecil Cilroy an·in·s Tucs- Wilnwtte Statt· Bani..: 12 I S .-too i!ii lligh incli\·idual avt·r:q..;·(· (tht·t·t· gan 1· , college, and Lucille from ::\'"ational day from the l'nin~rsity of lllinois. :\lcNam(·t.·'s ,'toro· ... .. \ :.!2 .2fi7 ifi~l ·:ruvl't· , :!t:-.; l'd(·ll. ~oti 1-a. ll igh ~~ , g-lt· g-ant o·, Hchu1·, 246; L··is, ~H. Park seminary. Arthur Seibold, Frederick Harbaugh come:-; irom H e rbon Taxi . . ... . . . . ;, ~;, .167 756 Jncli\!(lual H\' PI':U..\·· (lh··· rallking 'l't·n·n \\' unl,uHt l"c·t.\' · · George Bird, Kenneth Page, Fred and Ames college thi:-; eH·ning. Daniel howh· rs), Buss l '·lt- ll , llt.·ss :\Lotors, c..:oodwin's J: ' ty Sh11p :Hi 0 1,oo o ,; , Harry Stone are also arriving from Brower is returnin g DecemlH·r 22 from 181-12; Chubby Ll' is, ll··ss -:\[otors, New Tri··r ("our. . .. ... !!li 10 . i:!:! Dartmouth today. Harriet Newey, the lni\·ersity oi lllin oi~. Robert 177-2:~ : Etld~· \\'I' S t , Ho ·SS :\lotOI'S, rnw llanna Shop .... :.!0 16 ,;,~,ti ·.: Jean Drayer. Marian· Thayer, Mar- Drake and \i\'inii r cd Tador rl'tttrn to- 176-2; Doc Schur, Hni<l .. r- 'az··l. 17 ;-,_ The l 1niqu(· Styl· · Sh(,p ....... . .. .. . . 12 2 .t .:l:{a \· garet McCue, and Dorothy Hall re- day from Darmouth r~llt')..?:e. \\'ini- 28; Hry Fi el'l , IIt·ss :\lotors, lif,-1;) . Hig·h tf'am a\'(·J~lgo · . lth~·et· gam;--s). H· ·ss .:\fntr,.· S· · t· \· in · .. II :!:-, . :~n·; ·. turn from the University of Illinois fred Bilsland rdttrtb \\' ednc:-clay ir m ll· ·ss :\lotors, !l l1 :..!-.:: ::-i('hultz d.nd Tlw ecile Sho}J .... .. ;{ :J:{ tt'tl .. ,, December 22. ElizabC'th . and ~[ar - [1 !lle :M anor , \\'elle:-.k y. ~fas~. Blake Xor<l, ' 76 2-3. High Sillglo' g-am(', ll(·ss High rndi\·idua l a\o · l':tl..\· ' 1th··· ranl,lt garet Gilchrist are coming- Tuesday Robert s - come~ irom l {an·ar<l next ~lo~o::s, fl74; Snidl'r- 'azt>l , 9a7. md1V1dual aYcrag I threl' ~:;atiH.'S), . .1 ~I · . :"\' . . T 1 1 .. 11·.·. : · ·~ 1 ~ 11 :, 1 1 from Dension college, GratH"ille. Ohio. Tue:-.day. Florence l~ran~on arri,-ecl Gruver, 215· Udell, 2111} 1-:L High sin- 1 1 ~1 ' \' 1 ' · ' s .) - :\ · · .t~, · e\\ ~I "It' I · ., ( OllltTltollt·rs, 1.{,-.,.~ : h . a~· Anthl· · ) Helen Newey returns tomDtTO\V from Thursday irom ~rontin·llo ~t·minary. g 1·· gattJI', I oc· · l' 1111 · · - · · : .<·t~. - 11 · · Goodwin's Shop, 1:{7-ti'.; H· :l1·n I.· : <iootlwin's Shop, l~\-:!1 : :\Iari· · 1· ,, Sweet Brier college. Ford Stoddard, · }.1 argarct \ \'i I son arri \T:-. home }.[onr:ul. i;oodwin 's Sh··P. I~ -l·l: 1.;: 11! t.:ood\\ in \\ unu·u·~ l.t"ag·ue who is at Ann Arbor, \vill he in Chi- day . from Xational Park ~\·m mary. II ·;... 'l'··ams \\'on Ln~t P et. .AY. \Vag-nt ·r , IIanna !-'ho}l, 1~~-1:--. . cago only this evening with the 11ichi· J <tmes and I·:! lis .1 one~ ret urn Friday (ioo(lwin's Beaut~ t ·· :u 11 a, .·. rag ·· 1 t h n ··· g- a 11 11· ~) 1; 11 J.H<HI ti·1-l wiu 's Shop, fi!·:~ !-;{ lligh :-.ing·l· · J..!:tlt t· ?an Ope:a, which will give a concert of this week iorm Dartm outh college. Shop ...... · · .. . .... ,., l;oodwin's Sh11p, 7:17 . lligh intli\!d ll 111 the ctty. and t.hen d~J?art for p~r - Joseph ~Ionfort came iron! ~;t. John· ~ X l' W Tri e r Co n1<1 . ·i~·7 i71i av··ragt· <till'· ··· g<ttll··s), .:\lt·s . .\ w . f··ct ionf'ry .. · . · · · · · ~:: fo!"ma.nces 111 vanou.s cttH:s: mcludmg }.lilitary academy Thur:-day. and Riggs Tht · 1Ian na. · 'hop ..... 17 Hi .51;) :.1.~ :\Ia~ · . 17 :{ t-:L ll igh singl·· ganH ·, .\ 1· \Vashmgton and Phtladelphta . ~lonfort is I..L) Illin g iro 111 \\'a !hington Tht' l'niqu ~tyl·· .\ trn :L ·.\1 a ·' , I !I.'. Shop .. . ...... ... .. I :! :! l . :n; ·I 4711 Jack Stoddard returned Tllltr...,day colltge Saturday. l'ornelitt:-. \ ·an ITc·~s ::\Iotor St !l'Yi ··· · .. 11 ···> .:{3:} ·tf.~ WIN FIRST CAGE TILT ft om St. John's 11ilitary academy, and Schaack return:-- irom the Shenandoah The Cecilt· :::ihop ... . :~ ~:n . !lO 3~·~ ).1iss 11ary Stoddard, \\'ho is attend- Valle\· academ\' at \\'inc he~ter, \ 'a., In eli vidual avf'rag ,. : :\Ir s. .\ nna .:\fa .' . ing the National Kindergarten and Dece;nbcr 22. · Thur:-.da ,. a itcrn·lOil ~ t: \\' Tri e r Conf('(·tifltlt'l'~. t:l\-11: Ka .' · and lightweight ],a ... kd ~ h()oter :-; !], Ele.mentary college, will spend the Junius 1IulH·y rdur.ned i~on1 Phillips - Amblrr, Uoo<lwiu 's l!o ·a ut~· Shop, J:L·,_ fe·ttt·d \u ... tin high -.rllo< 1 l tt"Ulh :: t 30: H C> }('Jl Leis, (ioodwin's Shop, 12~1- I · · . · - · .. ·· r · ' ,. · I . < ·· ' hohdays at her home. Dorothy Butz Exeter. and thi~ e\·ening l·:lizallvt h 20; :\laril' Conrad. (i 11 odwin·s Shop . tnut 111-.t It ..tl!tt<. ,~·~llll (.ll t H "l.t " " · . returns this week from the vVestern ~luh·e,· returns from Guli l' ort cui- 12 !1-1~.; Kitt~· " 'a!.!.tll· r·, Hanna shop, playl·rl at \c\\· lrt er ~aturda\·. I>· .\Iildrc·d l'arl~··n . (iOf)dwin's lT illht·r .: ; . TIH· ~ C \\' Trier ht·a,·it··; State Normal school. ~1 artha Cross· lege . · Edmund ~LcGihhon :-. r~.: t urth 121-7 : , 12:i-G. Hi~· h. tv:tlll :lvt·r:~g-l· <th.r··· · \\On by .1 ., ·ore oi 26- ltl and the li~l 1 lc·~ comes home today from Virginia ir<\lll Dartmouth college Decctnl>t·r 18. Shop r..;·am s) Good w r 11 s sIt o p . "!I:;. 1 r , g It - · ·t . _ "> · college at Roanoke, \'a. Tom King. ~[ary Sprague ronH.·~ honw iro111 llli - singl g-anH·, (ioudwill's !: ·. aut~· Shop ., \\t ' rt' on top \nth a L -1- count. -------John Mahan, and Frank Blymyer come noi:-. Tue sde:l\·. Barbara I ean Bate- 737. Hir-h indi\·i flnal a\· .. ,·:t!.!.t ' t t llrt ·· · I Mrs. Anna. :\la~· . 17 ~ 1 -:L lli!.!t. ' Read All the Want Ads today from the University of 1[ ichi- man ret urn~ from ~I i:-.: I kntwt \ games), sing-It· g·:um·, .\Irs . . \ttrt·· :\Ia~· . lfl . '. gan. Dorothy Glover a rrin·s toda v sc hool , 1\Iillbrook, :\. Y .. t oda ,.. and from the Uni\'ersity oi \\'isco n sin Thurs dav Lawrence Batcn1an t:l'tttrnccl ] ames Glen \Vra v also ret urn . ; it 0111 La~kc Forest aradem ,.. Gcrt rude today from \Vi~con:-.in. \1 artha Ingersoll. who attend:-. ~· " l'tt Briar. Swan arrives Saturday iroin Sweet ,,; stopping in \Va shington . and Betty Lrier college Iarke J. :.Ofunn 1\irc is visiting in Buffalo <Ill her way c0mes toda,· from Ripon rollegl'. home from Smith college. They \\·ill Flizaheth 1Ii11ar returns tomorro\\ return to Wilmette the tir...,t oi the from ).[ount Holyoke. Joseph ~foody week. Jean Dubb s, who i:-. ~tudying at is coming from \\'ashington- Tefferson J{u :-. h 1lcdical collq~e. will rome to ccllege Saturday. Laura Durgin and \\' il111ettc about December 2-l, tu :-.pend .Mildred ~Ielone come tomorrow from the holiday s. Krrmit Beazley is n· Goucher college. Isahrllc \\'eldon rc - turning from Shurtleff college turns today from Knox college. and l·:d ward Scheidt'n lH: lm i..; returnHe len \\ 7e Idon. who is attending the ing i rom Cornell un in'rsity. Dwi gh t At t Institute, will spend the holiday<; Chapman return s from Harvard at home. Alice \\'ard Froe sc hle re- unin·r s ity Sunday. Phillip Bright . Home for Holidays With the Bowlers I ·' 1 ' ( I 1. I The Best · ID Radio This ts what you demand and get tn an "ORIOLE" True reproduction and purity of tone. 0 nsurpassed selectivity and ease of tuning. Volume and clarity in distance any night of the week. _. Christmas thought: Let your feet be happy, tool Wear the Arch Preserver Shoe and your feet will always be "cheerful", ready for work or play-through the longest day. A You be judge of our claims for the most wonderftd radio set you've ever listened to. · Phone us for a demonstration or drop tn and make us prove we're right. I i Our scientific method of fitting insures permanent comfort Oriole Radio Receiver The 'radio of no regrets I I I I Arch Preserver Shoe Shop New Carlson Building, 630 Church Street, Evanston Radio Sets Repaired Batteries Charged ! r,~ !, 'I TERMINAL HARDWARE 415 0 4th St. Opposite the "L" terminal Phone Wilmette 2 8 4 3 I' '· 1; ========================~-:-

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