WILMETTE LIFE STORE HOURS UNTIL You Can Park Your Car ll'.,i . thin Easy Walking Distance of Handkerchiefs 25c to $1.50 For men and little men are handkerchiefs oi fine linen with hand drawn threads, colored borders or monograms or gay silk ones in a wide variety of colors and patterns. For little boys there are Boy Scolft handkerchiefs. LORD'S AT FOUNTAIN S Boys' Blouses $1.10 to $1.75 Kaynee tub-fast blouses of percale, madras or broadcloth, may be had in plain colors, figures or stripes. . . izc~ 7 to Wool Socks FEMININE GIFT Silk Gowns and Chen1ises Dlintv chen1iscs fJf cr ·p c dc. chine and tr;·us~ean cr 'P\.' in on·hicl. peach. f1e::-h and "h itt· an· .~ 3.q:; Y' ~RSO. \.o\\ n s () f t h l:' -.. a nH· ma ten a 1 <: x q u i ~ 1 t c1 y tt- i mml' d a r e $-+.9 5 to ~13.SO. 95c to $2.75 For outdoor play 011 fro st y davs he \\'ill want wool sock s ""it h fancy cuff t0 1 1 .:-.. They ma \' he had in a wide rang e of colors and pattern . . 14. Men's Broadclotl1 Shirts $1.95 to $5.00 £yery man will appreciate shirts of English broadcloth with necl{band or collar attached in white, tan, poudre blue or peach. Silk Pajan1as $8.50 to $14.50 Crepe de chine (If silk ,i cr--ty fa::-h ion these lo\·ely paj : t~na -. in a ll tlH' lingerie shade: and bla c k. Fancy H~lf Hose $1.00 to $3.50 A gift sure to meet with mascn line approval are half hosl:! of \vool or silk and wool in fann· wea\'t :> of C\'<.:ry hue. Incluckd are th -: popular checked - plaid and -., tr ipc d pattern .. Georgette Chetnises $4.95 to $7.95 These exquisite filmy l..' onc c it ()i in t h e F r en c h ~ t v1c \\' i 11 flutter any fcn1inine heart. Lace and two tone ~ibl>ons add to their ~:hann . '"l' n rrr et t e ~ ~ c Hickok Belts and Sets $1.00 to $3.00 '. Attractive and u cfnl are sets of belt, monon-ra 111 med bue kle and beltogran1 to hold the watch securely in place . Each piece n1ay l1e had .eparatcly if desired. Hand Bags $7.50 to $50.00 .1\11 hert·. <t 5hetlaa $t I!Ilj,Clltu ] i :· · ! tilt· n t·we:-.t ba~s :tr" . t l:t :-- Lt·tlan c! \'.· · : 1:, I\Cl n u woman tYer had ~""'la11nel Boys' Lumberjacks $4.25 to $6.95 Every r egular iellow will want a lumb erjack of wool or beacon cloth. Th ere are larg e and sma ll checks and Navajo patterns. Scarf ~ets $2.50 :r\ew and attracti\·e are sets oi tie and scarf to match of knit ted fibre ~ilk in :-tripcd patt<.:rn :in gay colors. too many. There are rou r h and e1nclopc styles in leather and l>e;4d s 111 C\' <.:ry color i m :1!..! in a l ,J e. $2.95t Silk Scarfs Woolen Gloves and $2.95 to $15.00 Men's Pajatnas $2.85 to $6.50 Attractive pajamas of soisette, pongee or satin, have frogs of silk and may be had in stripes, check~ or plain color of tan , blue and white. Filmy scarfs of georgette I I I $1.25 to $2.75 Just the thmg for :-k.ttill'~ or warm . crepe de chine are gayly figured or other \\'inter sporh ~H:: ~;,Jlk. . Il'a nded, and many are fringed in 1 gua n tlcts of brus bed \\·c,ol wit:. I fancy tops. + ·+ + clcYer French dolls with their dangling legs or seated on downy pillows may be dressed to match the outstanding color of the boudoir. The~e Boudoir Dolls $3.50 and $3.95 I Luncheon Sets $8.95 to $35.00 Lovely linen lunch.:-on sc·t"' with Italian cut work or colon·d hand drawn threads arc an un u sually attractiYe gift item . U pieces. Cion Cert able the , ·tnd er ,1W ar )r ar. a tnce ~===- ::::::::2.=:: ==~====~~~==~========================================= :~