Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Dec 1925, p. 12

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12 WILMETTE LIFE December 13, 19~ DASCH FINDS CURE FOR TIRED FEELING R de D Sympb ony Pia yera en r eligbtful Concert in Third of Seriea Laat Monday -- Maude B. Minnema Will Sing at Yule Program .M aude Bouslough Minnema, the well known and talented soloist who sang last Sunday afterno.on at the New Trier high school Chnstmas program, will sing next Sunday _.a t the specical Christmas , program 111 the English Lutheran church, Greenleaf a~cnue and Seventh street. ~\ cordial invitation is extend~d to the pui~Iic to. be P.resent a~ thts. program whtch \Vtll begm at 5 o clock. ANDERSON'S CAMERA SHOP - BY MUSIC CRITIC Phone Wilmette 3672 . . 11_35 Greenleaf Ave. Developing, Pttntrng, Enlargtng VEL VET PRINTS These prints are finished on Eastman's V elvet '( elox Parer. This beautiful surface does not mar or break eastly and g:Yes soft and delicate detail. . . Photographs taken of homes and butldtngs. I i The third of the seven orchestral concerts to. be given by th~ Symphony Players thts season occurred Monday evening, December 14. If it did not I restore vigor to the tired business man JUNIOR SCHOOL TO MEET . and the frazzled Christmas shopper, The North End branch of the C!~J- 1 the fault lay not with Dasch and his cago Junior . choo l, Arthur M. Md men. Their playing was full to the lard president, will hold its next meetbrim of freshness and enthusiasm. ing ~[onclay e\'ening-, December 21, in all the numbers on this especially the Prince of \Vales room at the enJoyable program the spiciest was the Sovereign hotel at 8 o'clock. Followopener of the evening' events- mg the husinr ~s meeting, a pecial Brahms' "Academic Festival." This hour will he hrld to which friend~ are great composition is in the nature of invited. A male chorus of 20 voices an overture, a "fantasia" written about will giYr the musical program. four college tune s. In the advance announcement of last week it was said ~~ rs. Louise Lain of Milwaukee 1 s· that Brahm had "misnamed" this piece when he called it "Academic." spending thi ..; week as the guest of But in this connectio'n the \vord did her n ieee, ~[ rs . Clark ] . M unn of 721 not imply scholastic and therefore for- 1\inth street. Gerry Batton of \Vheaton mal: it indicated Brahms· 1ppreciation ~pent la "it week-end with Clark T. of the Ph. D. degree con fcrred upon AI unn , Jr. him by the University of Breslau. It is a composition both masterly and jovial. Follo\ving thi~ overture came a concerto for two violins, the finest of Bach's compositions for violins and orchestra, according to his biographer. As played by 1\1essrs. Itte and Hancock with the assistance of thr orchestra it was a pure joy. The Adagio was surely a "very gem oi noble and exoressive melodv." 1 The first part the program clo:-.cd I with a most interesting presentation I of Haydn's "Farewell Symphony." In accordance with the tradition. on each stand had been fastened two candle.;, the sole source of illumination during ~tationcry the playing of the symphony. Toward~ the close of the playing- one llHhician C;lndies a ftr>r another ahruptly lrft the stag<' until at the last only the cot ductor Ro. ins Perfun1c and two v iolinists remained to play the TIoubigant 's l>l'rrunJc closing chords. Thi s '\strike" caused considerable amu.;emrnt. For encnrt' Cot\· ·~ Pcrfu1ne a dozen or so of the orchestra men offered an arrangement of the we'llTTudnut'. 1 crfunH~ known "Silent Night." After the intermission the program 11lue Ho~e closed with a Serenade compo.;ed h~· I~ine) Richard Strauss at the carl\- a{.!"e (li seve nteen. and ~f asscnrt's - "ScetH' :-Cotnpact~ Pittoresques," one of the mo..;r popu,lar of his seven suites. 'J'oilct et~ .~~~~~~-------------~- You Ain't Had Nothing Yet! until you have eaten one of Mac's Toasted "Butter Kistwich" Sandwiches get out of that class today at f?£ M ac's Bowling Lun ch I I A. M. to Midnight 1159 W ilmet te Ave. - - --- all What to Give lor Christmas! FOR CHILDREN 1)olls of Candle" FOR MEN (:ol£ Dalls P ker Chip: De~k Calendars Cio-ars Cigaret tcs 'l'obacco Pipes Safety Haz()r. ShaYin~:: nru...,hc~ FOR WOMEN I' ()claks ' ' 1 )( 1 a k C i it I ~ (1" e" 1-\: n c1 a k . \ 11 >t 1111 Ju\·en1k ·J>crt11111c ~tationcr\- ~l't" Jn dn c 11· Ba 11 " You can make Chrsitmas Giving a simple 'l' >ilet Sets T~cathcr I ~ill-F'ulds Leather ~igarctt · Ca: ~.·: Mrs. Charles Rroad of 436 Tenth street. presented her pri,·ate ~1upil at a recital Frida\· e\'ening- of last we"k in the St. Fra;1cis X a \;ier auclitori11m. She has bern coaching- the children of the St. Francis X<n·ier school for the Christmas play they are giving this evening. - - - - -·----- ~Ianicurc Holl~ matter by studying You'll find these lists. everybody. Correspondence Set Perfutne Ato111izers T Yory Goo( Is something suitable for Stati ncr\· J(odak 1-\:odak ..t\ lhun1s TTand Decorated Card-. F'ancy Candles Candle Holder Desk Calendars I jl \\ 'ahl l)cn~ Duo f o1d I.) ens J·lycrsharp Pencils MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Santa Will Bring a Load To The North Shore This Year If You Want to Buy Rdl Brushes i l(odaks Key Holders Teach Any Instrument Take Lessons On or Sound, Impartial Advice Regitter with Snider-Cazel Drug Co. Phones 400-401 'I Mrs. Corinne C . Sanderson 9 1. Central Ave. W1 I 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. Da· l_· Auto Delivery --------T--tl_ ._vv __i_lm--tr-rt __6_6_3______ __.J ~~~~--~--------~'-.-.-.~---------------.-.---.-.---.-.-.-.--;~-..--.-.-.-.---..-.-.-~.-~~ i mette and Central Avenues

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