4 WILMETTE his recommendations under consideration, and in the meantime, to observe whether vehicular traffic would stop, in accordance with the lantern warnings. Inspect Proposed Route . After the party had made the tnp in a company bus along Greenleaf avenue, they drove down Isabella. ~nd over the line in its new Joe a tton parallel to the Chicago ~nd 1'\orth \\'e stern railroad, along Ratlroad avcnue in \Vilmette. The party also exd · d t ·1 amined and discu se m some e at the possible arrangement of tracks and station facilities in the vicinity of the Village hall. . In the party ,\·e re General Cotu.lscl Ralph Bradley, Attorney Stout, VtccPrrsident Cha rlcs E. Thompson and Rernard ]. Fallon, and Attorney Haye~ ~f cKinnev. representing the railroad. and. Trustees Baker. Hoffman, De Berard, Dra,·er. and \Vi edlin. and Attorney Jackson, representing the Yillage. LIFE December 11, 1925 PLACE DANGER LIGHTS ON GREENLEAF AVENUE Village Trustees Inspect Traffic Dangers with Rail Officials; Lanterns Coming villag~ and North Shore line officials · As a result of a joint meeting of last Sunday afternoon, protective measures along Greenleaf avenue will be put into effect at once by the railroad. At the intersection of each street with Greenleaf avenue a red lamp was put in immediately. Later these will be changed to red lanterns hung over the tracks, just hi~h enough to cl.ear tra~c and ca.rrymg tl;e warnmg, "R;lllroad Crossmg-Stop.' .TIH' railroad officials wil~ also in-1 sttt ut c a · program of educat10n of the trainmen to insure operation of trains I ;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ at the speed provided in the road's time table s, with which the village officials expressed elves as sa ti sfied. Village police them will co-operate with the railroad in seeing th at the road's rules of operation arc oh rrved, it is explained. Suggest Stop Lights Vice-president Bernard ] . Fallon, of the North Shore line, recommended that a red stop light be placed at each crossing on either s ide of the 1 ai lroad on the street level, and that Gree nleaf avenue be made a through street. Al so, that all vehicular traffic he required by ordinance to come to a full stop before entering or crossing the avenue. This method. he said, had entirclv eliminated accidents in Berwvn, ~\·here conditions are similar to t l;osc on Greenleaf. He emphasizrd. also, the need of the railroad employes' keeping within the time table speeds as a part of the safetv measures. The village officials p~omised to take Merry Christmas (liFTS lOg -~ - ~J _.. .,=-f"-._,. 0 .. - '{ ---J ,.._ Make your Christmas choosing a delight as well as an economical adventure. at the Distinctive Christmas Gifts MIRRORS Picture Frames Artistic \I irror::of a II de ...,cnptions make both attractive a n d g i ft s useiul Thcrl' arc \ "e 11(' tian. "\la:1tlt· and llall mirror:--. Pic tun· rramt:" (l n· ;l\ ailahlc 111 all 0 FLEUR-DE-LIS. 1 SHOP 4 26 L ~nden A venue Open Evenings Beginning Dec. 14th PICTURES and TAPESTRIES :\ large a~"'<'rt mcnt of pictun·.., including repro duction;:, of the Old ~laster~ ~t-. \\l'll a;; the bc5t works ut c·ur nwdcrn ,t r t i :-- t "· tl' ". Gilts lor Everybody WE OFFER A COMPLETE LINE O.F TOYS Sleds, Coaster Wagons, Electric Trains, Scooters, SkeeBogoans, etc. for the Kiddies. · For Si~ter. Brother. l\Iot11er and Dad we ha ,-e appropriate and u~eful gifts s uch as Manicuring Seta Pyrex Ware Vacuum Cleaners Carpet Sweepers Tool Chests· Cutlery Pocket Knives '-lyk:--.\\" 111~1)1)...!" 1 ,ndudin~ iranJt·-. \\' t· aJ...,o han: ;l i m p ( > r t t· d or photos. t .tjll ""' t rll""r. Candles and Ca t1dle Sticks Cl1ri ,· tma::, candle~. l)()th c,rnatncntal and plain \\·ill he found on our shelYe.. Thc~e come in all :-->ize:-- and \·ari()tt"-' color~ . \\'c al~o ha\·e large polychrome randk-., \\"ith ha~e to match. Pottery Beautiful Egyptian de:,ign pottery for many uses, including assort ments oi jardinieres, tulip bowl ~. wall flower Ya. es and many other~. These make artractivc giits for they are u..;eful as well as ornamenta 1. Novelties :\ ho:.t oi unique gifts arc in· dueled here. Lamp and candle !->hades, card tray s, grass baskets, table mats, fancy pictures and curtain cords and many others. Flash Lights And a Host of Other Useful and Lasting Things . \n . \ttracti\'c . \~~orttncnt of Christtna~ Cards .\lso Oriole Radio Receivers "THE BEST IN RADIO" See our big display of toys at 417 Fourth St., where von enjoy doing your Christmas shopping. Open Evenings Until Christmas Wilmette Window Shade and Paint Works Mirrors- Picture Framing- Mirror Resilvering and Reglazing 1133 CENTRAL AVENUE Phone Wilmette 3493 TERMINAL HARDWARE Phone 2843 At 4151/2 Fourth St., Opposite "L" Terminal