Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Dec 1925, p. 56

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56 WILMETTE LIFE Plans in Progress for . Appealed Speed Case Thieves Steal Car From · Entertain for Miss Big K. of C. Xmas Party Brings Fine to Udell A. W. Sexmith Resi ence Dorothy Iliff, Prior Preparations are going steadily forOn a speeding C<ist.·, appealt'd ·from Thieves b,roke . into the ga r ... ' . at to Her Marriage \Yard for the big Christmas party the \\' ilmettc court, B. B. L' dcll, \Vil- the A. \V. Sexsnuth home, (,1~-: ,~·en c Relatives and intimate fritnds will he the only guests at the small wedcir.g which will take place at the home oi ~fr. and ~lrs. Joh11 \V . Iliff of 1115 Greenwood a venue Tuesday evening. D~o· rcmbcr 22. when their da ughtcr. ~l!ss Dorothy Iliff. becomes the bride ct Donald ]. Hoskins 1 son of Mr. and ~1 rs. S. A. Hoskins of Columbia, Ohio. The Hev. Stephen A . Lloyd will read the se rvice at 8 :30 o'clock in the evening-. ~li ·s Iliff is being entertained hy a Tlumher of her friends to her 'llarriage. Saturday, Dccemblr 5. 11 is s Eleanor Blake gave a linen shower in her honor at her home in Evanston. Tomorrow, ~frs . George F. Iliff and Mr s. Rav mond Armstrong will he hos· esse:-, ~l t a luncheon at the Orrington hotc I. Xext Wednesday, ~~r~. Thomas Hall. 1008 Greenleaf a H' nuc will gi H' :t luncheon for ~1 iss Iliff and ~~ r. and ~Irs. Iliff will entertain at a familv dinner at the Edgewater Beach hott~l evening at Kenilworth. which is to be given l\.londay evening. December 28, at the \\"ilmette \\'om an's club, b)' Ouilmett·· Council. '" Knights of Columbus. This will bl' the biggest holiday e\·ent in local Catholic circles, and is t.·xpertet! to he come an annual affair. Entertainment during the l'H'tling " ·ill include · bridge, dancing and Ch.ristm~s no,·elties. ~rhe affair is not hetng gn·en for proht, hut any pro cced s above expenses \Yill go to a Chri tmas charit\· fund " ·hich the Oniln1cttc cot1t1cil ti1aintait1 ~. Fro111 thl~ fund needy families are helped at Christmas time. The general ro1nmittee in charge of the party ronsists of F.]. Budingt:r, chairman.\\'. G. Obermeier. :M rs. Charles :\ . Boar d. Mrs. Peter Heine, F . l. Kreu.;ch and ~. ~. ~cKay All nll't~l>er-- ;trc ttrged to he pre ent. mette publisher. was found guilt,· and fi · asse:-.scd $3-l to cover tH.' - and . . , the , ro:-.ts hy Judge \\. 1-.. I aylor ol the Crin1inal rourt oi Chicago la"t "n k . l "dcll wa~ ~~rre:-.tl·d June JO, JtJ2:) , by . .... 1 · · · · . , · · · , · \ 1ot~ll c~ ~It 1 ol!u: mctn l )( m~ t. 1 l.l'~. 0 ' Ken~\\· o_t. tl_1 01 ~ _a ~harge 01 · :-. p~ · edtn~ ~~~ , · h~'I HI.t~J ~~'.L<l ,Lt~d) . 01 ~. J~c.:nl!-.,ortn 1 , .t,~lltll . 1 ol)u :\Llghtt.tt~ D.. :\t . I ~l~ckey heard the ca-.e and l!t~t·cl l (kll '· l."l and cosh. I ----- :\l i~-. Clady:-. \1 ilkr ol \\ 'o(l( l l~i' er. \t·J, .. " JJ:, ha-, hct·n 'i-,itill" at till' l'onw of lwr :-.i-;rn, \1 ~'"· , .-,,n.~ t .\1 illn ol 11127 Cn·1 ·nw<,ocl a\t ' tlttt·. lor the p;,-,t t\\'o tlllllltlJ.,, r1·tunH·d to J,n !Jonn· Saturda,·. 1 ... , leaf avenue, last Saturday even i stole a Packard :-,·dan. The b· .. is thQught . to have occu · 1 1' . rrc< ,, early evt.·nmg and nudnight a <li~co,·cred Sunday morning. think it pos~ible ·tl~at a.n _ ~u: 1 , of another automobtlc thu.:t. " 1 a car some weeks ago, and ". cajHurcd, may have ht('ll rt · · ~or tl~is ~econd burglary. T L· IIIH'" tJgatlllg thi" clue . 1 . ·J· ..' ttn ary \\ . and 11 Ji~e ;dice · c,Je !.tt(·r ih le .tre Auto Repairing Guaranteed Work Reasonable Ratt:s Ross Skelton 41 o Prairie Ave. Wilmette >. ~~~-- ~~~----- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The G. and 1f. club met lnr lunch eou \\Tednesday at ~Iar:-.hall l;ie ld\ tl'a room and later attet1<kcl the matint·t· performance of "Ca:;tJt-..; in thl' :\ir" at : the Olympic theatre . ! 1 I HUDSON·ESSEX SALES AND SERVICE Shop and Mail Early! Beg Pardon Mr. King Shop Early and Mail Promptly! That's the admonition of Postmaster Shantz; a reiterated \Yarningthat has been voiced persistentlv by him during the past ie\\· week~. And thereby, to quote the con firmed story teller- thereby hang, a tale: · ~oyt King was given credit for bemg the early bird among \Vil llH'!te's Christmas shoppers and ma ·lers hy no les s an authoritv than Postmaster Shantz. who hel;J that gentleman up (in a manner oi spr'a king) as a shining example to the balance- of the communitv. !\ nw along comes ~f r. King with a letter to \\. rr. :-.rETn: Ln....: demanding a "Beg Your Pardon" regarding ~1 r. Shantz's quoted assertion . I fe couches his demand thus: Editor, \Vilmette Life: "Please insert this item tn ,·our "Beg Your Pardon" column.· On page 48 of your i s~uc of Decem her 4, you quote the Postmaster as ~iving ~rcdit to Hoyt King -for havmg matted his Christmas pac kages among the first for the last t hrec years. Kindly insert t lw word "Mrs." before the nam<· "Hoyt King" wherever it appear-,. I Jc \Yas merely her Jlless<:ngt':- . Y ours vcn· truh, Ho.yt Ki;1~ ... fo ~1 rs. King goc:-. full cn:dit t~ her nH· sscnger a good word ior h1s prompt attention to dttt\·. ,Shop Early- ~fail Pro;llpth· ~ It 11 he too late tn aclvi-;c yon ·to '-shop early next \Yeck. J. F. DAVIS 911 LINDEN AVE. . TEL. WINN. 2268 CITY MARKET CO. It's a wonderful Christmas present! 627 Main Street Wholesale Phone: Wilmette 1870 MEATS.Retail the KELVIN·ET HERE'S A GIFT that is a gift. Mother will like its dry frost cold that keeps all foods -longer and better. K-:lvi?ato.r Electric: Refriaeratioa bu·lt ngh~ 1nto a ref~erator. Only an electric connection ia needed to keep it cold. Reli.evea ~ou of all trouble of carin8 fo!' Ice, g1vea you a colder refrigerator and furnishes all of the many advantages of Kelvination. Call and see it or phone for information. SATURDAY SPECIALS- DECEMBER 12 P V L A ork Loins Half or Whole... 27l72C L ANNOUNCE BOWLING MATCH Goorlwin's howling allevs will he crowded this Saturday e,··cning with those who will come to watch the match between ~1 rs. Dorn hlaser and her all-medal howling team from the Sheridan Recreation Ladies' league and the Hes s ~1otor Sen·ice team of the \Vilmettc Business ~r en's howling league. The match will :-.tart at C) o\:lock and a small admission fee will be charged. A rmour Star Hams Half or Whole .. eal Legs Milk Fed. .29¥2c .29c . JJc CHARLESTON LESSONS Viola M. Specht School of Dancing For appointment call Wilmette 5 L REfRIGERATING C9J Evanston University 2132. fOIL BURNER and I amb Legs Genuine Spring. rmour Cloverbloom BUTTER, Pound Prints. . . 508 Davis Street 53C

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