nher II, 1925 --. ---. December 11, 1925 WILMETTE Ll¥~ 47 Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Cusack, 1203 Elmwood avenue, writes that they are enjoying a delightful winter in the southland. They departed from Wilmette October 28, and for the pre;:;ent are located at Lakeland, Fla. They expect to spend sometime on the ~est coast fishing for "one of the Stiver King 1 boys of salt water f am(;. -aState Representative and Mrs. Lewis B. Springer of 430 Maple avenue have returned from a month's sojourn in Florida and Georgia. Their son-in· lav.,· and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Metzger, returned with them. II Stage and Screen News and Reviews OLYMPIC THEATRE "Castles in the Air" see m s to be se ttled at the Olympic for so mething of a run. It is a musical comedy with the characteristics of an ope retta . There is in it much good fun. clever dancing and sweet sii1ging, the latter including a song, "Lantern of Love" \">hich bid s fair to become decidedly s uccessful. Bernard Granville is much in evidence with his us ually clever work and ha . alJle assistance from Vi vi en ne Segal <n td lr\'ing Beebe . Increa si ng attend~lllce, bordering on capacity, indicate s that th e customer:-. like the show and well they may. LA SALLE THEATRE ~r r. \Villiam Hodge, author of and ~ctor in "The ] udge 's H u::.ban d," is r~ o w com fort a b I y s e tt le d a t t h e La ~aile wher e tlw play i~ in e,·idence follo\\·ing a br il'i . . tay at tht· :\delphi . ~fr. Hodge ha s written a c lea11, cle\'er and ent ' rtainin g comedy in \\ l1irh he a-.. . . unl('" the rol · oi h ,Jtht'kt:t'JH·r :wd nu r. e w h i I e h i 'i w i i e a :- rt · 1H !..., t h t' h e n c h ~"" jud~l' of the ( ·trcuit Court. en tn ~ l'olitic. generally and plan-.. a ran!p(l i!..!ll to \\'in ior lwr-..t·li th_l' !..!O\ ('rtJ(I r...,iJip of Con ne cticut. li t· h;h a part \\·hich . . !;ould plca~e h i111 a ... \\t·ll ;1., any ht· ha-., had in tht· p:t-..t and CJJit· \\'hirh .._!Jnuld hc t"lllint·ntl: "ati . . i:tt:tr .ry to th t· many " ll od~t··· L1t1--. J\uth L)Oth and ~fa rit· lla \llt·-.. pro\t' \\Orthy a-.. . j.,tanh and local C()lor i..., ;u ld vd throt !..!' h tht' appt":tranct· oi \1 i...,..., \1 .tri~<dd l. o~n~,,·orthy (Jl \\'i nnt·tk :l. Brown comedies entitled "Buster GARDEN CLUB MEETS Brown'" :\ightmare" will h\: shown The Home and Garden club met and the bill will be completed with with .Mrs. Charles R. Erwin, 533 a Pathe news ree l. Ros lyn road, Kenilworth, Monday af. ternoon. Mrs. Rufus K. Porter read an interesting paper on "Pewter," and a THE NEW .EVANSTON D. \V. Gritlith's great picture "That number of unique pieces of this old metal were shown. Hoyle Gir;," from the pen of the Evanston novelist Edwin Balmer will ~li ss Adele Fur~t gave a bridge ~ t art ~[onda y, December 14, at the luncheon at her home, 502 \Vashing.\"ew E\'anston theatre. Thi : ; is the ton aYenue, Tuesday, December 1, for picture for which ~cenes we!'e taken th e Chicag0 Charity club. The rroin Chicago last summ er. The cast ceeds from the affair will be used for it tc ludes Caro l D emp~ter, Jarne . Kirk- the club' s Chri stmas fund s. -0wood, \V . C. Fields} whom many will ~rr . and ~[r s. Frank A. Brown of n ·nH:mber as a star in Ziegfi eld's Follie . , ior year.., , and Harrison Ford. The 945 ~[i c hi ga n an.: nue, entertained at production i:-. o ne of th e best that Grif - dinner and bridge la st Saturday evefith ha -; done and aside from th e in~ ning. -otcre :- t it rn·att'..., hl·ca tJo.,e of its loca l ~1 rs. Theodore B. Potter of 607 ~ etting it i.., a picture no one would Forest a Yenue. wa s hoste ss at din ncr \\'ant to mi ........ and bridge to the members of her Tuesday club last Tuesday evening. HOWARD THEATRE Dori:-. K enyon i . . coming- t.o the Ho\\' ard th ea tr e Sunday, ~f onday and Tu e'id a y, D e n·m h n 13. 14 a n d 1S. in her llt' \\'nt pirtun·. "The Hali\\·ay Girl." ~1 j,..., K vn_\'CIII i:- .,uppnrted by an exce llt·n t c;ht. including Ll oyd Hugh es. On \\'t·dnt·"day and Thurs<tay. D ·rcmC'ont . from 1 :.10 to 11 P . M . J,er Jt) and 17. tllf' feature attraction will he "The People \'S. Kane\· Pre..;'I'OU .\ \ ' - 'I' CHIOHHO\\' ton . Frida\· and Saturda\·, beceml n lk and i9. "The . Onl_,. i'hing" will I)(' thl' tnain attraction ,,·ith the thu a l l' with LJIIJt·d_,. and lit'\\.., \\'l'l'kl _ , .. ""d"'t· llc·llumy-.(~t>orge O'Drh·n IH~O\\i'ARD Newell & r-etchin ···~-a-.--.-.u---a~ I I i Evf"·~· Day--2:15 to 11:15 N. W. "L" Station at Howard Sun.. ~lon. ancl Tues. Dee. 13, 14, 15 Continuoua '-'AMPU ""HAVOC" I" NEWS 'II --- ( 'umt·d y-l<'uhlt>N-Sportlight p l . ll. ·. U i.' .._ I' (' · l ~·I' ll I . ,... \\'t' <dd 1t i . ~f) HOYBURN THEATRE \'on-.tanrc Taltnacl~(· will he ...,l'\.'11 in , Iter ne\\' production "Her .'i..,ter From f'ari-.. " at tht· Jl<l\hurn tlll'atrl' nt· · t I \lonclav. TtH:..,rJa,~. \\'l'dtH· . . rJa,· and Thur-..d~t\. DtTt'tlll.,vr l.f. 1.:.. 1tJ ;tnd 17. 1 T!Ji.., pirturt· j..., t·...,pt·ri:tlh . . ui l'd to \I i . . . ., T: tltn ad .~ v ·" t y pt·. I t . i... t h t' :-; t n r ·' (li a _, · oun~ " iiv "11~~ ll'itt'ht·.., ht·r hthktnd \() "1111\\' IJj.., lo\ t' ior ht"r "Y playill!.! Ill' part ' II llt'r <1\\ 11 -..i-..tl'r. f; j, MAJESTIC THEATRE Tht· "Fr()lir 111 )<J,!.:." .tll<·ll!J il ... \() it tll r ll. 1a .1 ~II... a 11 rl t h v art i Ill! i ~ l! oo 1 1 . . :tl- .. lit' :t 11t·ad -llllt' tl1v \l. tJt"llt' ]lt'tll!r.tt tl IJi, t. .r(lti~hllut. 1 1 Tht'rv "'II kl · . · . t < l 111 t'l \' a II< Ill'\\' ., W\.'e · \' ,. t'l'k l1ut ha ..... t hard tttnt· ot t par 1\· · -· dut· t() tlw pt ·r . . HJ ;tl rltarat tt ri-.tit· . . <;i I \\·- . ·· -l-,-..-. 11 . 1 .. ·),, · ' 11 1 t t.ht . 3211 l.l'it.:v"tl'r 1\ll't' t 1 , · ! t\\u ,·oung- lllt'll \\'h<1 tntroc H' "l'( tl 1road.1 - 1 1 11 1 · · . ' 111 · ( 1 " () :- 1)('] 11 1(' \\ t'l' ' t'll ( ... ~llll! and cl:tnrt· JIJt·nJI,n-. 111 :ht· at.· t.l at th(' \\' ild \\ 'in~ rluh. Lut other g<ll .d :tt·t-. tJJac!t- l!Jl t()r t ht" - ---___ ___ _ _ _ \ rt 1Jllr Jarrvtt ;till I I11.., \'<IIIIJ·.ttl\' \\t·rt· · I....._.. ~{ ..... f ~ f ~f ~~ , ..._., ~. ,...._. ~. - . lHIJllllar with thv tr i.ttlliliar -.kvl\·11 oi , ~ lonH·..,tic liit·. " lb tl!'t' l> rt':tllb," a prt· f tvnti{)lb danciliL?. :tel \\itli ...,t'\l'll ]H'C1p!ti t'tld read~ t;t\tlr ;tn d ~tu:1rt and ~ l.a-...11 in a romt·(h pattt·r atHI rlatll't' J art. \\'orkl'd hard . < ltlt' ni tht· ht·-.t oi thl' offering-.. \\a..., 1-\nr and Fn . . ign. in \\·hirh tht· iorn~t ·r trit·.., to "t·ll tht· i lattt·t a \'iolin. ( >nt· oi tht· rt· ;t! r)e, er ! i animal act-.. Cu . . Thalt·f' tl 't lld h ir Can g, c lo...,ed the bill. ~ Your Home Theatr.. .r. 11. 1\:nltJu-1, :unnnglng Dln·t·tor 1 VILLAGE THEATRE l'onrad's famous n onl, "l,nrd Jim," t;wulng-O::<o-o j ha:-. been put on the ~r rt·t· n ;11ul will :untluee 'l'ut·s., :!- 4 i h shown at the Villagl' tlll'atrt' next j "un anti 'l'ut·N Det.· 14-15 ' ~!nnda\· and Ttll·...,<Ja ,·. Dt·cenlber 14 I . Percy M:rmo~t and L;. Perc\· ~Lu.-tnont takt·.., the in 1 "o :\ U .\ \' -'l'l'J·;SD .\ Y hTHE FOOL" 1-'rum tilt' hig·,.;-t"st Ntn"'e hit "it h un nil star c.·nNt, \\ t·d nt·Nclta y Doris Kenyon I I I "THE HALF WAY I I GIRL" I I Margar-et DeLamotte I John Bower I I I "The People Versus in \\' t·d. unci 'I'hurH., 16th, 17th CHARLESTON ( ' OVI ' E~ 'I' (~I.E:\' .\:\)) Ill :\TEll iu 1 I ~- "'" N~~~:. :~.es~~:::.ton I I in _ Hc·,·it·w nith 10 Professional DnneerM. HHis Buddy's Wire" Pac·c·lnll kt·rN-:\' t·ws-H ("\' lt·w Till H~D \ Y-l·' HIIl \ \ t 't·t·il B . Dt· "illt·'s i-~ Jo'ri. unci - - -lSth, ---1f ~at., ··it-la-- l!i Elinor Glynn's ""The Wedding Song" \\ ith ~t·11nc·tt ~ I.E .\ ' I' HH ' E JOY C'uuu·tly-:\ewN \ 'l'l' H () .\. Y I I I I ~~ I I "THE ONLY . .!HING" I I I ~ I I I I I Vt.llage Theatre ., ...... hDURAND o2 the BAD LANDS" \\ ith lll Tli. .Jn '\' ES 'lnthtt·t> only I Eleanor Boardman and Conrad Nagel \INu ( 'hurlie t ' hnse Comedy, ··'l' ht> ( ' nt>nsy 'l'ltree" 1 I I I I HTreasure Island" NEW :\11 :\' ort h Short" 'l'rnlus Stop at Howard · 't.~·~..-.o~ ~tJ-f . . . _G-~~~, .. .~ ! THE tie ar of ed re of hi " career. The cast includes R : 1~·mond Hatton, Shirlev ~fa:--011 ancl Xoah BeerY. The.re will ;~lso he a 1fcrmaid ccJmedy, "Hot and Hcayy" anfl a Pathc news reel. At the Tue~clay afternoon n 1a tinee. onlv the fourth chapter of the serial "\Vilci \\' e~t" will he :- hown . On \Vednesdav and Thur ~day, D<>" cember 16 and 17. ·'The Best People, starring \Varner Baxter will he the feature attraction . There will also hr a two reel comedy, "Tn and Out" and a Pa the review. Charles Rav will appear in his latest p;ct ure. "Son-le Pumpkins," on Friday and Saturdav December 18 and 19. Tn this producti~n Charlie returns to the kind of a part which made him famous in the beginning- -the innocent country lad. The first of a series of Buster I !~: ft~li~:~dr~l~,e~i~(~; lt~. t<~~~~\~·e '\~·;,~)t ~:rt\\\i~ I I I EVANSTO.N Starting Monday HOYBUBN Mon., Tues, Wed., Thurs· 1 1, . t\·J·N··'·'··..I:.·.·::· · · · · ~.·, OI~~.·.~.? ..,!~~~,',·'. ~. : 'l'tra·f· .~·-· · .. ....... ... D. W. GRIFFITH Presents Constance Talmadge ~ ·In,· ~lntlnt·t· only. ··\\' iltl " ·t"st" :\o. "HER SISTER FROM PARIS" Comedy Coming News 4 \\ 't·cl. unci 'l'hurH ·· BN. · . tH-17 I j i ~'That Royle Warner Baxter in "THE BEST PEOPLE" \INo, out." :.: und PnCht· Ht·,·it·n· :uul .. In nnd rt·t·l t'onwtly I 1 I i ' ' Girl" with "THE HALFWAY GIRL" with l·'rl. ~nt ·· Dt"t'. II'\-W I ~ i ' Charles Ray In \IHc~~t, ' l'~utJw ~ewM nrown :\lnrt·." nutl 'l'lge "SOME PUMPKINS" nnd I Carol Dempster W. C. Fields Griffith's Greatest Made in Chicago DORIS KENYON LLOYD HUGHES also Comedy News Uu"'lt>r Night In ··_. Snt. l'Unthaees-:! nnd 4 p. m. I Daily Shows at 2, 4, 7 and 9--Saturday Continuous 2 to 11 P · M