46 LIFE Decem her I I, 1925 At Fountain Square, Evanston Gift Suggestions That Are Sure to Please First Floor Feather Fans Fluffy fans of ostrich with one. thrL'<-' ur five pltunes tnay be had in fuschia. orchid. blue, tnaize, black or brown to harmonize \\·ith the evening en "em hie. They are $5.00 to $15.00. .Perfutne Aton1izers .\ dainty note for th<' drc~ . i11g tai>le i-.. a p~.·rfutnc atomizer of nlorcd or hand Prices painted gla-..:-. . ran.~·e Filled \\'ith her fav()rite perfume, it tnake<; a lovely gift. i rutn S2.7S tu S2- .00. Jewelry Always dear to the feminine heart arc gifts of jewelry. Handkerchiefs .A dorable Iiandkcrrhiei sc lect ion. One Diaries l'\- Compacts ~he will appn·( iatt· ;t l'CJIJ.;J.l 't' In - ui -\ t.: i it t hat w i 1I I)c t·n j () y t' d a ll expensi\·e and ver} cffccti,·e are novelty bracelets, choker.,, and necklaces at $1.95 c_ ach. $1.00 to $15.00. Pearl beads and bracelet!-. range from ery description art· hne ior yrJur '(> through the \'t'ar ;l i:-- kathn \\'ith c, i her Lt \'o r it c {'d ca-.· , an.: SOc <lilt·-, 1)( 1d n. .'i n.· '· lJ c·ui1'· ~ i the Ill' we r hc>tmd "Line nr wtthout :t Da., ., kt)'· },rHlk, C<Jlllpach, ~ome " ith h andp;ti· . · tl) .~I..:;u. notes is pale gcor~ette \\·ith hand painted flower ... (lr (htrirh trim . J>rin·.., ran!2_t· irom /,:;r ttJ '1'! 1 ~· (lr y()tJil _; ~irl a\ra,· at .:' Chu(ll thl' pl'r arc SI.SO to .~.:;. IHJ . ·t 1. $3.25. -,on whu trav(·J.., " Jll t"PL'Cialll'll)U_\' (Jill '. 1 " 1 \\ 1 k r . r () lll.! L' .111 d I i p:, l !c k .~ : .:·1..:::11 I· .·-t ..:::IJ. I For the Hotne - Book Ends I ~ook end~ of ~() lid or 1)mnpeian hronzl' add :t di .- Books - A Gift for All 1·:\lT_, JH.'r:-.<111 ()JJ _,(J\lr tinctin· note to table or dc...;k. '!'he man: dv::.ig·tl. include ~tatuan· . ani111ab a11d model~. Chri-..tllla . . li-..t . ,,·i ll t}}'l'" f,,r :tjljll'l· the popular :->hip t() l·tate a g<)(l(ll ){)()k atHI ,,.l. lla\·l· t·,··r_, :t~·~· They rang·e in prirt· from $S.q3 ~3.;.00 ;tnd ta,tv - Jictirn1. aut(llJi(>graphy. tra ·t·l. ~Ji .... t<Jl'\·. 1)( ' l · t r y 1· ' · t T ' . . ul )_1 v c t a patr. i 11 J a t.: i 11 a l >! t · i 11 1 w : 1 11 i ·11 I ·~ i ,· · edit i()tb . Stationery }.lost att racti ve are gift boxes of imported stationery with hand torn edges and gayly lined envelopes. In pa tel shades or white from $1.20 to $2.00. Cigarette Cases Handsome cigarette cases oi sterling sdYcr ·tre Monogrammed Cards Playing ctrd-.. that are d i., tinr r h· incli\·idual are llHlllOt..:rammed in 3 letter com!Jination:-;. Sing!: deck:- ~u··· $1.7.), double deck . . $3.2~ and -t pat·k.., ·-.".:;.,:;o. Pictures .\ \\ 'allacl' \'111 111~ Jlll'ttlrt· 1.. .tl\\a~.., a \\' t·lronlt' ~iit. and \\"l' h;t\l' a l;trgt· a ...... Jrtlllt' Jlt of (dd \\'()rid and \\att·r "l't'lll' . . l>t·auti iull_, tr<tllll'd tr()JlJ -.'1.2~ to .."~ ..:;() $18.95 antl $24.50. 111 Tho-;c of leather range price from ::i.OO to $8,00. Kc\\· and smart are the ~emi-rhiffun ho e Ruby Ring- ha"' ere at ed to m f'l't t lw · opular demand for a ho~e bet\,·een chitlon and service \Yeigh t. Thl'y may he had in all the favored shade~ at $1.65 ur 3 pair. for $4.50. Silk Hosiery Silk Umbrellas ~mart umbrella~ of pure ~ilk. in the "'t tt b I> y : 6 rib sty 1 e. have handle~. fur 1~' and tip of atnber. They tnay be had in purple. red. g-reen, na ,.y, bro\\·n or black at $6.00 and up to $10.00. Gloves Modish glove , of \va h kid and doeskin in manni h in all the want ed shad<· to $5.50 a pair. lip-ons at $3.50 or one button style may be had vestees brighten Neckwear Kew and most attracti,·e are ets of satin in flesh or the winter ensemble. white, with round or V-necks, to Prices range from $2.95 to $4.95. Scarfs Fascinating scarfs of filmy georgette or crepe de chine arc gayly figured in brightest hue or banded in softer tones, and many are fringed. They range in price from $2.95 to $15.00. Boutonneres A dainty g ift is a gay little houtonneres to nestl e in a collar of fur. Nearly every sort of flower is here, and all arc packed in tis s ue lined boxe s. They arc 95c and $1.25.