D ecember 11, 1925 W I LM ET TE LIFE 45 ties will be appointed in the January meeting. Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette. Herman W . Meyer, M. A., pastor. On Sunday, D cember 13 between 2 406 Prairie aven u e. Telephone 1396. and 6 o'clock in the aftern~on all famChurch telephone 3111. ilies and members of St. John's will be visited by the committees in order to SER V I CE S obtain their subscriptions for church Third Sunday in Adve nt. purposes for the year 1926. A letter has 9:30 a. m. Su111lay school and ti ibl e b en sent out to every member in adclasses. vance with an itemized bu-dget, as 9:45 a. m . First St'I'ViC(· and sermon. adopted by th e congregation at its 11 a. m . Second sPrvi e(· and s··r mon : n:g-ular :nwd i ng . All members al'f> "The Christian Lif1 ·." ~u,; k e d to giv e thi s budge t its true consideration, and to await th e c ommitteP. next Sunday. JU.~E'I' I ~GS Ft·iday, De cl: mb E> r 11 , at X: St-Ili or \Valther leagu e. Th e Christmas s<· n · ic(·s thi s vear will Monday and Friday at 4: Childr ·n's b e as follow s: Christmas E ·vc> .... hllclasses. dn·n's program b <·g inning- at 7 o'elo'ck; Friday, Dec<·mlH·r 1 R ;1 t ' : Ju n iur \Val- Christmas .:\latin at 6:30 a. m. hristther lPag-uc·. mas s ·rvi ces also at 9. 4G a. m . and at sermon on the Hf·l'iPs illu ·~trating the Church Yf·a1· a11d tlt1 · Christian Life by striking hy111nH will be given next Sunday morning·, in br,th the first and secend service~ . The last St. John's Lutheran Plenty of Money UST think how nice it is to have plenty J of money for the Holidays, but to do so you must look ahead for a year. Re· solve now to save by joining our 11 a. m. · It wa s d ec id e d b y th · co ngr t-g-at ion at its last mt>eting to tak e up a stwcial co ll ec tion for th e e r ec tion of th e Luth<·ran Th eo logi<:al Seminar~· at St. Loui s, sometim~· during L nt, 1926. This offering is an obligation assumed The election of ofll c rs at th·· la :-: t by the cong-reation in 1n~ . but who st· congregation meeting- r es ult<·d as fol- l! !.·n l ~ arg was postponed until now b lows: Dt>a<·ons for a tf·rm of two cause of local building proj ec ts. Th t> years: A. l'l"i(·h(· and R . 1'. Herr; s · minary has b ee n undt'r co nstruction Truste<~ for a t( ·rm of thr,·t· ,.<: ars: C. for th e past two years. and will b · S hmeisst·r; S<·f'rt>tart, \\'altt·;. L. Ed- d<· dicat e d som f' time n r·xt June . Day wards; Assistant St·(· rda,·y: Edwin and Klauder of Philad(·lphia an· the Fl,omm; Tl'l(.· asurf'r: ( :. H.-inhanl.t ; architects. Financial Secn· t ~Hy: \'. H . f.;uhr; Asi'istant: Richard Witt: ('hairman of th e ).fr · R Clair Tait ()i ()()() l'entr < d c ongregation: Dr. A . E . Bt· rtl i ng. Th e · :;, . · auditing committ(·t> and the representa- 1 avenue. b entertaining her luncheon tin·s on tht· various lwards of c hari- c:~nd hndgr club at htr home 'oday. CHRISTMAS SAVINGS CLUB SECURE A MEMBERSHIP IN ANY OF THE FOLLOWING PLANS PLAN 8-SECURES $25.50 First deposit 2c, increasin g 2c each \\"eek, for SO \Veeks, last deposit $1.00. deposi t Sc, increa sing Sc each \Yeek. for SO weeks, last deposit $2.SO. Fir~t I Now! You can get NEW LAID QUALITY ·EGGS at all seasons and at moderate price THE SHELLS OF PLAN C-SECURES $63.75 PLAN J-SECURES $12.50 Deposit 25c each week, fo r 50 \Yeeks. PLAN K-SECURES $25.00 50 \Yeeks. Deposit SOc each \veek, for PLAN L-SECURES $50.00 Depo:;it Sl.OO each \veek, for 50 \Yeeks. PLAN M-SECURES $100.00 for 50 ,,·ceks. Depo~it $2.00 each week, PLAN N-SECURES $125.00 Deposit S2.50 each week, fur 50 \\·ee ks. Shell Sealed Eggs Are sealed air-tite by an invisible coating soon after taken from the nest. Odors and bacteria are sealed out; the goodness and nutrition sealed in. Try them today. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR EGGS PACKED IN THIS CARTON PLAN 0 - SECURES $250.00 Deposit SS.OO each week, for SO \\'eeks. You \\'ill recei\'e a chech. at the end of the Club period, for all you ha\'C paid in, \\'ith interl':-.t added at J<k . if all payments have been made on time . The First National Bank of Wiltnette H. C. CHRISTIANS & CO. 116- 122 W . Illinois Street The Horne of the CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Main Office Dear. 2110 CHRISTMAS CLUB JOHNSON CREEK. WISCONSIN