44 WILMETTE LIFE December 11, 1925 . · Baptist Church "The Coming of the Prince of Pea:e" is th e title of the Nativity Play w1th ancient Christmas carols, written by Helen and Clarence Dickenson, and to be given by the Sunday school of. th·! Baptist church Wednesday evemng, Decembt>r 23. The next rehearsal t~r the Cantata will be h e ld Sunday m0rning at 9:25 o'c lock, just befor the opening of th e school. Tht> Sunday school Is complet;ly graded and will commenc~ its se.sst~m promptly at 9:4fi followutg· thl 1 ehearsal. At tht.' morning wot·ship at 11 o'do('k, 0. G. Chl'istp;au will prt->SPnt tht' present statu!'> of tht:> fight fo~· a dt?· America. Dr. \V. E. Raffety wIll ha' t· c harge of th e sf·rvic . ~1r. Th e Young People'R socit·ty will 1_nt>~t at 5:30 on Sunday afternoon. Thts !S ··current Events Sunday·· and tl~(' meeting will bf· in chat:g·t· of nroup 2 This church co-opt>t·atPs with tlt Sunday Evening- cluh whi<'h pre~ents Hu-nday evening- at the CongTpg·atton-1.1 -c hur ch, the RfJ\'. Nt>well Dwig·ht Hillis. At the :\lid-wf·c l< nw <> ting- on \Vt·dnesday at ~ p. m. th e Luk(· ~tories of the Kativity ·w ill bf' ttw hasis of tht· prayer and nwditation. Tht> Camp Fin' Uirl:-will 'l"hursday at :~ : 30 at th· · <.·hur('h. llli· t ·t Christmas Beat Pad Tree Outfit Eight colored lights on an eight-foot cord; tapping device for adding extra units. 4-Piece Coffee Service '45 The \Volf - ubs will nwd at 7 p. tn., Thursday at hf·adqual'tt ·n;. Th e "horal sodety w iII P\'t'll llH·t · t for n :- h arsal Thurs1la~· i np: a 1 1'1 n't'lock. Simplex Universal This evE'ning- at :-.. o'do('k tlw Sun.d ay sc hool crtl,inl't will llH'd in Childn·n's hall for its month\~· C'onfet·t·nce. Only $240 Complete This handsome gift helps prepare meals right' at the t.e.ble. DR. ARTHUR H. TUTTLE DR. ALICE D. TUTTLE Osteopathic Physicians ReRidencE:> and Office Ct"ntrnl .:\ , ·euue Phone 300 Lamps arecharw;ng gifts. We have a wide range of styles .,.. .111111.1. and prices. Electric Irons uaa ssso are always welcome gifts for the women-folk. This iron, with fire proof case. Our Customers say that our meals are the very best. The din ners are delicious and ample. -·· Sunday· Dinner Electric Washer TURKEY DUCK or LAMB Thursday evening chicken dinner Saturday evening steak dinner 7 5 cents Business Lunches, 5 Oc -·· WILMETTE FOOD SHOP 417~ 4th Street