Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Dec 1925, p. 40

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40 WILMETTE LIFE December 11. '925 averaged only 32 bushels. Iowa ..,till leads the country, however, with an estimated yield of 477,386,000 bu l: els for 1925. , College G irls to Give "Fire King" Drama December 12 The "Fire King," a play for children, adapted from the story of the N urnhcrg St_pve, will be given h~· student players of the National Kindergarten and Elementary co1lege Saturday, Decembcr 12, in the Evanston · vVoman's club. Two performances of the play will be given, the first at 10:30 o'clock in the morning and the second at 2:15 it: the afternoon. The story of the Nurnberg Stove has g~.ined much in chi: 1-like appeal in its adaption for the play. Children of all · ages will revel in the fun and aames · eor the large family of boys and girls and in the shopful of curios, dolls and pictures, gabbling geese and jolly jugs that come to life and bring the land of make-believe very near. Know Illinois! All of Illinois, with the exception of a small section in the north central part of the state, and a narrow strip in the center, lies "·ithin 40 miles, or one day's truck haul of navigable waters. The shopping and manufacturing centers in the central portion of the s tate, Peoria, Bloomington. Decatur. Danville, Champaign and Springfield, arc joined by an electric raihvay system "·hi<;J1 extends ~outh to St. Louis, 11o. Second to Pennsylvania, lllinois is the largest coal consuming state in the Union. the Union, with a crop this year. e~timated at 394,994,000 bushels. Thts ts an average yield of 41 bushel_s per acre. the highest yield per acre' m the history of the state. Last years crop I ad dit tal otl 1'01 \VES'l' INDIES SOl z Cruises from New York as t I ho cla o[ Jan·. Z8 and March ~ , S92 S. S. MONTROY AL Only a month frvm home visiting 15 ports under 8 different flags. Enjoy a tropical springtime, with the thermometer steady between 70 and 80 while winter is doing its worst back home. t"area $260 up. Experienced travelers say that this cruise gives wonderful value tor the money. Write for literature :\II Chicago has more than 100 railroad yards. One of thc:-.e has a daily capacity of 10,000 cars. The daily output of the combint·d For the past four years groups of envelope manufacturers oi Illinois i . . students from the college have worked more than 15,000,000 or -l,SOO.OOO,OOO out original versions of stories and annually. plays for children and given them as Jllinoi s' in\'estment tn electrical benefit.s for the college building fund. systems is $260,000,000. :\pproximatcly Those on the north shore have been 73 per.cent of Illinoi s home s arc quipgiven under the auspices of the large pcd for electricity. loc~l group of alumnae who are spon'JUnder the present sy:-.tem of regusormg the present performance. ~1iss Jation, the social and ind11:-.trial \\Orld 1 Etta Mount and other members of the in Illinoi s is afforded the maximum oi faculty who have had special training local and long-distance tell'phone sen·and experience in this work with chi! icc at the lowest rate. without being dren direct the production and tht under the necessity of maintaining a success o_f the endeavor to ~h·e pleas- competiti,·e _sit:tation," say:, the lllinois ure to chtldren is shown in the demand Cha1:1b~r. ot l ommerce .. for tickets for the coming perform· . , I l!lmot s . re\'rnuC's from poultr .y I ciiH (. (u~ually con~idcred the farmer\ wife's ADJOURNS FOR HOLlO A YS pin money) ranked ::..econd among her Th R ,, · ). . . .. , ~7 sis ter state~ in 192!. _ The 1924 I e ladtng tltth, " ha II met \\ ed - poultrv \\'as Yalued at ~2J,234,0()l. nl·~~lay ,of ~as~ :n·t'k at the home of On ·Janu_ary 1, 192-t, the~e were ::\fb. \\ altt r Gt!ktt, h24 .\hhott....ford l.ISCJ.OOO tntlk CO\\~ on the tann~ of ~oacl, heard an inten·q ing talk I>\' Pro Tllinoi:-;, with a tutcd Yalue of $UJ. 1 tcssor ~eandre on ~~ ~)line's pia_,< The 540.000. rluh will not meet ;q.~;tin until lanThe prc-..ent Con·rnor oi Illinui ... i:-uary 6. \Vhcn ~lr:--. Edwin Hedrick of the t\\'cnty-:-ixth man to hold· that 304 :Melrose a ,:entte. ](en ilwort h "'ill office. '!'here han· hct·n 27 terms. he hostess . · The 1IIi noi:- Chamber of CommlTl'l' ha:- member" in t'\'l'r~ important rit' -oof the state fr()m Cair(J on the :-<tuth ).frs. G. L. Colby oi ~D (~rt't'lllt'at to Rock iord <, 1 t ht· tlPrt h. and 1. r(Jt ll a\·enttl' ha:-- a:-. hn gne:-.t:- thi-., \\'l'lk Dam·ille (lll tl <· l'a-..t to ( >uinn <111 her father and nJothn. ~I r. and ).J r:-.: the t. -~ · 0. P . .\1 iller ol Springfil'id, III. lllinoi . . i:- tht· ' l'\'lltJC! rorn -..t;ttt· in I ,."artlaer in/ormation /rom H. ·. Elworthy, St<.'aru~hip General Agent, 71 E. Jackson Blvd., W a b as h Ill II . til Tel<·phone: 1 U04, Chicago, Ill. today. itt h< fll ~~ Canadian Pacific T til T 1 II· I· (' I 1 I Tr :\I I I \)·' ... 11. :11 :\I 1 :tl ,,.c. . - For the Holiday Gift A well-chosen article of Graves Quality in LATEST design is ideal, for one could scarcely suggest anything else that would be so much appreciated by the recipient. Prices are moderate. North Western Limited Modern, All SteelST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS Strictly high-grade, immaculate, distinctive-a step ahead in travel luxury. Finest appointments- many innovations. Endorsed and patronized by discriminating travelers. 5:30 9:00 7:05 7:40 p. p. a. a. Ill (I ,. (' ~ lo( m. m. m. m. Lv. Chicago (daily) Lv. Milwaukee Ar. St. Paul Ar. Minneapolis Ar. Lv. Lv. Lv. 8:35 6:00 8:40 8:00 a. a. p. p. m. m. m. m. Roomy observation car; compartment, drawing-room and enclosed section allsteel sleeping cars; buffet-club-lounge car, and free reclining chair car. NOTE On receipt of adva_nce information,agent wrll arrange to stop North Western Limited 649 p.m. at Davis Street, :O:vanston, Ill., to receive passengers for EauCiaire and beyond. Charles E· .Graves & Cotnpany Jewelers and Silversmiths MADISON AND WABASH Established 185 7 The famous North Western table d'hote dinner ready to serve a half hour before departure. 6 Other D aily Trains Between C hicago and the Twin Cities For ticltets and reser't'atiom apply E. E. ORNER, Ticket A'eot Wilmette, Ill. Telephone 4 120GB CHICAGO &NoRTH WESTERN RY. -

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