December 11, 1925 WILMETTE qua rt ers we s h a ll hear d e m a nds fo r e x a mination o f a ll drivers. o n t h e theo ry th at some sort of men tal and p h ysica l examination will elim in ate all careless drivers. Inventor s of special systems for regulating traffic, systems of lighting and signalling, put forth claims that in their devices will be found the key to the entire situation. In all justice to this latter clas s, it must be said that many of .the system advocated have much to recommend them, and that mechanical devices oi various sorb , such as automatic signal light s. have done much toward helping to solve the problem. The hy . ter ical reformer with hi s one-track mind, bent on regulating the motorist and neglecting the other phase of the problem. that pha s e ,,·hich applies to the pedestrian, is th~ great stumbling I block in the way of progress. ! LIFE 37 CALL EDUCATION BEST REMEDY FOR ACCIDENTS Motor Club Official Finds Other Means Secondary in Accident Prevention 01 v "Accidents to children occttp\· much the attention of safety workers for the reason that these accidents are the most pathetic of all automobile accidents, and also because it is recognized that when the accident problem a s it concerns children is in some measure solved, an an s wer to the problem as ~ whole is at hand," says 'harles M. Hayes, prc~idcn t oi the Chicago Motor club. "The children of today arc the motorist and pedc ~ trians of tomorrow, and if the children arc imbued with Ia ting idea s of safety we ~hall have a more careful nation. The ~choo l child learn-; easily and quickly and what he learn: in hi" youth will n· - 1 main with him through life. "The accident record of Cook county as comp lied by the accident 1 prcYention depar t ment of the Chicago I l[ otor cluh poin t s out the cau-;e~ for 'j accidents to chi ldren and make~ the remedy ol)\·ious. These figures are of ir~terest not only t o the citizens of \ook county, th~y arc equally ,·aluahle Until You Go South · · · · at L IVE Plaza. Continued on Page 38) \lr;,================.=il Do you know that you can own a H ART OIL BURNER as low as $ 50.00 down and about $2 5.00 per month? The Library You' ll be able to lease your home or apartment now to prospective winter tenants seeking immediate possession. A few Plaza suites are available for short term rental. I wherever the automobile is drin·n and accidents occur. During 192-l, 201 children under the age of 16 were killed hv automol,ilr:-. in Cook county. One h.undrcd and forty-eight \vere boy~, and 53 were girl:-.. On c h undrcd and tw<'nty-fi,·c were killed in the middle of the block. ei~hty were killed in alln "· and 68 were killed at qrc<:t in tt r!'-.t ct ion~. One hundred and ninety \\t.'rl· kilkd ot1 cit\· . trceh. two in p a r k " , t h r C' e on co m; t r y r o a d " . a n d ~ ix on houJe,·arcb . The month~ of the n·ar w ·IH.' ll children play lltlt -door game~ W<'re iound to he U1l' Ill -.t dangcrou ..... and the l11 1ur-. aitt·r -..cho(l~ i-.. di....rni " eel t11ok tht.· grc;Ite ... t toll ot ll\ t'": from -l tor, <J'clock in thl' aitn noon \\'a-. it1tt11d t n he J,y iar thl· mo-.t cl:t ngeroth pniCH! ni the da~· · .Thirty t.·ight children <I! thl' <Ll!l ' ot ~1x \H' fl' kilkd. hut at 7 (1 \lo r k thl' ntllnl,t·r cl roppt·d t() nindt·cn . L esson is Un iv e rs a l HART OIL BURNER co. 15 14 Sherman Ave. EVANSTON Greenleaf 1752 Telephone University 8000 I I ,. 742 Elm St. WINNETKA Winn . 1146 I 1 ~ ~~=================~! , I 1 "Thl'-.l' fi .g ttrc-. C(lJTcrtly intcrprt.·tt·d. point the \\ay to a n ·duction of ac · ciclcnh. and thi:- lc-.-.on hold . . good l" t.' n " her l' in t he r < 1 ttn t r ~ . T h r !-- u - 1 pnti.cial -.ail't~· \\urker. th<: Olll' \\ h<' make-. the lltbinc~s of !'-a,·ing lin:s an ;t\·ocation ra~laT. than nH: a~~on. \\'ill ~< · t· the :-nltttion tl11111l'dtately. h.egulate the -.peed of the autonwl>ilc :md yon \\ill arri\t.' at the ~olution. he \Yilt ~ay. Othl'r-. will go further and dt·mand I go n· r nor Ii mit in g the ~ p l' c d of a 11 1 motor vehicle-.. \Yhik fr o m !'-till other 1 :t I "Clean as the Sun's Heat" S l!2 ~ Money 0n rPI11' W R )!'I fl avt· fund!-. In !nan on \ h olce impi'OV(>d :'\m t h ~horP Sub u r ba n res i d ( · n c (' p r o 1·~ r t ~· a t ~ 1h o/r I n tel'E>St. ~l·t· \1~ Be Sure of Your Fuel Supply A hard coal strike is in progress, Winter has additional shipping hazards and the price tendency is upward. E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Main 0250 Why / W~it and ~ orry? BUY NOW 7 Sold, Recommended and Guaranteed by CENTRAL COAL & MAT ERIAL CO. Wilmette 5200 EDINGER & SONS KUITEN BROS. Wilmette 641 Wilmette 1 MEYER COAL & MATERIAL CO . Wilmette 1733-1734