er 11 1925 R - December 11, 1925 WILMETTE LIFE 35 :__ j A Gift from For the oldest and the tiniest and the in-betweens, there's a gift selection here. For mother, daughter or wife- a se\ving table, a spinet (lesk, a brass-bound ced·ar chest, a van· ity dresser, a boudoir lamp and a score of other gifts. For Fatl1er, husband or son- an easy chair, \vith a dozen styles to select from, or a smoking set, simple or elaborate. For the tiny ones-a \Vhole window full of doll buggies in a wide range of prices, doll bassinets exactly like the real ones, and a charming array of juvenile furniture. For the house- Don't let Christmas pass \vithout buying a gift for the house-the entire familv \viii use and enjoy it- not for a day only but. f~r ·years-here's a \vhole store full of furni~a ture to choose from. A small deposit u.'ill hold your gift selection till the date for delivery Christmas week. s. Rosenbaum Co. Store Open 1"'hursday and Saturday Evenings S. Rosenbaum Co. Incorporated Chicago Stores: 5228 N. Clark St. 3120 Lincoln Ave. The Home of Fi11e F ttrnitttre 810 Davis Street Telephones: University 5023 Greenleaf 1489