34 WILMETTE XMAS VACATION NEARS . LIFE D ecember 11 1925 CRIME, FORUM TOPIC Former Prisoner Who 'Remade" Himself to Address Chicago Forum December 13; Meets at Apollo Theatre Chicago's crime problem will he di cus eel from a fresh angle Sunda)· a fternoon, December 13. at the Apollo theatre, at the meeting of the hicago Forum. Wilmette school children wiJJ heg111 their C h ristmas vacation at the close of school on Friday afternoon, December 18. School will reopc~l Monday morning, ] anuary 4, 1926, .1t_ was at~ nounced bv school authonttes. Tht.., 15-day vac~tion will be the la~t lon_l! one the children will gd unttl tlll'tr sp ring vacation', near Easter. JAMES Velie G. BARBER Marmon and 1508 Elmwood Avenue, Evanston OFFICIAL SERVICE STATION Louis Victor Eytinge, a prosperons ?\lr:-.. J)ani('l 1~ . Hr<J\\l'f'. /.lO Fiitll J d d Chevrolb> t. Xew York business man who served ~t rcct entertained her card rlul, ;tt Special service on P a ige, J ewett, or an a n '" 23 years of his life in prisons for vari- dinnc;. at the Ouilml'tte <..'ountr_\ club Complete shop and weldi ng. 2 4 hour service. ou offen ses, the prin'cipal one of which 011 1'llttrsdav l'\'l'llitlg. 'J ' lll' clit llll'l' "'t" -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~h was proved innocent. and who ioiJowed by-br id.L!c ;'~-~ ~~ 2~1lll_l.:_ l' _·_ _ _ _,_ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ 1c-ttght his way out of ill health and had habits to a position of lcader~hip in the world of affairs, will speak on crime as he has come to vic,,- it ont of his unique expcrienr<·. 1 Chicago Motor Club J Cit izcn s in tcr<' , ted in d<"n·lopin g t ht' causes and cure of the cpickmir oi crimes against p rson~ and prnpnt ,. in this and oth<'r communities will have a opportunity to air thc·ir view" at the question period \\·hich follm\.., ~fr. Eyting·e's address, Fred A. ~foor('. cxccu t i \'l' d i rcrt or n f the Forum ;111 1. otm ccd. a Eytinge':-- "come-hack" is OtH· I ot the most . pertarular in hi-,t(!ry. lll' ..,t·n·ed t h r<:e prison sent cnct·.., t1·r iorgery and s\\'indling \\'hirh had tlt't tt·d him a handsome income. .\ n .-\ril'ona jur_ , - corn-ited him of 1111mlt- r on rircum~tantial e\·idencc which \\';t ... hown to be \\'ithout foundation ;\ nd after ]() years impri~onnwnt for th;tt Ctft(·n~t· Eyti11g-e wa..; pardont>d. l~t ·hind prison walls he made him"t'lf :t 11 o t c d ad n· r tis i 11 g spec i a 1i '> t. tum in .~ o 11 t 1 lllOrc than a hundrt'd hu:-.ine::.~ nn ~- 1 azine articles, two hook :-; on btt ~inc..;~ I lettt'r~. a mag;azin<' in the direct adY<:rtising field which he founded. f\\O -,ucn·:-.~ ful motion picture drama s, and other writ in ,C!,s. ~[r. I yourneighb why she 1 \ Yhen his pardon wa~ secured throu~h the t'!Torts oi the :\ ~so iatcrl Ad,·erti~ing Clubs nf the \Yor!d :tnd otht·r ;·.gencies which came t(\ kno\\ ! IH· 1 : \rizona prisoner thr o u~h ], ;.., \\ n··k, Fytinge inm ;."diatcly obtained a . .'lll.OOO a year po~it ion in \.'"n, Y(lrk and m.ull' 1 great !-'tric!t-.., in tIll' hthint ·~:-. ",,,Jd . ' Tnten. ·-,t in 1ht· rirnlllhtancvs that "l'n! men to prison ;tnd in thl' ahcration (l; · tltOSl' circum~tann·-, kd ~fr. E\· tin~·t· to give an incn'<bing share oi hi~ t it,;t . t C' crime a 11 d p r i :-. o 1h. 1 I e h :t s ~ p d-:, · 11 ~ hdore tlltrncrous k .~islatin· and c;\ H' hodie~ considering \\ ;t \'~ tn cotll !1;, t <. 1·imc. and in rt·c t.'nt ~-e,;r~ ha" IH'l'Oillt' a noted ~pea kn at inr11n1:-. -,imila r H1 that inauguratt·d in tht' :\pollo tht·:ttrv' h y t h t' rt'J 1r <. ·.., t.' n t a t i ' ·v s o f It: :1 d i n g r i ' i c and welfare on. .!·anizations \\·ho n1ake up the Chicago . Forum Council. onth The For 11m ha .., t he e 11 do r.., t'll1t'll t a 11 d I <tctin· :-.upport oi Ill any north -,hort' r('~ i denb. Luggage and accessories of leather always have been most acceptable as gifts. Save money; use a 25-ride or 10 .. ride ticke t. Every half hour, day and evening, there's an express train to downtown Chicago; and the sall1e halfhourly express service returning. In addition there are 47 ChicagoMilwaukee trains daily. Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee Railroad Company The High-Speed El(~ctrified Railroad I Wilmette Passenger Station Telephone Wilmette 2514 - - -- - --·-- ·-- I