Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Dec 1925, p. 33

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December 11, 1925 WILMETTE leaders, trained by Robert Lawrence, the well known music director of Washington, D. C. A special "remembrance carol" will be sung where two candles in . the window signify that a member of the family is absent. LIFE 33 - CHRISTMAS CAROLING MOVEMENT PROGRESSES Two Thousand Cities and Towns Revive Age-old ' Custom· Ob' serve Ceremony Here ' has ~rs. tilk red rcu- the ()ne a The revival of the old-time Old \\" orld custom of Christmas Ev~ caroling has _made, such rapid progress 1I1 the Untted States dunng the past decade, according to the statistics of the !\ational Bureau for the Advancement of Mu ic, that it will be organized in probably more than 2 000 towns and cities this year, many 'of which art' already rt:cruiting and rehearsing their singers. \\'ilmette has been observing the cmtom for ~everal vears. Among the fir -t to antwuncJe ib plan~ i. Chicago, who se caroling committee includes Mayor De,·er as honorary chairman, ~fax 1fa..,on and Harry Pratt Johnson, pre~idcnt and pre ~ iden t emeritus respect i vch· of the Cnivcrsity of Chicago, Fre(! rick :-;tuck, director of the Chicago Sym'·Jh(,llY orchestra. \Villiam ~1 rAndrew. ·. uperintendent of school.. and ~1 r:'. James \V. ·M orrison, presirlent oi the Illinoi.-. League of \Vomcn Voters. llotel lobbies, school-;. church<:~. theata ... , clubs, home ..... hn ·pita],, jails and all public instit ut ioth whl're Jl(!Oplc :trt· gathered "·ill hl' vi ... itt·d ll\· the l!rDllp oi carCJI singt·r :-. , :-tnd thtir ·music ,,·ill also be hroadca-t ll\· radic,. The romrnittee pl:tn-, tc· !Ja,·v· < ' \t·n· human ,·oict · in Chical!n jc11n in the sin~ing "11 (' h r i "t m :1.... F n · and (' h r i ~ t m a.., m on;1111! . being widely u~ed by the 1tinerant bands, and which 3:dds so much to the color and picturesqueness of the scene. Those who organize the groups are most frequently school teachers, music teachers, Sunday school superintendPopular in Country ents, club leaders and individuals genOne of the interesting later devel- erally who enjoy working with young opments of the movement has been people and helping them to serve their its spread into the rural communi- community. ties, with the carolers conveyed by auto, or when there is sn ow on the 1Irs. Benjamin C. Hawkes, 157 Kenground, h y sleigh, from village to vil- ilworth avenue, Kcnil\\·orth, entertainlage . In North Dakota the state uni - t·d Saturday at a ~mall luncheon for versity at Grand Forks, through it s her daughter-in - law. :.Ir:-.. Belnap extension division, is giving imp etus Hawkes of Buffa'lo. to this activity for the coming Christma~. For those who wish to organize caro ling groups there is con. id e rable information and assistance available, which may he obtained by writing to the Kational Bureau for the AdvancellH: nt of ~~ u sic at 45 \\.est 45th street, ~ n\· York, and which is free upon rcque t in "ingl<· copies. rt includes the general d<':-.criptive hooklet, "Christma~ EYe t'aroling Being Revived." outlining- the methods adopted in p laces oi various size . . a su rv ey listing the 1.2K"' tCtwns and cities, reports of whose caroling activity had been received up to l~t . . t yt'ar. and a paper pattern of tht· hcJ(HI and cape co,tume \\·hirh j, Featuring Exclusively The Give Cotnfort for Christmas WHAT GIFT could be more practical. or give greater happiness to everyone tn the family, or be more lasting year in and year out than a HARDINGE Featured in . IS de- Collect for Needy fn Dvtrir·t. ,,.htTl' the rar(·ling has ht·· ·11 done nn a larger :-.rale each _\t'.tr -,itl<'t' ]tJlr,, the h.('ad of the 102S r I ill J I 1l j t t t' l' i... :. r r . . ' n. c h a Ill h ('rIa iII' rhairman t1i tht· Fine :\rt... department, Dt·trc1it Ft ·dn ;ttinn of \\ .()!11l'll ·, rluh-.. Tilt· \'arnp F ire Cirl and th<' !;irl ~~out ... "ill iurni -. h t lw rarolitH! hand:-., r1r \'. ait-.. ic1r tht · rnidential di-trict-.. In thi-. rih·, a-, in ~t. J,c,ui-.., Atlanta anrl Cltht·r-.. a .charit ;tldt purpo-.e ha<> hren t' Cii!Jhined \\·ith thv ~ncia l one oi bringin~! tht· nH.·, . . ;u!e of g0(1d will t n all thrr1t11!h thl' bright and rharri1ing traditional llll'l()die-.. . fn <'ach of thesl' ~dace ... monn· cnlkctcd h,· the carolers ha ... "!Otlt..' to~,·ard the car~' of the citv' nt ·t·dy children. · Oil Burner for the home? It brings cozy warmth to those who occupy the house while you are at business-without other attention than s~tting the thermostat. Warmth in every room for long winter evenings at home. Warmth on arising on the coldest mornings. Ask about the inexpensive new model Hardinge designed for homes. Its convenience and economy are a revelation. c. Visurles. to Marmon Improvements Double Fire Ignition Chassis Lubrication 3 Way Oil Purifier Our BLACK SATIN and PATENT For Afternoon Wear Widths AAAA to D Lengths 4 to 10 scientific method of fitting insures permanent comfort · Marmon North Shore Sales and Service 1008 Davis St. Greenleaf 1038 The ~fu .,ic League oi Phibdrlphia i . . orl!anizing tht· car(llinl! in that ritv a-, it has dnne for the pa'-t t\H) year·s and is preparing Nl,OOO song sheets for the purpose. The rehearsing willj 1a l _ H _ ' __ in ___ t1_le __l_ _n _c_ l~~l1a~~ of 150 .Ot~ - Arch Preserver Shoe Shop New Carlson Building 630 Church Street, Evanston L (g; 508 Davis St., Evanston U oiversity 213 2 REfJuGERATING~ ··~trn ~~J EVANSTON Open until 9 : 30 P.M. UIIUO ~ ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-· -J _D _S _D _z _z _z _z _J __ D __ z __ za_ e_ t _t_ t_ C _ C _ C _ C _ C _C _C _t___ DON'T LET IT HAPPEN TO YOU / We have had Hurry-up Calls from those that have allowed their fuel supply to run low, in fact run out. This would be a very unfortunate occurrence during Christmas. So if your coal supply is low, phone us at once and we will fill your bins the ··Nillesway. " & M. C«? UNIVERSITY 5200 WilMETTE GLENCOE uoo 333 NOI?THBROOK <:<>Al.. & NJArJ::IliAL <:<>. There's one of our Coal StatioM Near You

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